- 学業,学校の勉強(授業および宿題)
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School work is work assigned by a teacher, school, or other educational institution. The term generally refers to both work completed at home (homework), as well as work completed during class (classwork). Typically, school work is done in class, during the time period allotted by the instructor. However, it may be reassigned as homework, in which case it is done outside of the class.
In fact, school work is very similar to homework. It is usually up to the teacher's discretion when assignments are to be completed, and often work that is not finished during class will be assigned as extra homework.
By a broad definition, schoolwork can be extended to refer to any academic activities at school, and would therefore include exams, tests, and quizzes as well as the normal type of work.
Unlike school work, coursework generally refers to the more advanced work done in college. Coursework is assignments that are assigned by the professor and may require anything from reading to completing projects.
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English Journal
- Prevalence and disability of headache among Norwegian adolescents: A cross-sectional school-based study.
- Krogh AB1, Larsson B2, Linde M3.
- Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache.Cephalalgia.2015 Feb 26. pii: 0333102415573512. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Headache is common in adolescents and affects schoolwork and relations with friends and family. In most previous epidemiological surveys, only the most bothersome headache has been documented. The aim was to determine headache prevalence not only taking into account the most bothersome h
- PMID 25720767
- The role of ADHD in academic adversity: disentangling ADHD effects from other personal and contextual factors.
- Martin AJ1.
- School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association.Sch Psychol Q.2014 Dec;29(4):395-408. doi: 10.1037/spq0000069. Epub 2014 May 12.
- Students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience significant academic difficulties that can lead to numerous negative academic consequences. With a focus on adverse academic outcomes, this study seeks to disentangle variance attributable to ADHD from variance attributable to
- PMID 24820011
- Predicting Multiple Facets of School Functioning in Pediatric Chronic Pain: Examining the Direct Impact of Anxiety.
- Khan KA1, Tran ST, Jastrowski Mano KE, Simpson PM, Cao Y, Hainsworth KR.
- The Clinical journal of pain.Clin J Pain.2014 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES:: The relationships among chronic pain, anxiety, and school functioning are complex, and school functioning is often negatively impacted in youth with chronic pain. The objective of this study was to empirically test a model of associations between constructs predicting school functioning
- PMID 25411857
Japanese Journal
- 中学生のコミュニケーション傾向に関する研究 : 学業における自己効力感との関係に着目して
- 「なまけ傾向尺度」の妥当性に関する研究 : 学業面・健康面・認知面における検討
- 実践女子大学図書館蔵 下田歌子自筆日記について(一) 書誌および明治二十一年の概要
- 下田歌子研究所年報 女性と文化 = Women and Culture - The Annual Bulletin of the Shimoda Utako Institute 1, 143-153, 2015-03-10
- NAID 120005610750
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- schoolworkとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]学業:学校での授業および宿題. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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