- a firework that moves in serpentine manner when ignited
- an obsolete bass cornet; resembles a snake
- resembling a serpent in form; "a serpentine wall"; "snaky ridges in the sand" (同)snaky, snakelike
- huge creature of the sea resembling a snake or dragon
- (特に大きくて毒を持った)『ヘビ』(『蛇』) / 蛇に似た怪物(dragonなど) / こうかつな人,陰険な人
- 蛇の[ような] / (蛇のように)曲がりくねった(winding) / ずるい(cunning)
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[Wiki ja表示]
サーペント(Serpent)はラテン語の(Serpens, Serpentis)を由来とする言葉。
- 英語でヘビの別名。比較的大型の、特に毒蛇に使われる。大蛇。
- 蛇神のこと。男根の象徴ともされ、男性神とされることもある。しかし、本来は大地母神への関わりが深く、ヘビの姿をとる女神も多い。
- 西洋では古き蛇、つまり悪魔の異称として使われる。古代から近世にかけてはドラゴンとかなり混同されていた。サタン、ピュトン、アポピス(アペプ)、ウロボロス、ヨルムンガンドなども参照のこと。
- 東洋では基本的に水神であり、竜と混同されること多い。八岐大蛇、大物主、タケミナカタ、アシナヅチ・テナヅチ、ナーガ、ケツァルコアトルなども参照のこと。
- シーサーペント(Sea Serpent)は、北ヨーロッパに伝わる架空の怪物、あるいはUMAのこと。大海蛇、海竜。ヒュドラのほか、しばしばテュポンやレヴィアタン、クラーケンなどとも混同される。
- 管楽器の一つ、セルパン(Serpent)。ユーフォニアムやチューバの祖先。
- ヘビに関する星座のこと(Serpent)。
- へび座(Serpens)。元はへびつかい座(Ophiuchus)の一部であった。
- うみへび座(Hydra)。ヘラクレス(ヘルクレス座)に退治されたヒュドラが天に上がり星座となった。
- みずへび座(Hydrus)。
- 十二支の巳(The Snake)も参照のこと。
- 暗号化アルゴリズムの一つ ⇒ Serpent (暗号)
- イギリス海軍の軍艦(HMS Serpent)。
- 連続殺人鬼シャルル・ソブラジ(Charles Sobhraj)のニックネーム(The Serpent)。
- OVA『新機動戦記ガンダムW Endless Waltz』に登場する、架空の兵器。⇒アフターコロニーの機動兵器#サーペントを参照。
- 日本のメロディックデスメタルバンド。→SERPENTを参照。
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[Wiki en表示]
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Serpent is a synonym for snake.
Serpent or The Serpent may also refer to:
- 1 Books, mythology, films, and plays
- 2 Music
- 3 Constellations
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
Books, mythology, films, and plays
- Serpent (symbolism), the name given to a snake in a religious or mythological context
- Serpent (Bible), said to have tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
- Sea serpent, a mythological sea monster
- The Serpent (2006 film), French film
- The Serpent (1916 film), starring Theda Bara
- Le Serpent, French title for the 1973 French film Night Flight from Moscow
- Serpent (novel), by Clive Cussler
- The Serpent (novel), by Jane Gaskell
- The Serpent, a play created by The Open Theater
- Serpent (band), heavy metal band
- Thy Serpent, a Finnish black metal band
- Serpent (instrument), a member of the brass family
- The Serpent (album), by the band Still Remains
- Serpent (album), a 2011 album by Circle
- "The Serpent", song from Genesis's 1969 album From Genesis to Revelation
- Hydra (constellation), the many-headed serpent killed by Heracles
- Hydrus, the water snake, is a minor southern constellation
- Serpens, which represents a snake being tamed by the snake-handler Ophiuchus
- Serpent (cipher) in cryptography
- HMS Serpent, several British Royal Navy ships
- "The Serpent", nickname for serial killer Charles Sobhraj
- Serpent Model Racing Cars, radio-controlled car manufacturer from the Netherlands
- Serpent (video game), a Game Boy action video game
- Serpent (roller coaster), a steel roller coaster at Six Flags AstroWorld
- Serpent (software) - a neutron transport code
- Serpent Lake, a lake in Minnesota
See also
- Dragon
- Snake (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "Serpent"
- All pages with titles containing "Serpent"
English Journal
- Religious Serpent Handling and Community Relations.
