- a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry; "he ducked at the screechings of shells"; "he heard the scream of the brakes" (同)screeching, shriek, shrieking, scream, screaming
- small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers whose call sounds like a quavering whistle (同)Otus asio
- (不快な)金切り声,キーキーいう声(矯) / 金切り声(鋭い音)を出す / …‘を'金切り声で言う(叫ぶ)《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』》
- (山腹の)じゃり石;(急斜面にかたまった)石くず(人が踏むと崩れ落ちる)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/03/31 04:30:40」(JST)
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Look up screech in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Screech may mean:
- Samuel "Screech" Powers, character played by Dustin Diamond in the NBC television sitcom Saved by the Bell
- Nickname inspired by above for Manchester United F.C. footballer Marouane Fellaini
- A mascot for numerous sports teams, including:
- Screech (mascot), the Major League Baseball Washington Nationals
- the mascot of the American Hockey League Springfield Falcons
- the mascot of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League Cape Breton Screaming Eagles
- Newfoundland Screech, a brand of rum from Newfoundland
- "Screech Squad," the trumpet section of the Marching Chiefs
- Screech (comics), an armored vigilante in Marvel comics
- exclamation mark (!), used in computer terminology and in the UK
- Royden Screech, English bishop
- Prof. Timon Screech, faculty of University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies)
- Screech is a punkrock/metal band from the Netherlands
English Journal
- Benign neonatal deep hypothermia in rodents and its relations to hibernation.
- Hill RW1.
- Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology.J Comp Physiol B.2017 Jul;187(5-6):705-713. doi: 10.1007/s00360-017-1070-0. Epub 2017 Mar 27.
- PMID 28349198
- New data on Neodiplostomum americanum Chandler and Rausch, 1947 (Digenea: Diplostomidae), in the Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus Gmelin, 1788 and the Eastern Screech Owl Megascops asio Linnaeus, 1758 in Mississippi, USA.
- Woodyard ET1, Rosser TG1, Griffin MJ2.
- Parasitology research.Parasitol Res.2017 Jun 20. doi: 10.1007/s00436-017-5503-1. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28634620
- Acoustics from a rectangular supersonic nozzle exhausting over a flat surface.
- Mora P1, Baier F1, Kailasanath K2, Gutmark EJ1.
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.J Acoust Soc Am.2016 Dec;140(6):4130. doi: 10.1121/1.4967158.
- PMID 28040037
- Antibody Prevalence and Isolation of Viable Toxoplasma gondii from Raptors in the Southeastern USA.
- Love D1, Kwok OC2, Verma SK2, Dubey JP2, Bellah J3.
- Journal of wildlife diseases.J Wildl Dis.2016 Jul;52(3):653-6. doi: 10.7589/2015-10-269. Epub 2016 May 31.
- PMID 27243150
Japanese Journal
- 書評 タイモン・スクリーチ著『絵画の獲得 : 江戸における技、生産、展示』
- <BOOK REVIEWS>Obtaining Images: Art, Production and Display in Edo Japan, by Timon Screech.
- Japan review : Journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies 28, 244-245, 2015-12-15
- NAID 120005689888
- 0803 2次元ラバルノズルから発生するTransonic toneに関する研究
Related Links
- screechとは。意味や和訳。[動](自)金切り声をたてる,鋭い声[音]を出す,悲鳴をあげる((out))(⇒SCREAM[類語]);((~ to a stop[halt]で))キーっと音を立てて止まる. (他)…を金切り声で言う((out))She screeched out her anger ...
- Many athletes grunt, but these too screech or scream. The screech was the kind that curls the teeth and curdles the blood. Some editors would screech and yelp when they got excited about a manuscript. Another will screech when a vehicle approaches too fast from the side.
- で,そのお酒はなにかといえば,Screech(スクリーチ)といい, ラム酒である.裏のラベルを見ると A Jamaican rum. A Newfoundland tradition. A truly Unique experience. SCREECH. The sprit of Newfoundland. と書かれている. ...
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