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- reinfuse、reinject、reinjection
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English Journal
- Orange interventions for symptoms associated with dimethyl sulfoxide during stem cell reinfusions: a feasibility study.
- Potter P, Eisenberg S, Cain KC, Berry DL.SourceAuthor Affiliations: School of Nursing, University of Portland, Oregon (Dr Potter); Infusion Services, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Washington (Mr Eisenberg); Department of Biostatistics and Office for Nursing Research, Seattle, Washington (Dr Cain); Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts (Dr Berry).
- Cancer nursing.Cancer Nurs.2011 Sep-Oct;34(5):361-8.
- BACKGROUND: : For over 2 decades, oncology nurses at a regional comprehensive cancer center offered sliced oranges to patients during the reinfusion of autologous hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) to relieve symptoms associated with the preservative dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).OBJECTIVE: : This ra
- PMID 21372706
- Is there a scientific basis for a recommended standardization of collection and cryopreservation of peripheral blood stem cell grafts?
- Akkok CA, Liseth K, Melve GK, Ersvar E, Hervig T, Bruserud O.SourceDepartment of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Oslo University Hospital , Ullevaal, Oslo , Norway.
- Cytotherapy.Cytotherapy.2011 Sep;13(8):1013-24. Epub 2011 Apr 20.
- Abstract High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation has been used extensively during the last two decades in the treatment of hematologic malignancies. The vast majority of recent transplantations have been performed using mobilized peripheral blood stem cells, because t
- PMID 21504376
Japanese Journal
- 胃切除術後の難治性腹水に対し腹腔-静脈シャント術が有効であった1例
- 細木 久裕,岡部 寛,小濱 和貴,坂井 義治
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 43(5), 501-507, 2010-05-01
- 症例は慢性C型肝炎の既往のある56歳の男性で,食道浸潤を伴う2型進行胃癌を指摘された.術前の肝機能評価はChild-PughスコアAであった.術前化学療法を施行後,左開胸開腹胃全摘,下部食道切除術を施行した.術後より著明な腹水貯留を認め,利尿剤にて制御困難なため,術後第43病日より第84病日まで計12回,腹水濾過濃縮再静注法を施行した.腹水の減少傾向を認めたが,依然排液を必要とする状態が続き,第8 …
- NAID 110007619507
- 透析用監視装置および透析情報管理システムでの透析業務の省力化と効率化ならびに透析医療経済への効果
- 黒田 泰二,奥村 宜士,川本 茉莉,光山 綾香,松山 友美,末光 聡子,大植 麻衣,福永 惠,大瀬戸 奨
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 42(11), 871-877, 2009-11-28
- 〔背景〕保険診療報酬改定のたびに透析医療経済環境は厳しくなってきた.しかし医療機関は透析医療の質を維持する責務がある.そのため透析業務の省力化および効率化が求められ,透析支援システムや全自動透析システムが必要となってきた.〔対象と方法〕ニプロ社製透析用監視装置(NCV-1i)と透析情報管理システム(DiaCom2006)を用い1クール(78床同時血液透析)を対象に透析業務の省力化ならびに効率化,さ …
- NAID 10026315812
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- reinfusion /re・in・fu・sion/ (-in-fu´zhun) infusion of body fluid that has previously been withdrawn from the same individual, e.g., reinfusion of ascitic fluid after ultrafiltration. reinfusion [re″in-fu´zhun]. infusion of body fluid that has previously been ...
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- reinfuse、reinfusion、reinject