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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/06/10 01:17:28」(JST)
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-plasia and -trophy |
- Anaplasia (structural differentiation loss within a cell or group of cells).
- Aplasia (organ or part of organ missing)
- Hypoplasia (congenital below-average number of cells, especially when inadequate)
- Hyperplasia (proliferation of cells)
- Neoplasia (abnormal proliferation)
- Dysplasia (change in cell or tissue phenotype)
- Metaplasia (conversion in cell type)
- Prosoplasia (development of new cell function)
- Desmoplasia (connective tissue growth)
- Atrophy (reduced functionality of an organ, with decrease in the number or volume of cells)
- Hypertrophy (increase in the volume of cells)
- Hypotrophy (decrease in the volume of cells)
- Abiotrophy (loss in vitality of organ or tissue)
- Dystrophy (any degenerative disorder resulting from improper or faulty nutrition)
Prosoplasia (from Ancient Greek: προσωπον prósopon , "face" + πλάσις plasis, "formation") is the differentiation of cells either to a higher function or to a higher level of organization.[1]
Assuming an increasing cellular peculiarity from a presupposed stem-cell fate, prosoplasia is therefore a forward differentiation, unlike anaplasia (a backward differentiation).
Examples of prosoplasia include the forward differentiation of cells in the mucosa in Warthin's tumor.[2]
- ^ Bignold, Leon P., Brian LD Coghlan, and Hubertus PA Jersmann. David Paul von Hansemann: contributions to oncology. Springer, 2007.
- ^ Rajendran, R. Shafer's textbook of oral pathology. Elsevier India, 2009.
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- 1. 後方循環系の脳血管症候群posterior circulation cerebrovascular syndromes [show details]
…touch or when verbally described. Infarcts of the right PCA territory are often accompanied by prosopagnosia, which is difficulty in recognizing familiar faces . Disorientation to place and an inability …
- 2. アルツハイマー病の臨床的特徴および診断clinical features and diagnosis of alzheimer disease [show details]
…under visual guidance) Alexia; Left/right disorientation; Acalculia; Limb apraxia; Apperceptive prosopagnosia; Agraphia; Homonymous visual field defect; Finger agnosia; In addition, there should be relative…
- 3. 腫瘍随伴性および自己免疫性脳炎paraneoplastic and autoimmune encephalitis [show details]
…features (eg, progressive mood and personality changes, anterograde amnesia, disorientation), prosopagnosia, headaches, involuntary movements, and seizures. The CSF often shows pleocytosis, and in approximately…
English Journal
- Mucous Cell Prosoplasia in Oral Pathologies: A Brief Review.
- Sarode GS, Maniyar N, Sarode SC, Rao R, Patil S.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR. 2017 Apr;11(4)ZE08-ZE10.
- One of the enigmas in cell differentiation process is prosoplasia, which is contemplated as forward differentiation. A well-known example of prosoplastic switch is mucous cell prosoplasia, which is the transformation of a simple squamous epithelial cell into mucous secreting cell. Numerous theories
- PMID 28571300
- Fluorescence in-situ hybridization identifies Mastermind-like 2 (MAML2) rearrangement in odontogenic cysts with mucous prosoplasia: a pilot study.
- Argyris PP, Wehrs RN, García JJ, Koutlas IG.
- Histopathology. 2015 May;66(6)791-7.
- The pathogenesis of intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma (IMEC) remains unknown. Coexistence with odontogenic cysts (ODC) has been reported in 32-48% of IMEC. Furthermore, prosoplastic mucous cells are often seen in the epithelial lining of ODCs. MECT1-MAML2 fusion transcripts have been identified
- PMID 25123064
- Prevalence of ciliated epithelium in apical periodontitis lesions.
- Ricucci D, Loghin S, Siqueira JF, Abdelsayed RA.
- Journal of endodontics. 2014 Apr;40(4)476-83.
- This article reports on the morphologic features and the frequency of ciliated epithelium in apical cysts and discusses its origin. The study material consisted of 167 human apical periodontitis lesions obtained consecutively from patients presenting for treatment during a period of 12 years in a de
- PMID 24666895
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- Looking for online definition of prosoplasia in the Medical Dictionary? prosoplasia explanation free. What is prosoplasia? Meaning of prosoplasia medical term. What does prosoplasia mean? Prosoplasia | definition of prosoplasia by ...
- Prosoplasia definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! ... Progressive transformation to a higher level of function or complexity, such as the change the cells of ...
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- 英
- prosoplasia
- 同
- 前進形成、進行性の化生 progressive metaplasia
- 英
- prosoplasia
- 同
- 進行性化生 progressive metaplasia