- ~に句読点をつける、~の句読を区切る(with)。(演説などを所作・音などで)時々中断する(with,by)
- 関
- (n.)punctuation
- insert punctuation marks into (同)mark
- interrupt periodically; "Her sharp questions punctuated the speakers drone"
- 〈文など〉‘に'『句読点をつける』 / (…で)…‘を'ときどき中断する《+『名』+『with』(『by』)+『名』》 / (…で)〈言葉など〉‘を'強調する《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 句読点をつける
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English Journal
- Disseminated arterial calcification and enhanced myogenic response are associated with abcc6 deficiency in a mouse model of pseudoxanthoma elasticum.
- Kauffenstein G1, Pizard A, Le Corre Y, Vessières E, Grimaud L, Toutain B, Labat C, Mauras Y, Gorgels TG, Bergen AA, Le Saux O, Lacolley P, Lefthériotis G, Henrion D, Martin L.Author information 1From the CNRS UMR 6214, INSERM U1083, l'UNAM (G.K., Y.L.C., E.V., L.G., B.T., G.L., D.H., L.M.) and Laboratoire de Pharmacologie-Toxicologie, l'UNAM, Université d'Angers (Y.M.), University Hospital Angers, Angers, France; INSERM, U1116 (A.P., C.L., P.L.), Université de Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France; Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI (O.L.S.); Molecular Ophthalmogenetics, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (T.G.G., A.A.B.); and Departments of Ophthalmology (A.A.B.) and Clinical Genetics (A.A.B.), Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.AbstractOBJECTIVE: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum is an inherited metabolic disorder resulting from ABCC6 gene mutations. It is characterized by progressive calcification and fragmentation of elastic fibers in the skin, retina, and the arterial wall. Despite calcium accumulation in the arteries of patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum, functional consequences remain unknown. In the present study, we investigated arterial structure and function in Abcc6(-/-) mice, a model of the human disease.
- Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2014 May;34(5):1045-56. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.113.302943. Epub 2014 Mar 27.
- OBJECTIVE: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum is an inherited metabolic disorder resulting from ABCC6 gene mutations. It is characterized by progressive calcification and fragmentation of elastic fibers in the skin, retina, and the arterial wall. Despite calcium accumulation in the arteries of patients with p
- PMID 24675664
- Attentive scanning behavior drives one-trial potentiation of hippocampal place fields.
- Monaco JD1, Rao G2, Roth ED3, Knierim JJ4.Author information 11] Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. [2] Biomedical Engineering Department, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.2Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.3Department of Psychology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA.41] Zanvyl Krieger Mind/Brain Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. [2] Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.AbstractThe hippocampus is thought to have a critical role in episodic memory by incorporating the sensory input of an experience onto a spatial framework embodied by place cells. Although the formation and stability of place fields requires exploration, the interaction between discrete exploratory behaviors and the specific, immediate and persistent modifications of neural representations required by episodic memory has not been established. We recorded place cells in rats and found that increased neural activity during exploratory head-scanning behaviors predicted the formation and potentiation of place fields on the next pass through that location, regardless of environmental familiarity and across multiple testing days. These results strongly suggest that, during the attentive behaviors that punctuate exploration, place cell activity mediates the one-trial encoding of ongoing experiences necessary for episodic memory.
- Nature neuroscience.Nat Neurosci.2014 May;17(5):725-31. doi: 10.1038/nn.3687. Epub 2014 Mar 30.
- The hippocampus is thought to have a critical role in episodic memory by incorporating the sensory input of an experience onto a spatial framework embodied by place cells. Although the formation and stability of place fields requires exploration, the interaction between discrete exploratory behavior
- PMID 24686786
- Multiple mitochondrial alterations in a case of myopathy.
