- without blushing; "his principal opponent unblushingly declared victory before the ballots had been counted"
- in a ravishing manner or to a ravishing degree; "she was ravishingly beautiful"
- so as to disappear or approach zero; "errors are vanishingly rare"
- in a gushing manner; "a gushingly prolific writer"
- (geology) sediment in which flat pebbles are uniformly tilted in the same direction
- the laying on of shingles; "shingling is a craft very different from carpentry"
- 小石(じゃり)の多い
Japanese Journal
- ヒロハマツナ群落の植物社会学的研究および九州西部におけるマツナ属植物の分布
- 中西 弘樹
- 植生学会誌 : vegetation science 18(2), 99-106, 2001-12-25
- 1.アカザ科マツナ属(Suaeda)のヒロハマツナについて,分布の現状および群落の生態,特に植生単位を決定すると共に,ヒロハマツナと比較するために,日本のマツナ属すべてが産する九州西部においてそれらの詳しい分有を明らかにした. 2.ヒロハマツナの分布は,東海,近畿,中国,九州の11県から記録されているが,岡山県,福岡県,熊本県,鹿児島県ではすでに絶滅したか現状不明であり,愛知県では生育地が1ケ所, …
- NAID 110008145252
- 中西 弘樹,福本 紘
- 日本生態学会誌 37(3), 197-207, 1987-12-31
- … The vegetational zonation of sandy and shingly coasts in the southern Kii Peninula (Honshu), southern Shikoku and southeastern Kyushu was studied in relation to depositional topography. … On shingly coasts the vegetation occurs from near the shoreline, especially on the large shingle beach ridge. …
- NAID 110001881815
- 中西 弘樹
- 日本生態学会誌 30(3), 251-257, 1980-09-30
- … This community usually develops on the stable sandy or shingly coast with some amount of organic matter. …
- NAID 110001881602
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- alarmingly、amazingly、surprisingly