- brown-speckled European lark noted for singing while hovering at a great height (同)Alauda arvensis
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/27 23:13:43」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- カナダのバンドについては「スカイラーク (カナダのバンド)」をご覧ください。
- その他の用途については「スカイラーク (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。
Skylark |
出身地 |
イタリア ロンバルディア州
ミラノ県 ミラノ |
ジャンル |
パワーメタル |
活動期間 |
1994年 - |
レーベル |
Underground Symphony
Hot Rockin'
サウンドホリック |
公式サイト |
www.skylarkrock.com |
メンバー |
ブロド (ベース、ギター)
エディ・アントニーニ (キーボード) |
旧メンバー |
ファビオ・ドッツォ (ボーカル)
カルロス (ドラムス)
キアラ (ボーカル)
ポタ (ギター) |
スカイラーク (Skylark) は、イタリアで結成されたパワーメタルバンド。
- 1 概要
- 2 音楽性
- 3 メンバー
- 4 ディスコグラフィー
- 5 外部リンク
エディ・アントニーニ(Eddy Antonini)のクラシカルな旋律が特徴と言える。初期の頃はB級色が強かったがアルバムを発表するにつれて、サウンド・歌唱を含め徐々に洗練されてゆく。中でも「Gate of hell」「Gate of heaven」は傑作として知られている。ジャケットもLuis Royoによるもので評価が高い。
- Bass/Guitar:ブロド Brodo
- Keyboard:エディ・アントニーニ Eddy Antonini
- Vocal:ファビオ・ドッツォ Fabio Dozzo
- Guitar:ポタ Pota
- Drums:カルロス Carlos
- Vocal:キアラ Kiara
- Vocal:アシュリー Ashley
- 1995 The Horizon & The Storm(自主制作)
- 1996 Waiting for the Princess...(マキシ)
- 1997 Dragon's Secrets
- 1998 After The Storm(The Horizon & The StormとWaiting for the Princess...が収録された再発盤)
- 1999 Belzebu(マキシ)
- 1999 Divine Gates part I -Gate Of Hell-
- 2000 Divine Gates part II -Gate Of Heaven-
- 2001 The Princess' Day
- 2004 Wings
- 2004 In The Heart Of The Princess(ベスト盤)
- 2005 Fairytales
- 2007 Divine Gates part III -The Last Gate-
- 2009 Divine Gates part IV: the Live Gate
- 2010 全部(セルフカバー集)
- 2012 Twilights of Sand
- 2013 Divine Gates Part V Chapter-1 The Road To The Light(リマスター・ベスト)
- バンド公式サイト (日本語)
- バンド公式サイト (英語)
- スカイラーク - Myspace
[Wiki en表示]
"Skylark" redirects here. For other uses, see Skylark (disambiguation).
Alauda |
Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis) |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Chordata |
Class: |
Aves |
Order: |
Passeriformes |
Family: |
Alaudidae |
Genus: |
Linnaeus, 1758 |
Species |
A. arvensis
A. gulgula
A. razae
Alauda is a genus of larks with four species found across much of Europe, Asia and in the mountains of north Africa, and one species (the Raso lark) endemic to the islet of Raso in the Cape Verde Islands.
These birds are 14–18 cm long and live in cultivation, heath, natural steppe and other open habitats. The long, unbroken song is a clear, bubbling, warble delivered high in the air while the bird is rising, circling or hovering.[1] They are fairly undistinguished: streaked brown above and pale below, with a short, blunt, erectile crest. In flight, they display a short tail and short broad wings. The tail and the rear edge of the wings are edged with white.
Their diet consists of seeds, supplemented with insects in the breeding season. They nest on the ground in tufts of grass, with three to six eggs per clutch. They form flocks when not breeding.
- 1 Species in taxonomic order
- 2 Fossil record
- 3 Musical references
- 4 In literature
- 5 References
Species in taxonomic order
- Eurasian skylark, Alauda arvensis
- Japanese skylark, Alauda a. japonica
- Oriental skylark, Alauda gulgula
- Raso lark, Alauda razae
Fossil record
- Alauda xerarvensis (late Pliocene of Varshets, Bulgaria)[2]
- Alauda tivadari (late Miocene of Polgardi, Hungary)[3]
Musical references
- Alouette (song)
- Ciocârlia (lăutăresc tune)
In literature
- To a Skylark, a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley
- ^ Young, Geoffrey (1985). The Sunday Times Countryside Companion. Country Life Books. p. 145. ISBN 0-600-35729-5.
- ^ Boev, Z. 2012. Neogene Larks (Aves: Alaudidae (Vigors, 1825)) from Bulgaria - Acta zoologica bulgarica, 64 (3), 2012: 295-318.
- ^ Kessler, E. 2013. Neogene songbirds (Aves, Passeriformes) from Hungary. – Hantkeniana, Budapest, 2013, 8: 37-149.
- Mullarney, Svensson, Zetterstrom and Grant, Collins Bird Guide ISBN 0-00-219728-6
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Alauda. |
Wikispecies has information related to: Alauda |
English Journal
- Using toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic modeling as an acute risk assessment refinement approach in vertebrate ecological risk assessment.
- Ducrot V1, Ashauer R2, Bednarska AJ3,4, Hinarejos S5, Thorbek P4, Weyman G6.
- Integrated environmental assessment and management.Integr Environ Assess Manag.2015 Apr 1. doi: 10.1002/ieam.1641. [Epub ahead of print]
- Recent guidance identified toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TK-TD) modeling as a relevant approach for risk assessment refinement. Yet, its added value compared to other refinement options is not detailed, and how to conduct the modeling appropriately is not explained. This case study addresses these is
- PMID 25833822
- Inferring the nature of anthropogenic threats from long-term abundance records.
- Shoemaker KT1, Akçakaya HR.
- Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology.Conserv Biol.2015 Feb;29(1):238-49. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12353. Epub 2014 Jul 26.
- Diagnosing the processes that threaten species persistence is critical for recovery planning and risk forecasting. Dominant threats are typically inferred by experts on the basis of a patchwork of informal methods. Transparent, quantitative diagnostic tools would contribute much-needed consistency,
- PMID 25065712
- Skylarks trade size and energy content in weed seeds to maximize total ingested lipid biomass.
- Gaba S1, Collas C2, Powolny T3, Bretagnolle F4, Bretagnolle V5.
- Behavioural processes.Behav Processes.2014 Oct;108:142-50. doi: 10.1016/j.beproc.2014.10.004. Epub 2014 Oct 28.
- The trade-off between forage quality and quantity has been particularly studied in herbivore organisms, but much less for seed eating animals, in particular seed-eating birds which constitute the bulk of wintering passerines in European farmlands. The skylark is one of the commonest farmland birds i
- PMID 25452078
Japanese Journal
- Factors affecting nest success of the Oriental Skylark on the Tibetan Plateau
- 参加型調査で収集した各種鳥類の初認,初鳴きのデータ
- Population trends of grassland birds in Hokkaido, focussing on the drastic decline of the Yellow-breasted Bunting
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