- 関
- scoliosis
- an abnormal lateral curve to the vertebral column
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English Journal
- Pisa syndrome in Parkinson's disease: a mobile or fixed deformity?
- Doherty KM, Davagnanam I, Molloy S, Silveira-Moriyama L, Lees AJ.SourceReta Lila Weston Institute of Neurological Studies, UCL Institute of Neurology, , London, UK.
- Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.2013 Dec;84(12):1400-3. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2012-304700. Epub 2013 Mar 26.
- BACKGROUND: Although Pisa syndrome and scoliosis are sometimes used interchangeably to describe a laterally flexed postural deviation in Parkinson's disease (PD), the imaging findings of Pisa syndrome in PD have not been previously studied in detail.METHODS: Patients with PD and Pisa syndrome (later
- PMID 23532719
- Spinal Curvature Measurement by Tracked Ultrasound Snapshots.
- Ungi T, King F, Kempston M, Keri Z, Lasso A, Mousavi P, Rudan J, Borschneck DP, Fichtinger G.SourceLaboratory for Percutaneous Surgery, School of Computing, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Electronic address: ungi@cs.queensu.ca.
- Ultrasound in medicine & biology.Ultrasound Med Biol.2013 Nov 19. pii: S0301-5629(13)01055-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2013.09.021. [Epub ahead of print]
- Monitoring spinal curvature in adolescent kyphoscoliosis requires regular radiographic examinations; however, the applied ionizing radiation increases the risk of cancer. Ultrasound imaging is favored over radiography because it does not emit ionizing radiation. Therefore, we tested an ultrasound sy
- PMID 24268452
- Respiratory rate assessments using a dual-accelerometer device.
- Lapi S, Lavorini F, Borgioli G, Calzolai M, Masotti L, Pistolesi M, Fontana GA.SourceNICReM srl, Florence, Italy.
- Respiratory physiology & neurobiology.Respir Physiol Neurobiol.2013 Nov 18. pii: S1569-9048(13)00369-8. doi: 10.1016/j.resp.2013.11.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- Monitoring of respiration-related thoracic movements may be useful to assess respiratory rate (RR) objectively. RR was measured during spontaneous breathing, voluntarily modified breathing, and exercise hyperpnoea in normal subjects via visual inspection, spirometry and a pair of accelerometers posi
- PMID 24263211
Japanese Journal
- 側弯症術後のレントゲンに対する認識 (日本側彎症学会特集号)
- 小谷 俊明,赤澤 努,佐久間 毅 [他]
- Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research 3(11), 1444-1446, 2012-11
- NAID 40019503155
- Dynamic Response of the Idiopathic Scoliotic Spine to Axial Cyclic Loads
- LI Xin-Feng,LIU Zu-De,DAI Li-Yang,ZHONG Gui-Bin,ZANG Wei-Ping
- Spine 36(7), 521-528, 2011-04-01
- NAID 10030713031
- ISSLS Prize Winner : A Study of Effects of In Vivo Mechanical Forces on Human Lumbar Discs With Scoliotic Disc as a Biological Model : Results From Serial Postcontrast Diffusion Studies, Histopathology and Biochemical Analysis of Twenty-One Human Lumbar Scoliotic Discs
- Spine 35(21), 1930-1943, 2010-10-01
- NAID 10028068274
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- sco·li·o·sis / ˌskoʊ liˈoʊ sɪs, ˌskɒl i-/ Show Spelled [skoh-lee-oh-sis, skol-ee-] Show IPA noun Pathology. an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. Compare kyphosis, lordosis. Origin: 1700–10; Greek skolíōsis a bending Related ...
- forum Join the Word of the Day Mailing List For webmasters TheFreeDictionary Google Bing? Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text ... sco·li·ot·ic (sk l-t k) adj. Of, relating to, or affected by scoliosis. sco·li·ot·ic (skō'lē-ot'ik),
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- 英
- scoliosis、scoliotic
- 関
- 脊柱側弯症、脊椎側弯症、側弯症