- in a pleasantly novel manner; "she was refreshingly free from shyness"
- in a manner that relieves fatigue and restores vitality; "the air was refreshingly cool" (同)refreshfully
- 気分を一新させる,再び元気になる / ざん新な
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/07 08:08:45」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Shocking is a cooking process wherein the food substance, usually a vegetable or fruit, is plunged into iced water or placed under cold running water to halt the cooking process.[1]
See also
- Blanching
- Parboiling
- Chaunk
- ^ Ruhlman, Michael. 2013. BLANCHING, SHOCKING, REFRESHING
Cooking techniques
List of cooking techniques
Dry |
- Dry roasting
- Hot salt frying
- Searing
- Baking
- Roasting (modern)
- Smoking
- Grilling (charbroiling)
- Roasting (traditional)
- Rotisserie
- Toasting
Wet |
High heat
- Blanching
- Boiling
- Decoction
- Parboiling
- Shocking
Low heat
- Coddling
- Creaming
- Infusion
- Poaching
- Simmering
- Slow cooker
- Smothering
- Sous-vide
- Steeping
- Stewing
Indirect heat
- Bain-marie (Double boiling)
- Double steaming
- Steaming
Fat-based |
High heat
- Blackening
- Browning
- Deep frying
- Pan frying
- Reduction
- Shallow frying
- Stir frying (bao)
- Sautéing
Low heat
Mixed medium |
- Barbecuing
- Braising
- Flambé
- Fricassee
- Indirect grilling/Plank cooking
- Stir frying (chao)
Device-based |
- Air frying
- Microwaving
- Pressure cooking
- Pressure frying
- Thermal cooking
Non-heat |
- Curing
- Fermentation
- Pickling
- Souring
See also |
- List of cooking appliances
- Outdoor cooking
- Food preparation
- Food preservation
- Food safety
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English Journal
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