- brilliantly clever; "scintillating wit"; "a play full of scintillating dialogue"
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/08/08 08:12:08」(JST)
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Scintillation can refer to:
- Scintillation (astronomy), atmospheric effects which influence astronomical observations
- Interplanetary scintillation, fluctuations of radio waves caused by the solar wind
- Scintillation (physics), a flash of light produced in certain materials when they absorb ionizing radiation
- Scintillation (radar), an apparent rapid target displacement occurring on radar displays
- Scintillation (medicine), a rapidly oscillating pattern of visual distortions, often associated with migraine aura
- Scintillation counter, a device that measures ionizing radiation
- Scintillating grid illusion, an image in which compounded color contrasts cause an optical illusion of visual artifacts
See also
- Scintillate (horse), a British-trained thoroughbred racehorse
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- 1. 片麻痺性片頭痛hemiplegic migraine [show details]
…attacks with motor weakness during the aura phase. Attacks may variously include severe headache, scintillating scotoma, visual field defect, numbness, paresthesia, unilateral weakness, aphasia, fever, lethargy …
- 2. 成人における片頭痛の病態生理、臨床症状、および診断pathophysiology clinical manifestations and diagnosis of migraine in adults [show details]
…wake. As the aura moves off into the peripheral visual field, it often assumes a shimmering or scintillating quality. As the aura resolves, vision usually returns first to the areas of central vision initially …
- 3. 初期乳癌に行う術後補助化学療法の急性の副作用acute side effects of adjuvant chemotherapy for early stage breast cancer [show details]
…appropriate. These results are reviewed elsewhere. Paclitaxel is associated with transient scintillating scotomas during infusion in approximately 20 percent of patients, which are typically self-limited…
- 4. 頭痛、片頭痛、および脳卒中headache migraine and stroke [show details]
…Cervical internal carotid artery dissection may occasionally present as a migraine mimic with visual scintillating scotomata . One study of 161 patients found that nearly 70 percent of cervical carotid and vertebral…
- 5. 幻視患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with visual hallucinations [show details]
…classic visual aura is the fortification spectra, which is considered pathognomonic for migraine A scintillating scotoma is another common migraine aura; this is an area of decreased vision that is outlined…
English Journal
- A preclinical PET detector constructed with a monolithic scintillator ring.
- Xu J, Xie S, Zhang X, Tao W, Yang J, Zhao Z, Weng F, Huang Q, Yi F, Peng Q.
- Physics in medicine and biology. 2019 Jun;().
- This paper presents an unique preclinical positron emission tomography (PET) detector constructed with a monolithic scintillator ring (MSR) and two rings of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The inner diameter, outer diameter and length of the MSR were 48.5 mm, 58.5 mm, and 25.1 mm, respectively. The
- PMID 31239424
- An improved treatment planning and quality assurance process for Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study eye plaque brachytherapy.
- Weersink RA, Patterson S, Ballantyne H, Di Tomasso A, Borg J, Vitkin A, Rink A, Beiki-Ardakani A.
- Brachytherapy. 2019 Jun;().
- To develop a treatment planning platform for episcleral Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study plaque therapy in an established treatment planning software and to improve an existing quality assurance (QA) process for nonuniformly loaded plaques that measures air kerma strengths (AKSs) and loading prof
- PMID 31235445
- Technical Note: Quality assurance and relative dosimetry testing of a Co total body irradiator using optical imaging.
- Tendler II, Bredfeldt JS, Zhang R, Bruza P, Jermyn M, Pogue BW, Gladstone DJ.
- Medical physics. 2019 Jun;().
- The aim of this study was to create an optical imaging-based system for quality assurance (QA) testing of a dedicated Co-60 total body irradiation (TBI) machine. Our goal is to streamline the QA process by minimizing the amount time necessary for tests such as verification of dose rate and field hom
- PMID 31152565
Japanese Journal
- CANDLESによる二重ベータ崩壊の研究(127)二重ベータ崩壊のためのシンチレーティングボロメーターの開発
- 鉄野 高之介,the CANDLES Collaboration
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 73.1(0), 408-408, 2018
- NAID 130007648445
- アクティブ標的のためのシンチレーティングファイバーの性能評価
- 越川 亜美,津村 美保,永江 知文,七村 拓野,藤岡 宏之,藤川 祐輝,古野 達也,村田 求基,井上 梓,小林 信之,民井 淳,市川 真也,稲葉 健斗,梅崎 英一,金築 俊輔,川畑 貴裕,阪上 朱音,高橋 祐羽,武田 朋也
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 73.1(0), 380-380, 2018
- NAID 130007648440
- High -spatial-resolution X-ray Inspection by Pixelated Scintillator
- Miyao Sho,Tanino Takahiro,Shigeta Kazuki
- Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging 11(0), E18-011-1-E18-011-6, 2018
- … In FPDs, scintillating materials convert X-ray into visible light, and an a-Si photodiode array converts the light into electrons for imaging. …
- NAID 130007553744
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- Prince Edward was the first of the royal party to take the field, and as he issued from the castle with his gallant company, banners and pennons streaming in the breeze and burnished armor and flashing blade scintillating in the ...
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