- a developed system of roots (同)root_system
- fixedness by or as if by roots; "strengthened by rootage in the firm soil of faith"
English Journal
- [Studies on tissue culture of Dendrobium lituiflorum].
- Chang J, Ding XY, Bao SL, Liu DY, He J, Tang F, Ding BZ.SourceSchool of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing Normal 210097, China.
- Zhongguo Zhong yao za zhi = Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi = China journal of Chinese materia medica.Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi.2004 Apr;29(4):313-7.
- OBJECTIVE: To select optimal media and conditions for the tissue culture of Dendrobium lituiforum.METHOD: The basic media, light illumination condition, phytohormone, and natural aqueous extracts. were tested and compared. The chlorophyll contents and soluble protein contents were measured.RESULT: N
- PMID 15706865
- [Radiographic course of inverted osteochondral graft using the Regnauld technic in the surgical treatment of hallux valgus].
- De Palma L, Coletti V, Tulli A.AbstractThe osteocartilaginous bone graft, conceived by Regnauld for surgical treatment of hallux valgus, is to-day widely known and practised. We have preferably employed the so called "inverted graft", while Regnauld, in his recent monography, defines it less satisfactory than the "cork" or "hat" shaped grafts. Therefore, we have observed the radiological evolution of our inverted grafts, to evaluate the possible differences of their "rootage" in comparison to the cork grafts, studied by Valenti in 1976. Some possible causes of the infrequent failures of this grafting are also examined and discussed. We conclude that the osteocartilaginous graft evolution do not show radiological differences referable to the graft morphology and that unfavourable evolution, when is present, concern at first the articular (cartilaginous) side of the graft, being independent of failed rootage or aseptic necrosis of the bony side.
- Archivio "Putti" di chirurgia degli organi di movimento.Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov.1989;37(2):363-9.
- The osteocartilaginous bone graft, conceived by Regnauld for surgical treatment of hallux valgus, is to-day widely known and practised. We have preferably employed the so called "inverted graft", while Regnauld, in his recent monography, defines it less satisfactory than the "cork" or "hat" shaped g
- PMID 2624544
Japanese Journal
- 根域の薄膜化による軽量セル育苗法の開発 : 発芽実生根のシートへの着生法(繁殖・育苗)
- 水田 洋一,川西 孝秀,矢澤 進
- 園芸学研究 2(3), 165-170, 2003-09-15
- 培地を無くし,遮根できる布(底面遮板材)を用いて底面給液することにより,根域を薄層化することで,セル成型育苗システムを軽量化しだセルシード育苗法を開発した.底面遮根材および根域を保護する資材(根域保護材)が,苗の接着性,生存率,地上部生体重に及ぼす影響をレタス,ハクサイ,トマトで調査した.底面保護材にテトロン200lpiまたはテトロン250lpiを用いると,シートを垂直にぶら下げた程度では苗は全く …
- NAID 110001803325
- 根域の薄膜化による軽量セル育苗法の開発―発芽実生根のシートへの着生法―
- 水田 洋一,川西 孝秀,矢澤 進
- 園芸学研究 2(3), 165-170, 2003
- 培地を無くし,遮根できる布(底面遮根材)を用いて底面給液することにより,根域を薄層化することで,セル成型育苗システムを軽量化した"セルシート"育苗法を開発した.底面遮根材および根域を保護する資材(根域保護材)が,苗の接着性,生存率,地上部生体重に及ぼす影響をレタス,ハクサイ,トマトで調査した.底面保護材にテトロン200 lpiまたはテトロン250 lpiを用いると,シートを垂直にぶら下げた程度では …
- NAID 130004476215
- 1990年代の経済不況下における宮城県角田盆地の進出工場の動向 : 東北地方の工業化に関する認識の再検討
- 日野 正輝,伊芸 直哉
- 日本地理学会発表要旨集 = Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 52, 148-149, 1997-10
- NAID 10003715397
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