- failure to declare income in order to avoid paying taxes on it
- the act of removing floating material from the surface of a liquid
- (牛乳などの)上皮をすくい取ること / 《米俗》(税金をごまかすため)とばくのもうけの一部を隠すこと
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/20 22:36:04」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Sports and games
- 2 Money, crime, and business
- 3 Computers
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
Skim or skimming may refer to:
Sports and games[edit]
- Skimboarding, also skimming, a sport which involves riding a board on wet sand or shallow water
- Snowmobile skipping, also known as skimming, operating a snowmobile on water
- Stone skimming, skipping or bouncing a stone on a water surface
Money, crime, and business[edit]
- Price skimming, a marketing term
- Skimming (credit card fraud), a type of credit card fraud
- Skimming (fraud), a cash fraud
- Skimming (casinos), one variant of this, in which organized crime took part of the take collected by casinos in Las Vegas
- Skim (software), an open-source PDF reader
- Smart Common Input Method, also called 'SKIM' when optimized for the K Desktop Environment
- Skimming (reading), a process or technique of speed reading
- Skim (graphic novel), a Canadian coming-of-age graphic novel
See also[edit]
- Skimmer (machine), a machine that separates liquids or solids from the top of a liquid, e.g. cream from whole milk or oil from an ocean spill
- Skim milk, a variety of milk from which the fat has been removed
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English Journal
- Design parameters for the separation of fat from natural whole milk in an ultrasonic litre-scale vessel.
- Leong T1, Johansson L2, Juliano P3, Mawson R3, McArthur S4, Manasseh R2.
- Ultrasonics sonochemistry.Ultrason Sonochem.2014 Jul;21(4):1289-98. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2014.01.007. Epub 2014 Jan 13.
- The separation of milk fat from natural whole milk has been achieved by applying ultrasonic standing waves (1 MHz and/or 2 MHz) in a litre-scale (5L capacity) batch system. Various design parameters were tested such as power input level, process time, specific energy, transducer-reflector distance a
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- Gao C1, Xu F2, Liu GG3.
- Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.2014 Jun;111:10-6. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.03.035. Epub 2014 Apr 1.
- This paper is intended to assess the primary effects on cost, utilization and quality of care from payment reform of capitation and open enrollment in Changde city, Hunan Province of China. Open enrollment policy was introduced to deal with possible cream skimming associated with capitation. Based o
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- Dang CT, Radha H.
- IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.IEEE Trans Image Process.2014 Apr 29. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Hematocrit, viscosity and velocity distributions of aggregating and non-aggregating blood in a bifurcating microchannel.
- Sherwood JM1, Kaliviotis E, Dusting J, Balabani S.
- Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology.Biomech Model Mechanobiol.2014 Apr;13(2):259-73. doi: 10.1007/s10237-012-0449-9. Epub 2012 Nov 1.
- Microscale blood flow is characterised by heterogeneous distributions of hematocrit, viscosity and velocity. In microvascular bifurcations, cells are unevenly distributed between the branches, and this effect can be amplified in subsequent branches depending on a number of parameters. We propose an
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Japanese Journal
- 27pEG-4 中エネルギーHeイオン入射に対する"かすめ衝突効果"(27pEG 放射線物理(放射線損傷・阻止能・二次電子放出・クラスター),領域1(原子・分子,量子エレクトロニクス,放射線物理))
- 城戸 義明,冨永 一貴,松田 太志,光原 圭,Grande P. L.,Schiwietz G.
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 68(1-2), 223, 2013-03-26
- NAID 110009643217
- 階段状水路のskimming flowにおける空気混入不等流解析
- GRB起源PeV-EeVタウニュートリノ初探査(最近の研究から)
- 浅岡 陽一,佐々木 真人
- 日本物理學會誌 67(10), 710-714, 2012-10-05
- 試運転期のAshra集光器を用いた,初めてのGRB起源タウニュートリノ(ν_r)探索結果を報告する.本探索では検出方法として,地球かすりν_τ起源のタウ崩壊空気シャワーからのチェレンコフ光のイメージングを用いている.この方法には,大質量を有する山や地殻をニュートリノ相互作用の標的として使用すると同時に,バックグラウンドとなる宇宙線2次粒子を完壁に遮蔽することができるという大きな利点がある.我々は, …
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- 日下 隆司
- 日本高専学会誌 : journal of the Japan Association for College of Technology 17(3), 87-91, 2012-07-31
- 鈴鹿高専では,2006年度後期より,本科3年生を対象にオーラル・コミュニケーションを主眼とした少人数の授業形式を行っている.しかし,学生の授業評価の高さとは異なり,年度別のTOEICスコアの推移は低調なものであった.問題,点として,次年度以降に学生に英語学習を継続的に促す授業がないことが考えられた.そこで,本論ではTOEICに特化した2009年度と2011年度に行った4年次の『英語IVA』の授業方 …
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