- showing firm determination or purpose; "she resolutely refused to look at him or speak to him"; "he entered the building resolutely"
- lacking determination or decisiveness
- firm in purpose or belief; characterized by firmness and determination; "stood resolute against the enemy"; "faced with a resolute opposition"; "a resolute and unshakeable faith"
- 堅く決心して,断固として
- 『決心の堅い』,断固たる
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- 1. Brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE)をはじめとする乳幼児危急事態acute events in infancy including brief resolved unexplained event brue [show details]
…Basics topics Beyond the Basics topics A brief resolved unexplained event in an infant (BRUE) is a description of a sudden, brief, and now resolved episode that includes one or more of the following …
- 2. 小児期の食物アレルギー:有病割合、自然経過、および寛解までのモニタリングfood allergy in children prevalence natural history and monitoring for resolution [show details]
…required to prove that the allergy has resolved. As an example, it is usually reasonable to proceed with an oral food challenge to determine if the allergy has resolved in a patient who has tolerated a larger …
- 3. 食物アレルギーに対する今後の診断ツールfuture diagnostic tools for food allergy [show details]
…are evaluating the specificity of that response on the level of individual allergens ("component resolved diagnosis") or the epitopes of those allergens ("epitope mapping" or "profiling"). They are measuring …
- 4. 乳児への在宅医療用心肺モニターの使用use of home cardiorespiratory monitors in infants [show details]
…based on observations of recurrent brief apneic episodes during sleep in several infants, which resolved as the infants matured. Infants with these features were thought to be at risk for SIDS, and CR …
- 5. 急性冠症候群の発症リスクが低から中程度ある患者への非侵襲的診断法と画像検査noninvasive testing and imaging for diagnosis in patients at low to intermediate risk for acute coronary syndrome [show details]
…evaluation of ED patients who frequently present when symptoms have resolved. Evidence suggests that while regional dysfunction frequently resolves within minutes after resolution of ischemic symptoms, perfusion …
English Journal
- "Child marriage" in context: exploring local attitudes towards early marriage in rural Tanzania.
- Schaffnit SB, Urassa M, Lawson DW.
- Sexual and reproductive health matters. 2019 Dec;27(1)1571304.
- A global campaign to end "child marriage" has emerged over the last decade as part of growing international commitments to address gender inequities and improve female wellbeing. Campaigns typically assert that young brides have negligible autonomy in the marriage process and that marrying under 18
- PMID 31533558
- Profile of service and satisfaction of users of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU).
- Battisti GR, Branco A, Caregnato RCA, Oliveira MMC.
- Revista gaucha de enfermagem. 2019 Jul;40()e20180431.
- To know the profile of service and satisfaction of users served by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU). A cross-sectional study of the 854 services performed by the Advanced Life Support (SAV) teams from SAMU of Porto Alegre/RS, in the first quarter of 2016. A total of 164 users or respondents
- PMID 31365737
- From social brains to social robots: applying neurocognitive insights to human-robot interaction.
- Cross ES, Hortensius R, Wykowska A.
- Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences. 2019 Apr;374(1771)20180024.
- Amidst the fourth industrial revolution, social robots are resolutely moving from fiction to reality. With sophisticated artificial agents becoming ever more ubiquitous in daily life, researchers across different fields are grappling with the questions concerning how humans perceive and interact wit
- PMID 30852997
Japanese Journal
- 国内問題 法律家6団体連絡会の活動 憲法審査会の開催に断固反対する法律家団体の緊急声明
- Immanent Frames : Meiji New Buddhism, Pantheism, and the "Religious Secular"
- SHIELDS James Mark
- Japan review : journal of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (30), 79-95, 2017
- … I argue that the New Buddhists, drawing on elements of classical and East Asian Buddhism as well as modern Western thought, promoted a resolutely social and this-worldly Buddhism that collapses—or preempts—the conceptual and practical boundaries between religion and the secular. …
- NAID 120006332766
- 生活困難を抱える母子家庭の母親理解に関する生成的実践 : 母親規範に回収されない理解
- 横山 登志子
- 社会福祉学 56(1), 61-73, 2015
- 本論文では,近年の日本における「標準家族」を想定した家族規範,母親規範そのものを再考せざるをえないような,複合的な問題を抱えた母子への支援において,どのような母親理解が生成的に生み出されているかに着目した.そして母子生活支援施設の支援者が,ある困難事例の中で母親をどのように語るのかをインタビュー・データを素材として考察した.カテゴリー化実践の視点から分析した結果,データには「お母さん」「彼女」「A …
- NAID 110009986687
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- Resolutely he suppressed his sympathy for the ghost of Comrade Verloc, and went on. With a thought as quick, she folded it resolutely upon the other in her lap. "You will sit there till you tell me," resolutely replied the lady.
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