- erect leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground as in a tulip (同)flower_stalk
- mechanical device that regulates movement
- (時計の) 脱進機 《調速機構》,逃がし止め / (タイプライターの)文字送り装置 / (ピアノのハンマーをもとの位置にもどす)休止装置
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/28 03:51:32」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Scape may refer to:
- 1 Biology
- 2 Cooking
- 3 Gaming
- 4 Publications
- 5 Television
- 6 See also
- The first (basal) segment of an insect antenna
- A finger-like appendage of the epigyne of a female spider
- Scape (botany), a flowering stem
- Garlic scapes, the edible, immature flowering stems of the garlic plant
- Planescape, a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game
- RuneScape, an MMORPG
- Scape Magazine, a magazine for landscape architecture & urbanism
- Farscape, an Australian science fiction television series
See also[edit]
- Escape (disambiguation)
- Landscape, the visible features of an area of land
- Scapegoating, singling out one person for unmerited negative treatment or blame
English Journal
- Modeling perspectives on echolocation strategies inspired by bats flying in groups.
- Lin Y1, Abaid N2.
- Journal of theoretical biology.J Theor Biol.2015 Dec 21;387:46-53. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.09.007. Epub 2015 Sep 18.
- Bats navigating with echolocation - which is a type of active sensing achieved by interpreting echoes resulting from self-generated ultrasonic pulses - exhibit unique behaviors during group flight. While bats may benefit from eavesdropping on their peers׳ echolocation, they also potentially suffer
- PMID 26386143
- Electronic Structure Modification of Ion Implanted Graphene: The Spectroscopic Signatures of p- and n-Type Doping.
- Kepaptsoglou D1, Hardcastle TP2, Seabourne CR2, Bangert U3, Zan R3, Amani JA4, Hofsäss H4, Nicholls RJ5, Brydson RM2, Scott AJ2, Ramasse QM1.
- ACS nano.ACS Nano.2015 Nov 24;9(11):11398-407. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b05305. Epub 2015 Oct 13.
- A combination of scanning transmission electron microscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy, and ab initio calculations is used to describe the electronic structure modifications incurred by free-standing graphene through two types of single-atom doping. The N K and C K electron energy loss transi
- PMID 26446310
- Effects of dietary garlic scape meal on the growth and meat characteristics of geese.
- Lin MJ1,2, Chang SC1,2, Jea YS2, Chen WS3, Lee TT1.
- British poultry science.Br Poult Sci.2015 Nov 16:1-7. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study evaluated the growth performance and meat characteristics of grower geese whose diets included garlic scape meal (GSM), a by-product of garlic production. Scape is the leaf-less flower stem of garlic. Garlic scape (GS) extracts contained 84.7 ± 3.8 μg/g dry weight (DW), 81.4 ± 8.2
- PMID 26445200
Japanese Journal
- Human Body Modeling Based on Pose and Shape Space
- Nima Baidar,Satoshi Ikehata,Kiyoharu Aizawa,Shigeyuki Sakazawa
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [オーディオビジュアル複合情報処理] 2013-AVM-80(5), 1-6, 2013-02-15
- … We use a parametric body model called SCAPE. … SCAPE body model employs a low dimensional model of shape and pose dependent deformation that is learnt from the database of range scans of human bodies. …
- NAID 110009536461
- THE SCAPE(R) : 設計 成瀬・猪熊建築設計事務所
- 7016 伝建地区における石畳の道の景観認識に関する研究 : 嵯峨鳥居本地区における歩行者の感覚的評価と空間的評価(都市計画)
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