- characterized by socially or conventionally acceptable morals; "a respectable woman"
- unworthy of respect
- (社会的に)『ちゃんとした』,まともな / (服装・外見などが)『見苦しくない』,体裁のよい;《時に皮肉に》お上品な,上品ぶった / 『かなりよい』,まずまずの / (数・量などが)『相当な』,かなりの
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Respectable may refer to:
- Having significant social status
- "Respectable" (Rolling Stones song), 1978 single
- "Respectable" (Mel and Kim song), 1987 single
- "Respectable", a 1960 single by The Isley Brothers, a 1965 album cover by the Yardbirds on Having a Rave Up with The Yardbirds, and a 1966 cover by The Outsiders
- "Respectable", a song by Don McLean from the album Tapestry
- Respectable (TV series), set in a brothel, broadcast by Five in the UK in 2006
See also
English Journal
- Intermediate phase-assisted solution preparation of two dimensional CsPbCl perovskite for efficient ultraviolet photodetection.
- Hu H, Han Z, Huang B, Dong Y, Zou Y.
- Journal of colloid and interface science. 2019 Oct;554()619-626.
- Fully-inorganic halide perovskites (HPs) have realized respectable progress in multiple optoelectronic applications. However, Cl-based fully-inorganic HPs that are ideal for ultraviolet (UV) photodetection applications in high demand still remain rarely explored mainly due to the poor solution proce
- PMID 31336354
- Theoretical Studies on Trinuclear {MnGd} and Tetranuclear {MnGd} Clusters: Magnetic Exchange, Mechanism of Magnetic Coupling, Magnetocaloric Effect, and Magneto-Structural Correlations.
- Rajeshkumar T, Jose R, Remya PR, Rajaraman G.
- Inorganic chemistry. 2019 Sep;58(18)11927-11940.
- Among various applications that are proposed for {3d-4f} clusters, magnetic refrigeration based on the principle of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) is gaining attention in recent years due to the substantially large MCE values reported for these types of molecules. While various factors play a role
- PMID 31414797
- Fabrication of an efficient and sensitive colorimetric biosensor based on Uricase/ Th-MOF for uric acid sensing in biological samples.
- Badoei-Dalfard A, Sohrabi N, Karami Z, Sargazi G.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics. 2019 Sep;141()111420.
- Recently, nanomaterial-based artificial enzymes have expected abundant consideration because of cheap, accessibility, and respectable stability. In this study, we report a Th-MOF artificial peroxidase, which can oxidize 3,3,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine by hydrogen peroxide to yield a blue product. The c
- PMID 31220726
Japanese Journal
- PCアーカイブス PCの先駆者たち : 人物編(1)人間 : 吉田德次郎先生
- 渡邊 明,濵田 秀則
- プレストレストコンクリート = Journal of prestressed concrete, Japan 62(1), 56-58, 2020-01
- NAID 40022159378
- JIS B 0401-1, -2, 0420-1:2016の用語に真っ当な回帰を
- 塚田 忠夫,桑田 浩志,平野 重雄
- 設計工学 = Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering : 日本設計工学会誌 54(12), 823-830, 2019-12
- NAID 40022095202
- 情報技術の進展と情報倫理の課題 (特集 江澤義典名誉教授 定年退職記念)
- 江澤 義典
- 情報研究 = Journal of informatics : 関西大学総合情報学部紀要 (49), 3-10, 2019-01
- わたしたちは日常的な知的活動において,手元の電子機器(パソコン,タブレット端末,スマートフォンなど)にアクセスすることが多い.ところが,都合の悪いニュースなどを「フェイクニュースだ」と決めつける政治家の発言やSNSへの匿名の無責任な書き込みなどに,多くの市民が迷惑している.インターネット利用が普及した現代において,わたしたち市民にとって十分に信頼できる情報を得るにはどのような工夫が必要なのであろう …
- NAID 120006619231
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