sexual masochism


  1. of or relating to or characterized by sexuality; "sexual orientation"; "sexual distinctions"
  2. having or involving sex; "sexual reproduction"; "sexual spores"
  3. sexual pleasure obtained from receiving punishment (physical or psychological)


  1. 性の,男女(雌雄)の / 有性生殖の
  2. 被虐性変態性欲,マゾヒズム

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English Journal

  • Pop vampires, freud, and primary masochism.
  • Henry C.Author information 1 Brookline Place, #426, Brookline, MA 02445. E-mail: are often portrayed as seductive. It is difficult to separate this association from the sadistic nature of the figure-a connection that is dependent upon a potential masochism within the victim. Post-Freudian contributions on sadism, masochism, and sexuality have emphasized the role of traumatic factors in influencing the development of sadomasochistic urges. However, the popularity of the vampire figure evidences a role for Freud's notion of an inherent primary masochism. This erotic impulse is primitive in nature and seemingly nonoedipal. Vampire dramatizations are a convenient location for the playing out of these repressed tensions.
  • Psychoanalytic review.Psychoanal Rev.2014 Feb;101(1):25-38. doi: 10.1521/prev.2014.101.1.25.
  • Vampires are often portrayed as seductive. It is difficult to separate this association from the sadistic nature of the figure-a connection that is dependent upon a potential masochism within the victim. Post-Freudian contributions on sadism, masochism, and sexuality have emphasized the role of trau
  • PMID 24555550
  • Vorarephilia: a case study in masochism and erotic consumption.
  • Lykins AD1, Cantor JM.Author information 1Discipline of Psychology, School of Behavioural, Cognitive, and Social Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2350, Australia, ("vore") is an infrequently presenting paraphilia, characterized by the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature. Few data exist on vore though several cases have been reported which appear to be consistent with basic vorarephilic interests. Because this sexual interest cannot be enacted in real life due to physical and/or legal restraints, vorarephilic fantasies are often composed in text or illustrations and shared with other members of this subculture via the Internet. Similarities with aspects of bondage/dominance sadomasochism interests, more specifically dominance and submission, are noted. The current case report describes a man with masochistic sexual interests which intersected with submissive vorarephilic fantasy.
  • Archives of sexual behavior.Arch Sex Behav.2014 Jan;43(1):181-6. doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0185-y. Epub 2013 Sep 21.
  • Vorarephilia ("vore") is an infrequently presenting paraphilia, characterized by the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature. Few data exist on vore though several cases have been reported which appear to be consistent with basic vorarephilic interests. Because this sex
  • PMID 24057211

Japanese Journal

  • サドの「道徳」教育論-不道徳言説にみる徳の逆照射-
  • 山本 孝司
  • 九州看護福祉大学紀要 12(1), 131-141, 2012-03
  • … サディズムは性的嗜好の一つで「加虐性欲」という意味合いで、マゾヒズム(Masochism)とセットにされて変態性欲の俗称となっている。 … Sadism is one of the sexual preferences, it is made to masochism and the set, and the common name of the sexual perversion. … At first, his work was read only among dilettantes because of his perverted sex and Perverted Sexual description in work. …
  • NAID 110008917885
  • 女性の性的自立におけるマゾヒズム的行為体の可能性
  • 日合 あかね
  • フォーラム現代社会学 (4), 96-107, 2005-05-28
  • 本稿の目的は、女性の性的自立の可能性について探究を行うことにある。そのために、通常は女性の性的自立と対立するものとされるマゾヒズムを取り上げ、女性のマゾヒズムが性的自立に導きうる可能性を検討する。女性の積極的なマゾヒズムの実践が現状の権力構造を脱構築する可能性を検討し、あわせて、マゾヒズムのより深い理解へ至るよう努める。ジェンダーの文化的偏向によって、男性のそれとは異なり、女性のマゾヒズムは自然本 …
  • NAID 110009564762

Related Links

Symptoms Individuals with sexual masochism experience sexual excitement from physically or psychologically receiving pain, suffering, and/or humiliation. They may be receiving the pain, suffering, or humiliation at the ...
Definition of Sexual Masochism: Sexual masochism falls under the psychiatric sexual disorders category of paraphilias, meaning "abnormal or unnatural attraction." Sexual masochism refers to engaging in or... ... Sexual masochism ...




sexual masochism



  • adj.
  • 性的な



  [★] 性的マゾヒズム