- 関
- fine grinding、pulverizing
- …‘を'ひてい(打って)粉にする / 《話》…‘を'粉砕する,やっつける / 粉になる
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English Journal
- Benefits of rehabilitation with implants in masticatory function: is patient perception of change in accordance with the real improvement?
- Vieira RA1, Melo AC, Budel LA, Gama JC, de Mattias Sartori IA, Thomé G.
- The Journal of oral implantology.J Oral Implantol.2014 Jun;40(3):263-9. doi: 10.1563/AAID-JOI-D-11-00208.
- This study aimed to compare the index of satisfaction and masticatory function of edentulous patients before and after rehabilitation and to evaluate if patients' perception of the changes in their oral health status is in agreement with the results of masticatory performance test. Fourteen edentulo
- PMID 24914912
- Effect of ultrafine grinding on physicochemical and antioxidant properties of dietary fiber from wine grape pomace.
- Zhu FM1, Du B, Li J.
- Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos internacional.Food Sci Technol Int.2014 Jan;20(1):55-62. doi: 10.1177/1082013212469619. Epub 2013 Jun 3.
- Wine grape pomace dietary fiber powders were prepared by superfine grinding, whose effects were investigated on the composition, functional and antioxidant properties of the wine grape pomace dietary fiber products. The results showed that superfine grinding could effectively pulverize the fiber par
- PMID 23733819
- Porcine model of intracoronary pulverization of stent struts by rotablation atherectomy.
- Quang TT1, Hatem R, Rousseau G, Dube B, Samson C, Schampaert E, Charron T.
- Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions : official journal of the Society for Cardiac Angiography & Interventions.Catheter Cardiovasc Interv.2013 Dec 1;82(7):E842-8. doi: 10.1002/ccd.24650. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of rotablation atherectomy in a suboptimally expanded stent.METHODS: Seven pigs underwent suboptimal stent expansion in the left anterior descending coronary. Pulverization of the stent struts was performed by rotablation atherectomy with two differe
- PMID 22945809
Japanese Journal
- P-14 粉砕水熱前処理装置を用いたバイオマスの糖化の有効性(ポスターセッション1:技術01,研究発表(ポスター発表))
- 中嶋 稔,吉田 拓也,松村 幸彦,美濃輪 智朗
- バイオマス科学会議発表論文集 (6), 80-81, 2011-01-12
- … However, a large amount of energy is needed to pulverize the biomass, and total energy efficiency results in a low value. …
- NAID 110008463441
- Ti(C,N)基サーメットの焼結割れの原因解明と防止法開発
- 庄司 隆行,小椋 勉,佐々木 章 [他],寺田 修,林 宏爾
- 粉体および粉末冶金 57(8), 579-586, 2010-08-15
- … Based on this suggestion, it was clarified that the sintering crack could be avoided by using hard-to-pulverize Ti(C,N) special-type raw powder with more uniform grain size. …
- NAID 10026628595
- 北海道産木香の調製法と化学的品質評価(第2報) モッコウ根の部位及び収穫期の違いによる成分含量の変化
- 青柳 光敏,姉帯 正樹,畠山 好雄
- 2005-11-30
- … The roots having above 50% of the dilute ethanol-soluble extract contents were hard to pulverize.According to the contents of the constituents and the weather conditions in Hokkaido, we considered that the outdoor drying method of the taproot harvested in spring may be appropriate to produce marketable Saussureae Radix in Hokkaido. …
- NAID 120002081879
Related Links
- Full Definition of PULVERIZE transitive verb 1: to reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles : atomize <pulverize rock> 2: annihilate, demolish intransitive verb: to become pulverized — pul·ver·iz·able \ ˌ pəl ...
- pulverizeとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)((通例受身))1 …を粉末にする, 粉々にする((into ...));〈液体を〉霧にする.2 ((略式))〈人を〉こてんぱんにやっつける, たたきつぶす, …に大打撃を与える, を粉砕する. (自)粉になる, 粉々になる ...
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- 英
- pulverizing、fine grinding、pulverize
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- pulverize、pulverizing
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- fine grinding、pulverize