- (公式に宣言して)…‘を'放棄する,中止する / …‘との'関係を否認する,縁を切る
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English Journal
- As we cannot afford to renounce to new generation echocardiography in systemic amyloidosis.
- Cappelli F, Perlini S, Attanà P, Ciuti G, Salinaro F, Perfetto F.
- Amyloid : the international journal of experimental and clinical investigation : the official journal of the International Society of Amyloidosis.Amyloid.2013 Sep;20(3):195-6. doi: 10.3109/13506129.2013.808993. Epub 2013 Jun 20.
- PMID 23786581
- Severe side effects of health migration: stress and anger.
- Massimo LM, Bazzari M, Caprino D.Author information Dipartimento di Ematologia e Oncologia Pediatrica, IRCCS Giannina Gaslini, Genova, Italia. great deal of immigrants of very sick children treated in our country are unable to elaborate an effective coping strategy and a methodology of resilience. Their culture and communication difficulties do not allow them to build a strong self help system. Herein, we report five stories of mothers and children who were cared for in our Children's Hospital. Anger; this is quite a common emotion among many immigrant parents of sick children with high risk diseases who have been treated in our hospital for long periods of time. They live together in community housing with families from other countries, and of different religions and habits. Anger affects their personal and social well-being. Self-blame is a common expression of their condition, and they are unable to make helpful self sacrifices. They feel anger as a result of what has happened to them, and they do not have the abilities they need to activate a good defence mechanism. Resilience is completely unknown to them. In most cases, their relatives do not intend to help them. These mothers are far from their families and habits, they are alone with their child, they suffer but their relatives push them to go back home and to renounce to the hope of cure given by the physicians. They experience a loss in their self-monitoring ability to build a coping strategy and resilience. In these cases their display of anger is often exaggerated. The anger of the immigrants is an additional problem for physicians and other caregivers working in hospitals which treat immigrant children.
- Minerva pediatrica.Minerva Pediatr.2012 Dec;64(6):649-54.
- A great deal of immigrants of very sick children treated in our country are unable to elaborate an effective coping strategy and a methodology of resilience. Their culture and communication difficulties do not allow them to build a strong self help system. Herein, we report five stories of mothers a
- PMID 23108327
- Treatment strategy for colorectal cancer with resectable synchronous liver metastases: Is any evidence-based strategy possible?
- Viganò L.Author information Luca Viganò, Department of HPB and Digestive Surgery, Ospedale Mauriziano "Umberto I", Torino 10128, Italy.AbstractFifteen percent to twenty-five percent of patients affected by colorectal cancer presents with liver metastases at diagnosis. In resectable cases, surgery is the only potentially curative treatment and achieves survival rates up to 50% at 5 years. Management is complex, as colorectal resection, liver resection, chemotherapy, and, in locally advanced mid/low rectal tumors, radiotherapy have to be integrated. Modern medical practice usually relies on evidence-based protocols. Levels of evidence for synchronous metastases are poor: published studies include few recent prospective series and several retrospective analyses collecting a limited number of patients across long periods of time. Data are difficult to be generalized and are mainly representative of single centre's experience, biased by local recruitment, indications and surgical technique. In this context, surgeons have to renounce to "evidence-based medicine" and to adopt a sort of "experience-based medicine". Anyway, some suggestions are possible. Simultaneous colorectal and liver resection can be safely performed whenever minor hepatectomies are planned, while a case-by-case evaluation is mandatory in case of more complex procedures. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is preferentially scheduled for patients with advanced metastatic tumors to assess disease biology and to control lesions. It can be safely performed with primary tumor in situ, even planning simultaneous resection at its end. Locally advanced mid/low rectal tumor represents a further indication to neoadjuvant therapies, even if treatment's schedule is not yet standardized. In summary, several issues have to be solved, but every single HPB centre should define its proper strategy to optimize patient's selection, disease control and safety and completeness of surgery.
- World journal of hepatology.World J Hepatol.2012 Aug 27;4(8):237-41.
- Fifteen percent to twenty-five percent of patients affected by colorectal cancer presents with liver metastases at diagnosis. In resectable cases, surgery is the only potentially curative treatment and achieves survival rates up to 50% at 5 years. Management is complex, as colorectal resection, live
- PMID 22993665
Japanese Journal
- 諸岡 了介
- 宗教研究 85(3), 623-643, 2011-12-30
- 本稿の狙いは、世俗化論をそれが伴ってきた「宗教とは何か」という問いについて再解釈するとともに、宗教概念批判論を経た現在においてこの問いが持つ意義を示すことにある。世俗化論と称されてきた諸理論は、「従来的な意味における宗教」と「従来見逃されてきた種類の宗教」の双方を捉えようとする上で、宗教に関する高度に一般的な考察を展開したところに特徴があった。しかし、宗教復興現象への関心の高まりや、宗教の定義に関 …
- NAID 110008799190
- A Developmental Study on Delay of Gratification
- Kobayashi Sayoko,Mitsumoto Takashi,コバヤシ サヨコ,ミツモト タカシ,小林 小夜子,光富 隆
- 学習開発学研究 (2), 85-101, 2009-03-31
- … In this situation, subjects could either wait to play with a favorite toy, renounce waiting and immediately play with the less favorite toy or break the rules of waiting for a turn. …
- NAID 120002486744
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