- 病気にならせる;うんざりする,いやな
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English Journal
- Acquisition of Iron Is Required for Growth of Salmonella spp. in Tomato Fruit.
- Nugent SL1, Meng F2, Martin GB3, Altier C4.
- Applied and environmental microbiology.Appl Environ Microbiol.2015 Jun;81(11):3663-70. doi: 10.1128/AEM.04257-14. Epub 2015 Mar 20.
- Salmonella remains a leading cause of bacterial food-borne disease, sickening millions each year. Although outbreaks of salmonellosis have traditionally been associated with contaminated meat products, recent years have seen numerous disease cases caused by the consumption of produce. Tomatoes have
- PMID 25795672
- Less sickness with more motion and/or mental distraction.
- Bos JE1.
- Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation.J Vestib Res.2015;25(1):23-33. doi: 10.3233/VES-150541.
- BACKGROUND: Motion sickness may reduce passenger comfort and crew performance. Countermeasures are dominated by medication with specific and often undesirable side effects.OBJECTIVE: To shown that sickness due to motion can be reduced by adding an inherent non-sickening vibration and by mental distr
- PMID 25882474
- Mass poisoning after consumption of a hawksbill turtle, Federated States of Micronesia, 2010.
- Pavlin BI1, Musto J2, Pretrick M3, Sarofalpiy J3, Sappa P4, Shapucy S4, Kool J2.
- Western Pacific surveillance and response journal : WPSAR.Western Pac Surveill Response J.2015 Jan 26;6(1):25-32. doi: 10.2471/WPSAR.2014.5.3.006.
- BACKGROUND: Marine turtles of all species are capable of being toxic. On 17 October 2010, health authorities in the Federated States of Micronesia were notified of the sudden death of three children and the sickening of approximately 20 other people on Murilo Atoll in Chuuk State. The illnesses were
- PMID 26045970
Japanese Journal
- 「毒の木」幻想とグローバリゼーション : Erasmus DarwinからRudyard Kiplingまで(関東英文学研究)
- アルヴィ 宮本 なほ子
- 英文学研究. 支部統合号 2, 237-251, 2009-12-15
- … After the decomposition of the old myth of the poison tree of Java, however, the upas tree acquires powerful new images as a critique to colonialism and globalization, in the hands of poets and novelists, who metaphorically transformed the plant into an image of Britain's sickening global power and extending network of colonialism. …
- NAID 110009822288
- 大学入学当初での医療問題に関する小グループ討論導入の効果
- 落合 幸子,藤井 恭子
- 茨城県立医療大学紀要 8, 79-87, 2003-03
- 大学入学当初に医療問題に関する半期15回の討論導入の効果を明らかにする。T大学で行われた臨床人間学の授業を追試しているが, 討論の前にマークシートで意見表明を行い, 意見分布を確認してから討論するという方法をとった点が異なっている。授業の最初と最後に調査し, 最初の結果について因子分析した結果, 討論の能力に対する自己評価, 人間の生老病死に対する興味・関心, 医療問題に対する興味・関心の3因子が …
- NAID 110000487074
- 日本語版マギルとう痛て質問表による口腔顎顎面領域疾患の病態診断法
- 木野 孔司,杉崎 正志,伊藤 博哉,天笠 光雄,田辺 晴康,須田 英明,鈴木 長明,椎名 順朗,別部 智司
- 日本口腔科学会雑誌 46(4), 444-456, 1997
- … The terms were as follows: "swelling" for the pulpitus and apical periodontitis group, "piercing" for the pain after exodontia group, "tugging" for the temporomandibular "biribiri (in Japanese)", "bien (in Japanese)", "pricking", "piercing" and "numbing" for the trigeminal neuralgia group, "tender" for the malignant tumor group, "tingling", "itchy", "sickening" and "very uncomfortable" for the atypical facial pain group, "piripiri (in Japanese)", "biribiri (in Japanese)", "tugging" and "numbing" for the trigeminal paralysis group. …
- NAID 130004114376
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