- answer back in an impudent or insolent manner; "dont sass me!"; "The teacher punished the students who were sassing all morning";
- an impudent or insolent rejoinder; "dont give me any of your sass" (同)sassing, backtalk, back talk, lip, mouth
- =saucy
- 生意気な口きき方,口答え / 〈親など〉‘に'生意気な口のきき方をする,口答えする
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/23 16:08:06」(JST)
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Sassy may refer to:
- Sassy (magazine), a defunct publication for teen girls
- Sassy, Calvados, a commune in France
- SCUBA-2 All Sky Survey (SASSy), an astronomical survey
- Sassy, Inc., a baby-care products company owned by Kid Brands
In music:
- Sassy Pandez, English DJ
- Sarah Vaughan (1924–1990), nicknamed Sassy, American jazz singer
- Sassy (album), a 1956 album by Sarah Vaughan
- Sassy, a member of the Japanese band High and Mighty Color
- "Sassy", a song by Katerina Graham
- "Sassy", a song by The Manhattan Transfer from The Offbeat of Avenues
See also[edit]
- SA-C (programming language) (pronounced "sassy"), a member of the C programming language family
English Journal
- Psychosexual Correlates of Sexual Double Standard Endorsement in Adolescent Sexuality.
- Emmerink PM1, Vanwesenbeeck I1,2, van den Eijnden RJ1, Ter Bogt TF1.
- Journal of sex research.J Sex Res.2016;53(3):286-97. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2015.1030720. Epub 2015 Sep 1.
- Endorsement and enactment of the (hetero)sexual double standard (SDS), prescribing sexual modesty for girls and sexual prowess for boys, has been shown to be negatively related to sexual and mental health. To be able to challenge the SDS, more insight is needed into the conditions that shape gendere
- PMID 26327361
- Early detection and response for measles and rubella cases through the (Nursery) School Absenteeism Surveillance System in Ibaraki Prefecture.
- Watanabe M1, Kurita J, Takagi T, Nagata N, Nagasu N, Sugawara T, Ohkusa Y.
- [Nihon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public health.Nihon Koshu Eisei Zasshi.2016;63(4):209-14. doi: 10.11236/jph.63.4_209.
- Objectives In Ibaraki Prefecture, all (nursery) schools have joined the (Nursery) School Absenteeism Surveillance System (hereafter denoted as (N)SASSy), which is operated by the Japan School Health Association to monitor the prevalence of infectious diseases, the early detection and response for
- PMID 27181348
- An efficient approach to BAC based assembly of complex genomes.
- Visendi P1, Berkman PJ2, Hayashi S3, Golicz AA3, Bayer PE4, Ruperao P4, Hurgobin B4, Montenegro J3, Chan CK4, Staňková H5, Batley J4, Šimková H5, Doležel J5, Edwards D4.
- Plant methods.Plant Methods.2016 Jan 20;12:2. doi: 10.1186/s13007-016-0107-9. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND: There has been an exponential growth in the number of genome sequencing projects since the introduction of next generation DNA sequencing technologies. Genome projects have increasingly involved assembly of whole genome data which produces inferior assemblies compared to traditional Sang
- PMID 26793268
Japanese Journal
- 学校欠席者情報収集システムを活用した麻しんおよび風しん早期探知・早期対応
- フェミニズムとガール・カルチャー(Girl Culture) : 雑誌Sassyの語り方
Related Links
- At Sassy, Inc., we love to have fun and take child and product. Shop Sassy Baby Online. Terry Teethers. One Sassy Doctor blog. Sassy Baby of the Month. Sassy Baby Shower Pinterest Contest. product recall information · join ourparent panel ...
- Sassy(サッシー)専門店。サッシーは独特なデザインや仕掛けがいっぱいの知育玩具 です。赤ちゃんが遊びながら学習できるおもちゃです。
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