- European songbird with a reddish breast and tail; related to Old World robins (同)redtail
- flycatching warbler of eastern North America the male having bright orange on sides and wings and tail (同)redstart, Setophaga ruticilla
- ジョウビタキ(赤い尾をもつヨーロッパ産の小鳥) / アメリカムシクイ(赤橙色の斑点のあるアメリカ産の小鳥)
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This article is about an Old World bird. For the New World bird, see American redstart.
Redstarts |
Common redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Animalia |
Phylum: |
Chordata |
Class: |
Aves |
Order: |
Passeriformes |
Family: |
Muscicapidae |
Genera and species |
See text.
Redstarts are a group of small Old World birds. They were formerly classified in the thrush family (Turdidae), but are now known to be part of the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae. They are currently treated in four genera, the true redstarts Phoenicurus, the closely related genera Chaimarrornis and Rhyacornis, and the less closely related genus Hodgsonius.
These are insectivorous ground feeding birds, most of which have the red tail which gives the group its name; "start" is the modern English reflex of Middle English stert, Old English steort, tail of an animal. Most species are migratory, with northern species being long-distance migrants and more southerly species often being altitudinal migrants breeding at high altitude and moving lower down in winter.[1]
They are small insectivores, the males mostly brightly coloured in various combinations of red, blue, white, and black, the females light brown with a red tail.[1] Recent genetic studies have shown that the genus Phoenicurus is not monophyletic, but may be made so by the inclusion of Chaimarrornis and Rhyacornis within Phoenicurus;[2] this conclusion is yet to be taken up by the International Ornithological Congress.[3]
The New World redstarts in the genera Setophaga and Myioborus are not closely related; they are New World warblers in the family Parulidae. Members of the latter genus, with extensive white and no red in their tails, are now more often called "whitestarts".[4]
Species list
- Genus Phoenicurus
- Przevalski's redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)
- Eversmann's redstart (Phoenicurus erythronotus)
- Blue-capped redstart (Phoenicurus caeruleocephala)
- Black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros)
- Common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
- Hodgson's redstart (Phoenicurus hodgsoni)
- White-throated redstart (Phoenicurus schisticeps)
- Daurian redstart (Phoenicurus auroreus)
- Moussier's redstart (Phoenicurus moussieri)
- Güldenstädt's redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus)
- Blue-fronted redstart (Phoenicurus frontalis)
- Genus Chaimarrornis
- White-capped redstart Chaimarrornis leucocephalus
- Genus Rhyacornis
- Plumbeous redstart Rhyacornis fuliginosus
- Luzon water redstart Rhyacornis bicolor
- Genus Hodgsonius
- White-bellied redstart Hodgsonius phaenicuroides
- ^ a b Hoyo, J. del, et al., eds. (2005). Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 10. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions. pp. 768–776. ISBN 84-87334-72-5.
- ^ Sangster, G., Alström, P., Forsmark, E., & Olsson, U. (2010). Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis of Old World chats and flycatchers reveals extensive paraphyly at family, subfamily and genus level (Aves: Muscicapidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 57: 380–392 Full text
- ^ IOC World Bird List Family Muscicapidae
- ^ IOC World Bird List Family Parulidae
English Journal
- Non-breeding season habitat quality mediates the strength of density-dependence for a migratory bird.
- Marra PP1, Studds CE2, Wilson S3, Sillett TS4, Sherry TW5, Holmes RT6.
- Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society.Proc Biol Sci.2015 Jul 22;282(1811). pii: 20150624.
- Our understanding of when natural populations are regulated during their annual cycle is limited, particularly for migratory species. This information is needed for parametrizing models that can inform management and conservation. Here, we use 14 years of data on colour-marked birds to investigate h
- PMID 26136445
- Habitat features and long-distance dispersal modify the use of social information by a long-distance migratory bird.
- Rushing CS1,2, Dudash MR1, Marra PP2.
- The Journal of animal ecology.J Anim Ecol.2015 Jun 8. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12395. [Epub ahead of print]
- The processes by which individuals select breeding sites have important consequences for individual tness as well as population- and community-dynamics. Although there is increasing evidence that many animal species use information acquired from conspecics to assess the suitability of potential bree
- PMID 26061822
- Inter-annual variation in American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) plumage colour is associated with rainfall and temperature during moult: an 11-year study.
- Reudink MW1, McKellar AE, Marini KL, McArthur SL, Marra PP, Ratcliffe LM.
- Oecologia.Oecologia.2015 May;178(1):161-73. doi: 10.1007/s00442-014-3167-4. Epub 2014 Nov 30.
- Carotenoid-based colouration plays an important role in sexual signaling in animals as an honest indicator of individual quality during mate choice and competitive interactions. However, few studies have examined how natural variation in weather conditions influences inter-annual variation in the ex
- PMID 25433695
Japanese Journal
- 岡山市犬島で確認された非繁殖期におけるジョウビタキの集団囀りと縄張り争い
- 山路 公紀,林 正敏
- Strix : journal of field ornithology : 野外鳥類学論文集 31, 173-179, 2015
- NAID 40020551963
Related Links
- Redstart definition, any of several small, Old World thrushes, usually with reddish-brown tails, especially Phoenicurus phoenicurus (European redstart) See more. Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Reference Word of the Day ...
- redstartとは。意味や和訳。[名]《鳥類》1 ジョウビタキ(ヨーロッパ産).2 北米産の数種のアメリカムシクイの総称. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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