- inflammation of the pericardium
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English Journal
- Spontaneous tension hydropneumopericardium complicating serofibrinous pericarditis.
- Wu M1, He X, Yang G.
- European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.2006 Mar;29(3):422-4. Epub 2006 Jan 24.
- A hydropneumopericardium is a rare but critical condition, which is mostly ascribed to primary infiltrative lesions from adjacent organs, pericardial infections, or trauma. Although there have been reports about pyopneumopericardium, no case of spontaneous non-purulent hydropneumopericardium has bee
- PMID 16439143
- Adenosine deaminase activity--more than a diagnostic tool in tuberculous pericarditis.
- Reuter H1, Burgess LJ, Carstens ME, Doubell AF.
- Cardiovascular journal of South Africa : official journal for Southern Africa Cardiac Society [and] South African Society of Cardiac Practitioners.Cardiovasc J S Afr.2005 May-Jun;16(3):143-7.
- AIM: To improve the understanding of factors that influence adenosine deaminase ( ADA) activity in large pericardial effusions.METHODS: A prospective study was carried out at Tygerberg Academic Hospital, South Africa. Patients underwent echocardiographically guided pericardiocentesis. ADA activity,
- PMID 16049586
- Benign pneumopericardium and tamponade.
- Hadjis T1, Palisaitis D, Dontigny L, Allard M.
- The Canadian journal of cardiology.Can J Cardiol.1995 Mar;11(3):232-4.
- A 49-year-old obese female was admitted for acute onset pleuritic chest pain. Previous history was significant for surgical correction of a lower esophageal ring. Echocardiography revealed a pericardial effusion, which resolved with steroids. One week later, the patient complained of similar symptom
- PMID 7889442
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- serofibrinous pericarditis [-fī′brinəs] Etymology: L, serum, whey, fibra, fibrin; Gk, peri, near, kardia, heart, itis, inflammation a form of fibrinous pericarditis ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus ...
- pericarditis characterized by a fibrinous exudate accompanied by substantial serous effusion, otherwise resembling fibrinous pericarditis ... Look at other dictionaries: idiopathic pericarditis — an acute serofibrinous pericarditis of ...
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- 英
- fibrinous pericarditis
- 同
- 乾性心膜炎 dry pericarditis、serofibrinous pericarditis
- 関
- [[]]
friction rub
- 尿毒症、全身性エリテマトーデスでfibrinous pericarditisを伴う
- diffuse fibrinous pericarditis is more typical of systemic conditions such as uremia or SLE, whereas focal pericarditis may overlie a transmural MI(Dressler syndrome)