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- 1. 頭頸部癌患者における下顎および口蓋再建 mandibular and palatal reconstruction in patients with head and neck cancer
English Journal
- Influence of depressive symptoms on speech perception in adverse listening conditions.
- Chandrasekaran B1, Van Engen K, Xie Z, Beevers CG, Maddox WT.
- Cognition & emotion.Cogn Emot.2015 Aug;29(5):900-9. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2014.944106. Epub 2014 Aug 4.
- It is widely acknowledged that individuals with elevated depressive symptoms exhibit deficits in inter-personal communication. Research has primarily focused on speech production in individuals with elevated depressive symptoms. Little is known about speech perception in individuals with elevated de
- PMID 25090306
- Parallel language activation and inhibitory control in bimodal bilinguals.
- Giezen MR1, Blumenfeld HK2, Shook A3, Marian V4, Emmorey K5.
- Cognition.Cognition.2015 Aug;141:9-25. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2015.04.009. Epub 2015 Apr 22.
- Findings from recent studies suggest that spoken-language bilinguals engage nonlinguistic inhibitory control mechanisms to resolve cross-linguistic competition during auditory word recognition. Bilingual advantages in inhibitory control might stem from the need to resolve perceptual competition betw
- PMID 25912892
- Non-word repetition in 2-year-olds: Replication of an adapted paradigm and a useful methodological extension.
- Torrington Eaton C1, Newman RS, Ratner NB, Rowe ML.
- Clinical linguistics & phonetics.Clin Linguist Phon.2015 Jul;29(7):523-35. doi: 10.3109/02699206.2015.1029594. Epub 2015 Apr 20.
- Accurate non-word repetition (NWR) has been largely attributed to phonological memory, although the task involves other processes including speech production, which may confound results in toddlers with developing speech production abilities. This study is based on Hoff, Core and Bridges' adapted NW
- PMID 25894670
Japanese Journal
- 静岡県の「音声言語障害検診」に関する耳鼻咽喉科医に対するアンケート調査
- 進行性球麻痺のみを呈した高齢発症重症筋無力症の1例
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- 英
- nasal voice
- ラ
- rhinolalia
- 同
- 鼻声