English Journal
- Efficient uptake of blood-borne BK and JC polyomavirus-like particles in endothelial cells of liver sinusoids and renal vasa recta.
- Simon-Santamaria J1, Rinaldo CH2, Kardas P3, Li R1, Malovic I1, Elvevold K1, McCourt P1, Smedsrød B1, Hirsch HH4, Sørensen KK1.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2014 Nov 6;9(11):e111762. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111762. eCollection 2014.
- Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) are specialized scavenger cells that mediate high-capacity clearance of soluble waste macromolecules and colloid material, including blood-borne adenovirus. To explore if LSECs function as a sink for other viruses in blood, we studied the fate of virus-like
- PMID 25375646
- [Effect of phytosterols and alkylglycerols in the diet on morphometric indicators of liver structure in rats].
- Gadzhieva ZM, Kulakova SN.
- Voprosy pitaniia.Vopr Pitan.2014;83(2):50-6.
- In the experiment where rats were fed a diet with phytosterols and alkylglycerols for 1,5 months, changes were observed in morphometric parameters in the liver structure in rats. In animals, which were fed a diet with 20% replacement of the fat component (lard) on phytosterols (stanols derived from
- PMID 25059069
- Patterns of liver iron accumulation in patients with sickle cell disease and thalassemia with iron overload.
- Hankins JS1, Smeltzer MP, McCarville MB, Aygun B, Hillenbrand CM, Ware RE, Onciu M.
- European journal of haematology.Eur J Haematol.2010 Jul;85(1):51-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0609.2010.01449.x. Epub 2010 Mar 31.
- The rate and pattern of iron deposition and accumulation are important determinants of liver damage in chronically transfused patients. To investigate iron distribution patterns at various tissue iron concentrations, effects of chelation on hepatic iron compartmentalization, and differences between
- PMID 20374273
Japanese Journal
- 経皮経肝的門脈塞栓術(PTPE)後の非塞栓葉の機能的変化に関する検討
- 鈴木 修司,吉川 達也,新井田 達雄,吾妻 司,大坪 毅人,木暮 道夫,本橋 洋一,高崎 健
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 32(5), 1173-1178, 1999-05-01
- 我々は1990年以来胆道癌手術の適応拡大, 安全性向上のため経皮経肝的門脈塞栓術(PTPE)を導入してきた. PTPE前後の形態的, 機能的変化についてPTPEを施行した胆嚢癌3例, 胆管癌3例を対象に検討した. 形態的肝再生はCTによる体積変化を検討し機能的肝再生はプレアルブミン, レチノール結合蛋白, トランスフェリン, 過酸化脂質, 酸素飽和度, アンモニア, エンドトキシンの各項目をPTP …
- NAID 110001336662
- 猫ヘモバルネトラ症に関する研究 : II. 猫ヘモバルトネラ症における貧血の発生機序について
- 前出 吉光,秦 良治
- 日本獸醫學雜誌 37(1), 49-54, 1975-02-25
- … From these results, it is conjectured that parasitized erythrocytes may probably be sequestrated by reticuloendothelium of the spleen or some other organ, but that some of them may return soon to the circulating blood by getting free from the parasite in spite of some damage caused by the parasite. …
- NAID 110003919250
- 胸管淋巴に関する研究 第1編 生体内胆汁色素生成と胸管淋巴
- 山本 直喜
- 岡山医学会雑誌 70(2), 589-603, 1958-02-28
- … its bilirubin contents as well as those of serum bilirubin were carried out together with the clarification of the presence of verdohemoglobin, a matrix of biliverdin, by administration of physiological saline or hemoglobin solution via femoral or mesentherial vein on thoracic duct-fistled dogs of the sound, the liver-damaged with the administration of carbon tetrachloride, or the reticuloendothelium-blocked to clarify the characteristic of thoracic duct lymph during the process of bile pigment formation in vivo, and the following results were obtained: …
- NAID 120002615190
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- reticuloendothelium re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·um (rĭ-tĭk'yə-lō-ěn'dō-thē'lē-əm) n. The cells and tissues making up the reticuloendothelial system.
- reticuloendothelium [rĕ-tik″u-lo-en″do-the´le-um] the tissue of the reticuloendothelial system. re·tic·u·lo·en·do·the·li·um (re-tik'yū-lō-en'dō-thē'lē-ŭm), The cells making up the reticuloendothelial system. [reticulo- + endothelium]
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