- Williamson WP1, Hood RW Jr.
- Journal of prevention & intervention in the community.J Prev Interv Community.2015 Jul-Sep;43(3):186-98. doi: 10.1080/10852352.2014.973278.
- Christian serpent handling sects of Appalachia comprise a community that has long been mischaracterized and marginalized by the larger communities surrounding them. To explore this dynamic, this article traces the emergence of serpent handling in Appalachia and the emergence of anti-serpent-handling
- PMID 26151168
- Exercise ASKARI SERPENT: enabling clinical data collection during exercises and operations to support future contingency planning and assurance of category-based reporting systems.
- Parsons IT1, Wheatley RJ2, Carter P2.
- Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps.J R Army Med Corps.2015 Jun 4. pii: jramc-2014-000369. doi: 10.1136/jramc-2014-000369. [Epub ahead of print]
- INTRODUCTION: Exercise ASKARI SERPENT (Ex AS) is a British Army exercise that provides primary healthcare (PHC) to Kenyan civilians in support of local health authorities. It is conducted in partnership with the Kenya Defence Force Medical Services (KDFMS). Accurate epidemiological data is critical
- PMID 26045484
- Snakes as hazards: modelling risk by chasing chimpanzees.
- McGrew WC1.
- Primates; journal of primatology.Primates.2015 Apr;56(2):107-11. doi: 10.1007/s10329-015-0456-4. Epub 2015 Jan 20.
- Snakes are presumed to be hazards to primates, including humans, by the snake detection hypothesis (Isbell in J Hum Evol 51:1-35, 2006; Isbell, The fruit, the tree, and the serpent. Why we see so well, 2009). Quantitative, systematic data to test this idea are lacking for the behavioural ecology of
- PMID 25600837
- Monsters of the sea serpent: parasites of an oarfish, Regalecus russellii.
- Kuris AM1, Jaramillo AG, McLaughlin JP, Weinstein SB, Garcia-Vedrenne AE, Poinar GO Jr, Pickering M, Steinauer ML, Espinoza M, Ashford JE, Dunn GL.
- The Journal of parasitology.J Parasitol.2015 Feb;101(1):41-4. doi: 10.1645/14-581.1. Epub 2014 Sep 13.
- Examination of a small portion of the viscera of an oarfish ( Regalecus russellii ) recovered from Santa Catalina Island, southern California, revealed numerous tetraphyllidean tapeworm plerocercoids, Clistobothrium cf. montaukensis; 2 juvenile nematodes, Contracaecum sp.; and a fragment of an adult
- PMID 25220829
Japanese Journal
- 酔いどれ学派そろい踏み : David S. Reynolds and Debra J. Rosenthal, eds. The Serpent in the Cup (関西英文学研究 第8号)
- 森岡 裕一
- 英文学研究. 支部統合号 = Studies in English literature. 日本英文学会 編 7, 207-210, 2015-01
- NAID 40020336849
- さまざまな沿岸波浪場を再現できるデュアル・フェース・サーペント水槽 (特集 マリンエンジニアリングを支える大型試験設備(3))
- 平山 克也,加島 寛章
- Marine engineering : journal of the Japan Institute of Marine Engineering = マリンエンジニアリング :日本マリンエンジニアリング学会誌 49(3), 359-363,図巻頭5, 2014-05
- NAID 40020092139
- "The Plumed Serpent"について(2)
Related Links
- Serpent Model Racing Cars is one the leading manufacturers of RC radio controlled model-cars for competition purposes. ... Spyder SRX-2 SCT RTR 1/10 electric
- SERPENT New Logo Completed 2007/08/04 myspace music http://www.myspace.com/serpentbrutaldeath 2007/08/17 Review On BRUTAMETAL.NET BRUTAMETAL.NET Next Live 2010/12/04 (Sat) at BEAT STATION ...
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