- make public; "She aired her opinions on welfare" (同)publicise, air, bare
- made known; especially made widely known (同)publicised
- …‘を'広告する,宣伝する(advertise)
English Journal
- Aphonia after shoulder surgery: case report.
- Moreno CA1, Fonseca S2.
- Brazilian journal of anesthesiology (Elsevier).Braz J Anesthesiol.2016 May-Jun;66(3):321-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bjane.2013.09.014. Epub 2014 Nov 23.
- In this case report we highlight the uniqueness of aphonia as, to the best of our knowledge, cases of aphonia related to interscalene brachial plexus block (IBPB) are not described in the literature. Although hoarseness is a common complication of IBPB, aphonia is not. Therefore, we think it is impo
- PMID 27108832
- The Complexities of Sexual Consent Among College Students: A Conceptual and Empirical Review.
- Muehlenhard CL1, Humphreys TP2, Jozkowski KN3, Peterson ZD4.
- Journal of sex research.J Sex Res.2016 May-Jun;53(4-5):457-87. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1146651. Epub 2016 Apr 4.
- Headlines publicize controversies about sexual assault among college students, and universities face pressure to revise their sexual consent policies. What can the social science literature contribute to this discussion In this article, we briefly discuss reasons for the recent upsurge in attention
- PMID 27044475
- The awareness level and needs for education on reducing sugar consumption among mothers with preschool children.
- Lee Y1, Joo N1.
- Nutrition research and practice.Nutr Res Pract.2016 Apr;10(2):229-36. doi: 10.4162/nrp.2016.10.2.229. Epub 2016 Mar 2.
- BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to find out the level of knowledge on sugar-related nutrition among mothers with preschool children.SUBJECTS/METHODS: The study conducted a survey on 350 mothers whose children attended daycare. The dietary lives of the children and the nutritiona
- PMID 27087908
Japanese Journal
- 杉町 勝,木村 裕一
- 生体医工学 52(Supplement), ESY-3-ESY-4, 2014
- … Submitting a manuscript and publishing a paper is one of the most powerful methods to publicize one's research achievements worldwide. …
- NAID 130004695751
- Possibilities of networked electronic theses in Japan
- Shuto Makoto,Manaka Takayuki,Nakayama Satoshi,Uchijima Hideki
- Library Management 35(4/5), 375-386, 2014
- … A well-established community of institutional repositories has enabled this achievement to take place.Originality/value – Very few national laws and regulations oblige a person who has been conferred a doctorate to publicize the thesis through the internet. …
- NAID 120005447555
- ソーシャルメディアにおけるローカルイベントを用いたユーザ位置推定手法
- 山口 祐人,伊川 洋平,天笠 俊之,北川 博之
- 情報処理学会論文誌. データベース 6(5), 23-37, 2013-12-27
- ソーシャルメディアの普及にともない,多くのユーザが時々刻々と大量の情報を投稿し,ソーシャルストリームと呼ばれる即時性の高い情報源を形成している.また,ソーシャルメディアのユーザは個々人が居住地などの特定の位置情報と結びついているという特徴がある.これらの情報を用いると,たとえば特定の地域のユーザへ新しいレストランを推薦したり,災害情報を提供したりと,様々なサービスの提供が可能であると考えられる.し …
- NAID 110009656659
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