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Doctor Factobend's Recantation in the Bird Basket at St Kilda, Scotland a plate from Dr Prosody (by William Combe 1821, ASIN: B007T2QPX8) at p248
Recantation means a personal public act of denial of a previously published opinion or belief. It is derived from the Latin retractionem (the nominative form of the verb retractio or the past participle of the noun retractareto, meaning "to pull back").
Philosophically recantation it is linked to a genuine change of opinion, often caused by a serious event which reveals a better or more complete representation of a presumed truth. For example, Recantation was the title of a 16th-century book by Bishop Augustine of Hippo correcting his former writings as an ordinary teacher of rhetoric prior to his becoming a cleric which he described as "a recantation of opinion with admission of error".
In classical Roman poetry, after deliberately describing something extravagantly or hyperbolically for memorable dramatic effect, recantation was used to briefly redefine the material subject fairly and honestly.
Religiously recantation may be required to avoid punishment or imposed to obtain pardon from a sin such as
- Heresy (wrong choice) which means questioning or doubting dogmatic established beliefs
- Blasphemy (evil-speaking) which is the act of insulting or showing contempt for a religious deity.
- Apostasy which implies either revolt against or renunciation or abandonment of a prescribed religious duty, especially disloyalty sedition and defection
In Protestantism, recantation may be requested by or ordered from an ecclesiastical authority such as a synod or ecumenical council
In the Roman Catholic Church, the Inquisition, Holy Office, or even on rare occasion the contemporary Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) required an act of renunciation to enforce an orthodoxy.
In a secular state if ordered to recant by religious authority, one who refused to recant may be anathematized or excommunicated or subject to social exclusion.
In a theocracy an order to recant may include threats of physical punishment such as prison or corporal punishment which may include death or lethal cruelty such as the burning at the stake suffered by Jeanne d'Arc.
Voltaire famously wrote in his novel Candide:
- In this country of England it is thought well to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others!
See also
English Journal
- Recantation: a case study.
- Young CL1, Hogan L.
- Journal of forensic nursing.J Forensic Nurs.2013 Jul-Sep;9(3):179-81. doi: 10.1097/JFN.0b013e318298fa9f.
- This case study explores the problem of recantation, the act of publically declaring that a former disclosure is untrue. Recantation in child sexual abuse cases can be devastating for forensic teams who work with victims of sexual abuse and put the victims of CSA at increased risk of further child s
- PMID 24158156
- "Meet me at the hill where we used to park": interpersonal processes associated with victim recantation.
- Bonomi AE1, Gangamma R, Locke CR, Katafiasz H, Martin D.
- Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.2011 Oct;73(7):1054-61. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.07.005. Epub 2011 Jul 28.
- Our study used live telephone conversations between domestic violence perpetrators and victims to answer novel questions about how and why victims arrive at their decision to recant and/or refuse prosecution efforts. From October 2008 to June 2011, we conducted a qualitative study involving 25 heter
- PMID 21840635
- Review of the contemporary literature on how children report sexual abuse to others: findings, methodological issues, and implications for forensic interviewers.
- London K1, Bruck M, Wright DB, Ceci SJ.
- Memory (Hove, England).Memory.2008 Jan;16(1):29-47.
- Methods used during forensic interviews with children are driven by beliefs about how children recall and report child sexual abuse (CSA) to others. Summit (1983) proposed a theory (Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome) contending that, due to the specific traumatic characteristics of CSA, chil
- PMID 18158687
Japanese Journal
- How Mill should have replied to Thornton
- 根岸 隆
- 日本學士院紀要 57(1), 17-40, 2002
- … In Negishi (1986), I developed my view on the so-called Mill's recantation of the wages fund doctrine, the short-run theory of wages in the classical school of the economics. …
- NAID 130003555621
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- recantationとは。意味や和訳。[名] ⇒re・cant - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。 ... 音節 rè • can • tá • tion recantationの変化形 recantations (複数形)
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