- become abundant; increase rapidly
- breed freely and abundantly
- 急に増える,繁殖する / 発芽する
English Journal
- Historical Epidemics Cartography Generated by Spatial Analysis: Mapping the Heterogeneity of Three Medieval "Plagues" in Dijon.
- Galanaud P1, Galanaud A2, Giraudoux P3.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2015 Dec 1;10(12):e0143866. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143866. eCollection 2015.
- OBJECTIVES: This work was designed to adapt Geographical Information System-based spatial analysis to the study of historical epidemics. We mapped "plague" deaths during three epidemics of the early 15th century, analyzed spatial distributions by applying the Kulldorff's method, and determined their
- PMID 26625117
- [Yersinia pestis factors, assuring circulation and maintenance of the plague pathogen in natural foci ecosystems. Report 1].
- Anisimov AP1.
- Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia.Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol.2002;(3):3-23.
- Everlasting reproduction of Yersinia pestis, plague bacillus in natural pestholes needs virulent causative agent to invade into the host entity, be potent to overcome protection powers of the rodent organism and to pullulate to entail bacteriemia for subsequent conveyance the plague bacillus to the
- PMID 12243063
- Pigmented epidermotropic metastasis of a breast carcinoma.
- Bourlond A1.
- Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland).Dermatology.1994;189 Suppl 2:46-9.
- Mammary and extramammary Paget's disease is believed to remain non-pigmented, in contrast to superficial pagetoid melanoma; the same holds true for epidermotropic metastases of breast carcinoma. We recently had the opportunity to observe intensively pigmented epidermotropic metastasis of breast carc
- PMID 7841556
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