- given fresh life or vigor or spirit; "stirred by revived hopes" (同)revived
- …‘を'再び元気づける(勇気づける),‘に'生気を与え直す
English Journal
- The medial cord to musculocutaneous (MCMc) nerve transfer: a new method to reanimate elbow flexion after C5-C6-C7-(C8) avulsive injuries of the brachial plexus--technique and results.
- Ferraresi S1, Garozzo D, Basso E, Maistrello L, Lucchin F, Di Pasquale P.
- Neurosurgical review.Neurosurg Rev.2014 Apr;37(2):321-9; discussion 329. doi: 10.1007/s10143-014-0522-1. Epub 2014 Feb 14.
- The aim of this paper is to report on our ample experience with the medial cord to musculocutaneous (MCMc) nerve transfer. The MCMc technique is a new type of neurotization which is able to reanimate the elbow flexion in multilevel avulsive injuries of the brachial plexus provided that at least the
- PMID 24526364
- Administration of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone agonist for synchronization of estrus and generation of pseudopregnancy for embryo transfer in rats.
- Borjeson TM1, Pang J2, Fox JG3, García A2.
- Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science : JAALAS.J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci.2014;53(3):232-7.
- In the past decade, the use of genetically engineered rats has increased exponentially; therefore, the ability to perform embryo transfer (ET) in rats to rederive, reanimate, or create mutant rat lines is increasingly important. However, the successful generation of pseudopregnant female rats for ET
- PMID 24827564
- Cortical Adaptation Staging System: A New and Simple Staging for Result Evaluation of Functioning Free-Muscle Transplantation for Facial Reanimation.
- Tzou CH1, Chuang DC, Chen HY.
- Annals of plastic surgery.Ann Plast Surg.2013 Dec 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Movement-associated cortical reorganization occurs in patients after functioning free-muscle transplantation (FFMT), which is reinnervated by different neurotizers. Aiming to evaluate the process of recovery of the reinnervated muscle, we defined the cortical reorganization into 5 stages
- PMID 24374392
Japanese Journal
- Peripheral and Central Rehabilitation Approach for Facial Paralysis
- 栢森 良二,梁井 皎
- 日本マイクロサージャリー学会会誌 24(3), 248-252, 2011
- … To reanimate the involved face with cross-face nerve graft, activation of the contralateral facial cortex dominating the involved face by means of uncrossed facial fibers and graft is needed. …
- NAID 130004843213
- 貝形虫類の背甲 : 構造とクチクラ形成に関する総説
- 山田 晋之介
- 化石 (83), 41-58, 2008-03-31
- … The comprehensive elucidation of carapace structure containing the hard and soft tissues will be able to reanimate the "dead tissues" of carapace as a part of active animal body. …
- NAID 110006676891
- 足跡化石を基に動物を動かそう : 恐竜の方法をゾウに応用して
- 馬場 勝良,松川 正樹,小荒井 千人 [他],林 慶一,大久保 敦,伊藤 慎
- 地学教育 53(6), 269-281, 2000-11-25
- NAID 10009847390
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- Reanimate / 再活性 (黒) ソーサリー 墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚を対象とし、それをあなたのコントロール下で戦場に出す。あなたは、その点数で見たマナ・コストに等しい点数のライフを失う。
- reanimateとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)((形式))1 〈人を〉元気[勇気]づける,鼓舞[激励]する,奮起させる.2 …を生き返らせる,蘇(そ)生させる. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書 ...
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