English Journal
- Foreign bodies in the rectum - an unusual surgical problem.
- Buczyński J, Langner E, Dziki A.AbstractA foreign body in the rectum is not a very common emergency case in surgical practice, of various etiology. In the years 2003-2011, 8 people were hospitalised in the Clinic of General and Colorectal Surgery due to a foreign body in the rectum. All the patients were male. All of them were qualified for foreign body removal in a surgical suite, under general anaesthesia due to a potential need for expanding the scope of the procedure. In all situations attempts were made at removing the object through the anus, which proved successful in 7 cases, without complications.In one case the scope of the procedure needed to be expanded with laparotomy and sigmoidotomy, through which the foreign body was removed. This procedure was also carried out with no complications.
- Polski przeglad chirurgiczny.Pol Przegl Chir.2012 Sep;84(9):454-6. doi: 10.2478/v10035-012-0077-1.
- A foreign body in the rectum is not a very common emergency case in surgical practice, of various etiology. In the years 2003-2011, 8 people were hospitalised in the Clinic of General and Colorectal Surgery due to a foreign body in the rectum. All the patients were male. All of them were qualified f
- PMID 23241661
- [Non-fatal rupture of a cocaine packet in a man with the 'bodypacker' syndrome].
- Haveman JW1, Sonneveld DJ, Uges DR, Delwig H, Zijlstra JG.Author information 1Afd. Heelkunde Intensive Care, Academisch Ziekenhuis, Postbus 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen. j.w.haveman@chir.azg.nlAbstractA 24-year-old patient was admitted to the intensive care unit because he had swallowed about 20 cocaine packets 48 hours before admission; he also complained of abdominal cramps, perspiration and dizziness. The patient reported that he had not defecated since swallowing the packets. Abdominal X-ray revealed only coprotasis. On conservative therapy with bowel irrigation, two packets were eliminated, after which a second abdominal X-ray revealed several cocaine packets in the colon. Four days afterwards, the cocaine packets in the colon had not progressed despite adequate bowel irrigation. The patient now showed signs of mild cocaine intoxication (hallucinations and tachycardia). It was therefore decided to perform a laparotomy. Via a sigmoidotomy, 7 intact packets were removed; another 3 had already ruptured and were empty. The rupture of 3 cocaine packets in this patient was probably not fatal because of the sedation with midazolam and because the patient had diarrhoea as a result of the extensive irrigation, so that a large proportion of the cocaine was probably not absorbed. This case also shows that the presence of foreign bodies cannot be established adequately by an abdominal X-ray if there is coprostasis.
- Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde.Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.2002 Nov 23;146(47):2246-50.
- A 24-year-old patient was admitted to the intensive care unit because he had swallowed about 20 cocaine packets 48 hours before admission; he also complained of abdominal cramps, perspiration and dizziness. The patient reported that he had not defecated since swallowing the packets. Abdominal X-ray
- PMID 12481521
- [Single-row wire suture of the sigmoid in Goodwin operations].
- Tóth C, Hódi I, Holman E.AbstractIn Goodwin operations the authors have closed the intestinal wound resulting from longitudinal sigmoidotomy using a single-row uninterrupted transverse suture with atraumatic monofile steel wire. This suture technique has proved to be safe. No complications which might be associated with it have been observed.
- Zeitschrift für Urologie und Nephrologie.Z Urol Nephrol.1983 Nov;76(11):707-11.
- In Goodwin operations the authors have closed the intestinal wound resulting from longitudinal sigmoidotomy using a single-row uninterrupted transverse suture with atraumatic monofile steel wire. This suture technique has proved to be safe. No complications which might be associated with it have bee
- PMID 6364626
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- sigmoidotomy sig·moid·ot·o·my (sĭg'moi-dŏt'ə-mē) n. Surgical opening of the sigmoid colon.
- sigmoidotomy [sig″moi-dot´ah-me] incision of the sigmoid. sig·moi·dot·o·my (sig'moy-dot'ŏ-mē), Surgical opening of the sigmoid. [sigmoido- + G. tomē, incision] sigmoidotomy /sig·moid·ot·o·my/ (sig″moi-dot´ah-me) incision of the ...
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- sigmoidotomy, sigmoidostomy