- 保管,保護
English Journal
- Context-dependent 'safekeeping' of foraging tools in New Caledonian crows.
- Klump BC1, van der Wal JE2, St Clair JJ2, Rutz C3.
- Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society.Proc Biol Sci.2015 Jun 7;282(1808). pii: 20150278. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0278.
- Several animal species use tools for foraging, such as sticks to extract embedded arthropods and honey, or stones to crack open nuts and eggs. While providing access to nutritious foods, these behaviours may incur significant costs, such as the time and energy spent searching for, manufacturing and
- PMID 25994674
- Supporting dementia patients and their caregivers in daily life challenges: review of physical, cognitive and psychosocial intervention studies.
- Nehen HG1, Hermann DM.
- European journal of neurology : the official journal of the European Federation of Neurological Societies.Eur J Neurol.2015 Feb;22(2):246-52, e19-20. doi: 10.1111/ene.12535. Epub 2014 Aug 7.
- BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Dementia is associated with multiple daily life challenges that have a major impact for health outcome, affecting both the patients and their caregivers. In this review, the efficacy of physical, cognitive and psychosocial interventions in the treatment of dementia patients i
- PMID 25104513
- Benefiting from a trail of destruction.
- Pickersgill J1.
- Health estate.Health Estate.2013 Sep;67(8):51-4.
- Data destruction and IT asset disposal are heavily regulated and complex areas, especially within the NHS, which is responsible for the safekeeping of extremely personal data on millions of UK citizens. In the light of escalating efforts by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to ensure compl
- PMID 24137996
Japanese Journal
- Effects of preservation period of fertilized eggs and high concentrations of nitrogen in nutrient sources on germling growth of Sargassum horneri
- 助成研究報告 学校における医療用医薬品の保管・使用に関する現状と課題(第2報)慢性疾患を抱える子どもたちの学校生活を支援するために
- 学校救急看護研究 = Studies in school emergency nursing 9(1), 66-75, 2016-03
- NAID 40020787152
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