- move over something with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin"
- the act of rubbing or wiping; "he gave the hood a quick rub" (同)wipe
- cause friction; "my sweater scratches" (同)fray, fret, chafe, scratch
- scrape or rub as if to relieve itching; "Dont scratch your insect bites!" (同)scratch, itch
- make ruby red
- 〈物の表面など〉‘を'『こする』,さする / (…に)…‘を'こすりつける《+名+『against(on, over)』+名》;(…に)…‘を'すりこむ《+『名』+『in』(『into, on』)+『名』》 / 〈二つの物〉‘を'こすり合わせる《+『名』+『together,』+『together』+『名』》 / ‥‘を'こすり落とす《+『名』+『away』(『off』)『,』+『away』(『off』)+『名』》 / …‘を'すりむく,ひりひりさせる / (…の表面を)『こする』,すれる《+『against』(『on』)+『名』》;〈二つの物が〉こすれ合う《+『together』》 / 《単数形で》こすること / 当てこすり / 《the rub》やっかいな事,困難
- roentgen / recto
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/10 11:10:52」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Rub or RUB may refer to:
- 1 Currency
- 2 Organisations
- 3 Food
- 4 Other
- Russian ruble, by ISO 4217 currency code
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Royal University of Bhutan
- Spice rub, in cooking
- Rub (syrup), a kind of syrup extracted from dates
- Kuliak languages, in Uganda
- Liniment, a medicated topical preparation for application to the skin
- Massage
- Rubbing, an art technique
- Ratio Utility Billing Systems, or RUBS, a utility billing allocation method
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English Journal
- Quantitative proteome analysis reveals the correlation between endocytosis-associated proteins and hepatocellular carcinoma dedifferentiation.
- Naboulsi W1, Bracht T2, Megger DA2, Reis H3, Ahrens M2, Turewicz M2, Eisenacher M2, Tautges S2, Canbay AE4, Meyer HE2, Weber F5, Baba HA3, Sitek B6.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2016 Nov;1864(11):1579-1585. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2016.08.005. Epub 2016 Aug 9.
- The majority of poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) develop from well-differentiated tumors. Endocytosis is a cellular function which is likely to take part in this development due to its important role in regulating the abundances of vital signaling receptors. Here, we aimed to i
- PMID 27519163
- Membrane tethering of APP c-terminal fragments is a prerequisite for T668 phosphorylation preventing nuclear sphere generation.
- Bukhari H1, Kolbe K1, Leonhardt G1, Loosse C1, Schröder E2, Knauer S2, Marcus K3, Müller T4.
- Cellular signalling.Cell Signal.2016 Nov;28(11):1725-34. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2016.08.007. Epub 2016 Aug 14.
- A central molecular hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the β- and γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which causes the generation of different c-terminal fragments like C99, AICD57, or AICD50 that fully or in part contain the APP transmembrane domain. In this
- PMID 27534516
- An integrated 45L pilot microbial fuel cell system at a full-scale wastewater treatment plant.
- Hiegemann H1, Herzer D2, Nettmann E2, Lübken M2, Schulte P3, Schmelz KG3, Gredigk-Hoffmann S4, Wichern M2.
- Bioresource technology.Bioresour Technol.2016 Oct;218:115-22. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2016.06.052. Epub 2016 Jun 17.
- A 45-L pilot MFC system, consisting of four single-chamber membraneless MFCs, was integrated into a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and operated under practical conditions with the effluent of the primary clarifier for nine months to identify an optimal operational strategy for stable p
- PMID 27351707
- Stress and laterality - The comparative perspective.
- Ocklenburg S1, Korte SM2, Peterburs J3, Wolf OT4, Güntürkün O5.
- Physiology & behavior.Physiol Behav.2016 Oct 1;164(Pt A):321-9. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2016.06.020. Epub 2016 Jun 16.
- Functional hemispheric asymmetries can vary over time and steroid hormones have been shown to be one of the factors that can modulate them. Research into this matter has mainly focused on sex steroid hormones (androgens, estrogens and progestogens), although there is increasing evidence that glucoco
- PMID 27321757
Japanese Journal
- 日本環境感染学会誌 = Japanese journal of environmental infecions 31(1), 32-35, 2016
- NAID 40020721281
- 岐阜県内感染防止対策加算算定全病院での感染対策活動に関するサーベイランス結果報告
- Improvement of On/Off Ratio in Organic Field-effect Transistor Having Thin Molybdenum Trioxide Layer
- 症例報告 足関節後方部痛と握雪音に対して運動療法が奏効した1症例
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