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- 1. 収縮性心膜炎constrictive pericarditis [show details]
…the surrounding pulmonary parenchyma. Failure of the immediately adjacent pulmonary structures to pulsate during the cardiac cycle, in the presence of a regionally or globally thickening pericardium, is …
- 2. 頚静脈波の検討examination of the jugular venous pulse [show details]
…neck. In patients with a very high JVP, the pulsation can cause the lower part of the ear lobe to pulsate. Use of maneuvers: If the JVP appears low in the supine position, an abdominojugular test is performed …
- 3. 神経筋疾患の超音波診断diagnostic ultrasound in neuromuscular disease [show details]
…show less anisotropy. They are readily distinguished from arteries and veins because they do not pulsate and do not compress. In rare cases where there is venous thrombosis, the unique fascicular structure…
- 4. 婦人科手術時に生じる尿路損傷:疫学および予防urinary tract injury in gynecologic surgery epidemiology and prevention [show details]
…ureter has a "rubber-band"-like consistency and should snap when pulled gently; the ureter does not pulsate when palpated. During a laparoscopic approach to oophorectomy, it is our practice to visualize the…
English Journal
- Modeling Biological Oscillations: Integration of Short Reaction Pauses into a Stationary Model of a Negative Feedback Loop Generates Sustained Long Oscillations.
- Yang LZ, Yang M.
- Journal of computational biology : a journal of computational molecular cell biology. 2019 Apr;().
- Sustained oscillations are frequently observed in biological systems consisting of a negative feedback loop, but a mathematical model with two ordinary differential equations (ODE) that has a negative feedback loop structure fails to produce sustained oscillations. Only when a time delay is introduc
- PMID 30990751
- Investigation of adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents in the iliac vein: insights into developing a better iliac vein stent.
- Shida T, Umezu M, Iwasaki K.
- Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs. 2018 Jun;21(2)254-260.
- We analyzed the adverse events associated with an off-label use of arterial stents and CE-marked iliac vein stents for the treatment of iliac venous thromboembolism and investigated their relationships with the anatomical features of the iliac vein, to gain insights into the development of a better
- PMID 29411167
- Einstein@Home discovers a radio-quiet gamma-ray millisecond pulsar.
- Clark CJ, Pletsch HJ, Wu J, Guillemot L, Kerr M, Johnson TJ, Camilo F, Salvetti D, Allen B, Anderson D, Aulbert C, Beer C, Bock O, Cuéllar A, Eggenstein HB, Fehrmann H, Kramer M, Kwang SA, Machenschalk B, Nieder L, Ackermann M, Ajello M, Baldini L, Ballet J, Barbiellini G, Bastieri D, Bellazzini R, Bissaldi E, Blandford RD, Bloom ED, Bonino R, Bottacini E, Brandt TJ, Bregeon J, Bruel P, Buehler R, Burnett TH, Buson S, Cameron RA, Caputo R, Caraveo PA, Cavazzuti E, Cecchi C, Charles E, Chekhtman A, Ciprini S, Cominsky LR, Costantin D, Cutini S, D'Ammando F, De Luca A, Desiante R, Di Venere L, Di Mauro M, Di Lalla N, Digel SW, Favuzzi C, Ferrara EC, Franckowiak A, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Gasparrini D, Giglietto N, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Gomez-Vargas GA, Green D, Grenier IA, Guiriec S, Harding AK, Hewitt JW, Horan D, Jóhannesson G, Kensei S, Kuss M, La Mura G, Larsson S, Latronico L, Li J, Longo F, Loparco F, Lovellette MN, Lubrano P, Magill JD, Maldera S, Manfreda A, Mazziotta MN, McEnery JE, Michelson PF, Mirabal N, Mitthumsiri W, Mizuno T, Monzani ME, Morselli A, Moskalenko IV, Nuss E, Ohsugi T, Omodei N, Orienti M, Orlando E, Palatiello M, Paliya VS, de Palma F, Paneque D, Perkins JS, Persic M, Pesce-Rollins M, Porter TA, Principe G, Rainò S, Rando R, Ray PS, Razzano M, Reimer A, Reimer O, Romani RW, Saz Parkinson PM, Sgrò C, Siskind EJ, Smith DA, Spada F, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Thayer JB, Thompson DJ, Torres DF, Troja E, Vianello G, Wood K, Wood M.
- Science advances. 2018 02;4(2)eaao7228.
- Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are old neutron stars that spin hundreds of times per second and appear to pulsate as their emission beams cross our line of sight. To date, radio pulsations have been detected from all rotation-powered MSPs. In an attempt to discover radio-quiet gamma-ray MSPs, we used th
- PMID 29503868
Japanese Journal
- 角膜加振型眼圧計における加振方向に起因した角膜振動形態の変化
- 有我 祐一,浜沢 啓太
- Dynamics & Design Conference 2018(0), 537, 2018
- … In the results of the previous study, there were some time history response results that the cornea oscillated to pulsate and did not become a steady state. …
- NAID 130007603866
- Pulsatile Scalp Mass Induced by Head Injury: Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia - a Case Report-
- 順天堂醫事雑誌 62(4), 336-339, 2016
- … Six years later, the induration suddenly started to swell and pulsate, so she came to the hospital. …
- NAID 130005433440
- 0603 アブレシブジェット研磨材供給チューブ内流れの観察
- 渡辺 修二,彭 國義,小熊 靖之,清水 誠二
- 流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 2014(0), _0603-1_-_0603-2_, 2014
- … An abrasive injection jet (AIJ) has a tendency to pulsate violently as abrasive flow rate increases. …
- NAID 110009938663
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- pulsateとは。意味や和訳。[動]1 自〈心臓などが〉脈打つ,鼓動する( この意味では beat がふつう;throb は苦痛を感じさせるほど強く打つこと)1a 自(…に)どきどき[わくわく]する≪with≫2 自(…で)振動する≪with≫;他…を振動 ...
- PULSATEはエンジニアリングの観点から、登山用品を設計します。 ... PULSATEはエンジニアリングの観点から登山用品を設計します。
- pulsate 【自動】鼓動する、振動する、(興奮して)ドキドキする 【他動】振動させる【発音】pʌ lseit【カナ】パルセイトゥ【変化】《動》pulsates | pulsating | pulsated - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
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