- 放浪する。常駐しない、移動する、移動式の。とりとめのない、寄り道する
- (stege 1 sleep)EMG activity is decreased, compared with relaxed wakefulness, and there are slow, roving eye movements.
- expressing or manifesting praise or approval; "approbative criticism"; "an affirmative nod" (同)affirmative, approbative, approbatory, plausive
- a workplace for testing new equipment or ideas
- expressing or manifesting disapproval
- 放浪する / 特定の仕事・場所なしでつとめる
- 目移り(次々に異性に対する関心の対象が変わること)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/07 16:07:11」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A roving is a long and narrow bundle of fiber. Rovings are produced during the process of making spun yarn from wool fleece, raw cotton, or other fibres. Their main use is as fibre prepared for spinning, but they may also be used for specialised kinds of knitting or other textile arts.
After carding, the fibres lie roughly parallel in smooth bundles. These are drawn out, by hand or machine, and slightly twisted to form lengths suitable for spinning. These unspun strands of fibre are the rovings. Roving can also mean a roll of these strands, the strands in general (as a mass noun), or the process of creating them.
Because it is carded, the fibres are less parallel than top (which is combed) and are not of uniform length. Carded rovings look fluffier than combed top, which looks smooth and has a high lustre. The fibres in combed top tend to be of a fairly uniform length due to the method of preparation. Though drawing it into strips may line the fibres up a bit. [1] [2]Roving is not to be confused with sliver as there is twist in roving.
Pencil roving is a type of roving that has been drawn until it is the size of a fat pencil. It can be used by spinners with minimal drafting (withdrawing fibers from a clump). Knitters also use pencil roving, similar to Lopi style yarns, or when making a thrummed item. (Regular roving can also be used in thrummed knitting.)
Materials |
- Noil
- Rolag
- Roving
- Sliver
- Staple
- Top
- Tow
- Woolen
- Worsted
Techniques |
- Carding
- Combing
- Heckling
- Long draw
- Scutching
- Short draw
- Twist per inch
Hand spinning tools |
- Hand spinning
- Distaff
- Niddy noddy
- Nostepinne
- Spindle
- Spinning wheel
- Spinners weasel
Industrial spinning |
- Cotton-spinning machinery
- Ring spinning
- Open end spinning
- Dref Friction Spinning
- Magnetic ring spinning
- Mule spinners' cancer
- Piece-rate list
- Spinning frame
- Spinning jenny
- Spinning mule
- Throstle frame
- Water frame
- Wool combing machine
- ^ Freund, Kimberlie and Norton, Marjorie J.T., Broadwoven Fabrics, USITC Publication 3410: 4 ISBN 1-4289-5826-6
- ^ Spinning Prep/Combing Lab, International Textile Center
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English Journal
- Localized Rotational Activation in the Left Atrium during Human Atrial Fibrillation: Relationship to Complex Fractionated Atrial Electrograms and Low Voltage Zones.
- Ghoraani B, Dalvi R, Gizurarson S, Das M, Ha A, Suszko A, Krishnan S, Chauhan V.SourceDept of Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
- Heart rhythm : the official journal of the Heart Rhythm Society.Heart Rhythm.2013 Sep 6. pii: S1547-5271(13)00988-0. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2013.09.007. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Mitchelson JR.SourceCodamotion, Charnwood Dynamics Ltd., Rothley, Leicestershire, UK. Electronic address: research@joelmitchelson.com.
- Journal of biomechanics.J Biomech.2013 Sep 3;46(13):2326-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.05.029. Epub 2013 Jul 23.
- This work addresses the use of 3D point data to measure rigid motions, in the presence of occlusion and without reference to a prior model of relative point locations. This is a problem where cluster-based measurement techniques are used (e.g. for measuring limb movements) and no static calibration
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- Discrimination of mixed-directional whistles by a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).
- Branstetter BK, Black A, Bakhtiari K.SourceNational Marine Mammal Foundation, 2240 Shelter Island Drive, #204, San Diego, California 92106.
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.J Acoust Soc Am.2013 Sep;134(3):2274-85. doi: 10.1121/1.4816404.
- Dolphins are hypothesized to deduce the swimming direction of group members by attending to the spectral pattern of whistle harmonics. This is known as the direction of movement cue hypothesis and may facilitate coordination of complex group behavior when visibility is poor. The direction of movemen
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Japanese Journal
- Auditory Mismatch Negativity in Response to Changes of Counter-Balanced Interaural Time and Level Differences
- R.M.BallantyneのThe Coral IslandとR.L.StevensonのThe Ebb-Tideに見る"roving"な主人公たちについて
- R. M. BallantyneのThe Coral IslandとR. L. StevensonのThe Ebb-Tideに見る"roving"な主人公たちについて
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