- 関
- reimplant、replantation、retransplant、retransplantation
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English Journal
- Re: complex artificial urinary sphincter revision and reimplantation cases-how do they fare compared to virgin cases?
- Carson CC.SourceUniversity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. Electronic address: carson@med.unc.edu.
- European urology.Eur Urol.2012 Dec;62(6):1199-200. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2012.09.020.
- PMID 23141129
- Removed antibiotic-impregnated cement spacers in two-stage revision joint arthroplasty do not show biofilm formation in vivo.
- Griffin JW, Guillot SJ, Redick JA, Browne JA.SourceDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, Virginia.
- The Journal of arthroplasty.J Arthroplasty.2012 Dec;27(10):1796-9. doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2012.06.019.
- Use of antibiotic-impregnated spacers is common in the two-stage approach to treatment of periprosthetic joint infection despite the lack of information regarding in vivo performance of these implants. Antibiotic elution levels likely often fall below the minimal inhibitory concentration need to inh
- PMID 23146367
Japanese Journal
- 石川 正昭,平海 晴一,山本 典生,坂本 達則,金丸 眞一,伊藤 壽一
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科學會會報 114(5), 498-504, 2011-05-20
- 人工内耳手術が普及し, 多くの患者がその恩恵を問題なく享受できている. 一方で電極の入れ替えを必要とする症例も徐々に増えつつある. 今回, 最近23年間の京都大学附属病院耳鼻咽喉科・頭頸部外科における人工内耳手術症例において電極の入れ替えを施行した症例について検討した. 人工内耳手術を行った252名 (小児129名, 成人123名) のうち電極の入れ替えを要した症例は小児6名, 成人4名であり, …
- NAID 10029089898
- b)胸腹部大動脈瘤 : 特に対麻痺予防(2.人工血管置換術,<特集>大動脈瘤治療のup to date)
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- reimplantation /re·im·plan·ta·tion/ (-im-plan-ta´shun) replacement of tissue or a structure in the site from which it was previously lost or removed. ureteral reimplantation ureteroneocystostomy. re·im·plan·ta·tion (rē′ĭm-plăn-tā′shən) n. ...
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- 英
- retransplantation、reimplantation、replantation、retransplant、reimplant
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- 再置換術
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- reimplantation、replantation、retransplant、retransplantation
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- reimplant、reimplantation、replantation、retransplantation
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- reimplant、reimplantation、retransplant、retransplantation
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- reimplant、reimplantation、replantation、retransplant
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- preimplantation diagnosis
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- blastocyst