- provide with choice or abundant food or drink; "Dont worry about the expensive wine--Im treating"; "She treated her houseguests with good food every night" (同)treat
- paraphernalia indicative of royalty (or other high office)
- of or relating to a viceroy; "the viceregal visit"
- 王の,帝王の(royal) / 王者らしい(kingly);堂堂とした,荘厳な
- (…で)〈人〉‘を'大いに喜ばせる(楽しませる)《+『名』〈人〉+『with』(『on』)+『名』》
- 王家の象徴(王冠・王しゃく・宝珠など) / (官職などを表す)儀礼服,官服,記章 / 盛装,正装
- viceroyの
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/17 20:25:08」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Regal may refer to:
- 1 Musical Instrument
- 2 Surname
- 3 Brand/company names
- 4 Characters
- 5 Other
Musical Instrument[edit source | edit]
- Regal (musical instrument), a keyboard instrument manually pumped by bellows and having a raucous, nasal sound
Surname[edit source | edit]
- Steve Regal (born 1951), retired American professional wrestler. Not to be confused with "Steven Regal", a former ring name of:
- William Regal (born 1968), real name Darren Matthews, a British professional wrestler currently working for WWE
Brand/company names[edit source | edit]
- The Reliant Regal, a model of car produced by Reliant
- The Buick Regal, a model of car produced by Buick
- Regal (automobile), a United States automobile
- Regal (cigarette), a brand of cigarettes
- Regal Cinema (disambiguation), several cinemas of that name
- Regal Entertainment Group, a major US theater chain
- Regal Hotels International a hotel operator listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
- Regal Manufacturing Company, a manufacturer of fretted musical instruments in Indianapolis from 1901 to 1904
- Regal Musical Instrument Company, a manufacturer of fretted musical instruments in Chicago from 1908 to 1954
- Regal Petroleum, an oil company
- Regal Records (disambiguation), the name of several record makers
- Regal Zonophone Records, a British record label
- Regal, a Spanish insurance company also known internationally as the sponsor of:
- FC Barcelona Bàsquet or Regal FC Barcelona, the basketball section of FC Barcelona
- Regal security, supply's security products in South Africa and sub-Saharan African.
Regal Contracts uk Ltd - Vehicle recovery company in Leicester,Leicestershire
Characters[edit source | edit]
- A Tales of Symphonia character named Regal Bryant
- Dr. Regal, one of the antagonists from the MegaMan Battle Network series
Other[edit source | edit]
- Regal, Minnesota, a town in the United States
English Journal
- Cellular and ultra structural evidence for cytoskeletal localization of prolyl endopeptidase-like protein in neurons.
- Morawski M, Nuytens K, Juhasz T, Zeitschel U, Seeger G, Waelkens E, Regal L, Schulz I, Arendt T, Szeltner Z, Creemers J, Roßner S.SourcePaul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, University of Leipzig, 04109 Leipzig, Jahnallee 59, Germany.
- Neuroscience.Neuroscience.2013 Jul 9;242:128-39. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.02.038. Epub 2013 Feb 26.
- The biochemical properties and subcellular localization of prolyl endopeptidase (PREP) in brain are well characterized and its implications in the realization of cognitive processes and in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders are a matter of intensive investigation. In contrast, very litt
- PMID 23485813
- Complement activation is critical for placental ischemia-induced hypertension in the rat.
- Lillegard KE, Johnson AC, Lojovich SJ, Bauer AJ, Marsh HC, Gilbert JS, Regal JF.SourceDepartment of Biomedical Sciences, 1035 University Drive, University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth, Duluth, MN 55812, USA. Electronic address: lille067@umn.edu.
- Molecular immunology.Mol Immunol.2013 May 14;56(1-2):91-97. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2013.04.009. [Epub ahead of print]
- Preeclampsia is a major obstetric problem defined by new-onset hypertension and proteinuria associated with compromised placental perfusion. Although activation of the complement system is increased in preeclampsia compared to normal pregnancy, it remains unclear whether excess complement activation
- PMID 23685261
- Neurologic manifestations of E coli infection-induced hemolytic-uremic syndrome in adults.
- Regal PJ.SourceLake Haven, Australia.
- Neurology.Neurology.2013 May 7;80(19):1818. doi: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000430450.15615.c3.
- I commend Weissenborn et al.(1) for careful serial neurologic and neuropsychological examination of 42 severely ill adults. I question whether encephalopathy or delirium is the best description. The first of 2 cardinal features of delirium on the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)(2) is acute confusi
- PMID 23650237
Japanese Journal
- 戦時下の贈与 : 近代日本社会における国民的贈与の創出
- 山口 睦
- 文化人類学 76(3), 237-256, 2011-12-31
- 本論は、1945年までの近代日本社会に存在した軍隊への贈与行為を分析対象として、非日常性が強調されがちな戦時下の贈与行為と、それ以前の日常的な贈与行為との連続性を明らかにするものである。そのなかで、近代国家における国民としての贈与行為の特異性が浮かび上がってくると考える。日本社会は、贈与交換研究が始められた「未開社会」と異なり長い貨幣使用の歴史をもち、かつ、被調査者自身による文字記録を豊富にもつフ …
- NAID 110008897501
- 地域生活における障がい者や高齢者の消費者被害未然防止・再発防止に関する支援
- 佐分 厚子
- 評論・社会科学 98, 95-124, 2011-12
- 本稿の目的は,障害者や高齢者の消費者問題に関する報告書や文献から消費者被害発生要因を抽出し,消費者被害に対する法的対応の側面と,消費者被害未然防止・再発防止に関する障がい者の特性に応じた「消費者力」育成を中心とした支援の側面を構造化することである.障がい者や高齢者の消費者被害未然防止・再発防止に関する支援構造は3層に分類され、第1層は「自立力」と「社会的支援活用力」からなる「消費者力」育成を中心と …
- NAID 110009209550
Related Links
- 株式会社リーガルコーポレーションの公式サイト。靴・シューズブランド「リーガル(REGAL)」の商品検索、全国の店舗紹介、靴に関する情報、会社情報等をご覧いただけます。 ... トピックス一覧はこちら 2013.12.20 REGAL SHOES a.k.a ...
- リーガルの専門店「リーガルシューズ」。店舗情報や取り扱い商品、会員制度、オーダーシューズなどの各種情報をご紹介します。 最新情報をご案内いたします。 RSS 2013.12.27 1月 店休日のご案内 2013.12.20 REGAL SHOES a.k.a ...
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