- Fujioka H1, Tandler B, Cohen M, Koontz D, Hoppel CL.Author information 1Electron Microscopy Facility and.AbstractAbstract Mitochondrial alterations are the most common feature of human myopathies. A biopsy of quadriceps muscle from a 50-year-old woman exhibiting myopathic symptoms was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Biopsied fibers from quadriceps muscle displayed numerous subsarcolemmal mitochondria that contained crystalloids. Numbering 1-6 per organelle, these consisted of rows of punctuate densities measuring ∼0.34 nm; the parallel rows of these dots had a periodicity of ∼0.8 nm. The crystalloids were ensconced within cristae or in the outer compartment. Some mitochondria without crystalloids had circumferential cristae, leaving a membrane-free center that was filled with a farinaceous material. Other scattered fibrocyte defects included disruption of the contractile apparatus or its sporadic replacement by a finely punctuate material in some myofibers. Intramitochondrial crystalloids, although morphologically striking, do not impair organelle physiology to a significant degree, so the muscle weakness of the patient must originate elsewhere.
- Ultrastructural pathology.Ultrastruct Pathol.2014 May;38(3):204-10. doi: 10.3109/01913123.2014.888114. Epub 2014 Feb 28.
- Abstract Mitochondrial alterations are the most common feature of human myopathies. A biopsy of quadriceps muscle from a 50-year-old woman exhibiting myopathic symptoms was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Biopsied fibers from quadriceps muscle displayed numerous subsarcolemmal mitochon
- PMID 24579828
- The effect of genotype and in utero environment on inter-individual variation in neonate DNA methylomes.
- Teh AL1, Pan H, Chen L, Ong ML, Dogra S, Wong J, Macisaac JL, Mah SM, McEwen LM, Saw SM, Godfrey KM, Chong YS, Kwek K, Kwoh CK, Soh SE, Chong MF, Barton S, Karnani N, Cheong CY, Buschdorf JP, Stunkel W, Kobor MS, Meaney MJ, Gluckman PD, Holbrook JD.Author information 1Singapore Institute of Clinical Sciences (SICS);AbstractIntegrating the genotype with epigenetic marks holds the promise of better understanding the biology that underlies the complex interactions of inherited and environmental components that define the developmental origins of a range of disorders. The quality of the in utero environment significantly influences health over the lifecourse. Epigenetics and in particular DNA methylation marks have been postulated as a mechanism for enduring effects of the prenatal environment. Accordingly, neonate methylomes contain molecular memory of the individual in utero experience. However, inter-individual variation in methylation can also be a consequence of DNA sequence polymorphisms that result in methylation quantitative trait loci (methQTLs) and, potentially, the interaction between fixed genetic variation and environmental influences. We surveyed the genotypes and DNA methylomes of 237 neonates and found 1423 punctuate regions of the methylome that were highly variable across individuals, termed variably methylated regions (VMRs), against a backdrop of homogeneity. MethQTLs were readily detected in neonatal methylomes and genotype alone best explained about 25% of the VMRs. We found that the best explanation for 75% of VMRs was the interaction of genotype with different in utero environments, including maternal smoking, maternal depression, maternal BMI, infant birth weight, gestational age and birth order. Our study sheds new light on the complex relationship between biological inheritance as represented by genotype and individual prenatal experience and suggests the importance of considering both fixed genetic variation and environmental factors in interpreting epigenetic variation.
- Genome research.Genome Res.2014 Apr 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- Integrating the genotype with epigenetic marks holds the promise of better understanding the biology that underlies the complex interactions of inherited and environmental components that define the developmental origins of a range of disorders. The quality of the in utero environment significantly
- PMID 24709820
Japanese Journal
- ラタノプロスト・チモロールマレイン酸塩配合点眼液からトラボプロスト・チモロールマレイン酸塩配合点眼液への切替え
- 添田 尚一,宮永 嘉隆,佐野 英子,堀 貞夫,井上 賢治,富田 剛司
- あたらしい眼科 = Journal of the eye 30(6), 861-864, 2013-06-30
- NAID 10031183439
- ラタノプロスト・チモロールマレイン酸塩配合点眼液からトラボプロスト・チモロールマレイン酸塩配合点眼液への切替え (第23回日本緑内障学会 原著)
- 角膜病変を初発とした眼部帯状ヘルペス (第49回日本眼感染症学会 原著)
- 疣贅(いぼ)のみかた,治療のしかた(12)点状疣贅(punctuate wart) : 封入体疣贅の多様性
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