- directed or situated away from inland regions and toward the sea or coast; "from the hill he took a seaward course"; "on the seaward side of the road"
- the direction toward the sea
- in the direction of the sea; "the sailor looked seaward" (同)seawards, asea
- 海に面した;海のほうへの / 海からの / 海のほうへ,海へ向かって
English Journal
- Microbial community structure of soils in Bamenwan mangrove wetland.
- Liu M, Huang H, Bao S, Tong Y.
- Scientific reports. 2019 Jun;9(1)8406.
- Microbial community diversity and composition are important for the maintenance of mangrove ecosystem. Bacterial and archaeal community composition of the Bamenwan Mangrove Wetland soil in Hainan, China, was determined using pyrosequencing technique. Bacterial community composition presented differe
- PMID 31182804
- Nitrogen along the Hydrological Gradient of Marsh Sediments in a Subtropical Estuary: Pools, Processes, and Fluxes.
- Hu W, Zhang W, Zhang L, Tong C, Sun Z, Chen Y, Zeng C.
- International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019 Jun;16(11).
- Knowledge on the distribution of nitrogen (N) pools, processes, and fluxes along hydrological gradients provides a comprehensive perspective to understand the underlying causal mechanisms in intertidal flats, and thus improve predictions and climate adaptation strategies. We used a space-for-time su
- PMID 31181868
- Warm, dry winters truncate timing and size distribution of seaward-migrating salmon across a large, regulated watershed.
- Munsch SH, Greene CM, Johnson RC, Satterthwaite WH, Imaki H, Brandes PL.
- Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America. 2019 Jun;29(4)e01880.
- Ecologists are pressed to understand how climate constrains the timings of annual biological events (phenology). Climate influences on phenology are likely significant in estuarine watersheds because many watersheds provide seasonal fish nurseries where juvenile presence is synched with favorable co
- PMID 30838703
Japanese Journal
- Plankton and Benthos Research 14(2), 86-96, 2019
- … There was a shift in the δ<sup>13</sup>C of the snail along the transects, showing higher values at the upstream stations (−15.8 and −14.8‰) and lower values (−17.5 and −17.1‰) at the seaward stations. … A Bayesian mixing model and the biomass of possible food sources on the tidal flats showed that (1) the major food sources were marine phytoplankton, seaweeds, and benthic microalgae, and that (2) the dependency on marine phytoplankton increased in the seaward stations. …
- NAID 130007652767
- 沖永良部島隆起サンゴ礁海岸の潮間帯高位プラットフォームの生成時期
- 木庭 元晴,川口 昇,古池 鋼,芹沢 真澄
- 日本地理学会発表要旨集 2019s(0), 180, 2019
- <b>はじめに</b> 沖永良部島はサンゴ礁起源の(更新世)琉球層群からなる。沿岸には幅150〜300mほどの礁原が見られ,その後背にはサンゴ礁起源の生砕屑物からなるビーチが分布している。このような海岸の連続性は,礁原を持たず岬状に突出した海岸カレン台地によって分断される。この言わば岬状海岸線付近には略最高高潮位付近またはそれを越える高度に幅数メートルの平坦面 …
- NAID 130007628471
- 岡村 行信
- 地震 第2輯 71(0), 185-199, 2019
- … In addition, high-resolution seismic profiles using a boomer as the seismic source were obtained along seaward extensions of onshore active faults in shallow sea areas less than 150 m below sea-level, and activity of the faults during the last 104 years was identified. …
- NAID 130007625205
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