- 関
- literature
- write as if with print; not cursive
- a copy of a movie on film (especially a particular version of it)
- a fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it (usually by engraved rollers)
- a picture or design printed from an engraving
- availability in printed form; "weve got to get that story into print"; "his book is no longer in print"
- the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication; "I want to see it in print"
- reproduce by printing (同)impress
- put into print; "The newspaper published the news of the royal couples divorce"; "These news should not be printed" (同)publish
- make into a print; "print the negative"
- the profession or art of a writer; "her place in literature is secure"
- the humanistic study of a body of literature; "he took a course in Russian lit" (同)lit
- creative writing of recognized artistic value
- published writings in a particular style on a particular subject; "the technical literature"; "one aspect of Waterloo has not yet been treated in the literature"
- the output of a computer in printed form
- a wheel around which is a set of print characters that make a typing impression on paper (同)daisy wheel
- artistic design and manufacture of prints as woodcuts or silkscreens
- the business of producing printed material for sale or distribution
- reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication (同)printing process
- text handwritten in the style of printed matter
- …‘を'『印刷する』 / 〈原稿・本など〉‘を'『出版する』 / …‘を'『活字体で書く』 / 〈写真〉‘を'『焼きつける』,〈印画〉‘を'つくる / (…に)…‘を'押してつける;(心に)…‘を'刻みつける,印象づける《+『名』+『on』+『名』》 / (印刷・焼きつけなどによって)〈活字・模様・写真などが〉現れる,写る;〈紙などが〉印刷できる / 〈機械が〉印刷する / 活字体で書く / 〈U〉『印刷』,印刷の字体 / 〈C〉《しばしば複合語で》(押した)跡,しるし / 〈U〉プリント模様;プリント生地;〈C〉プリント地の衣服 / 〈C〉(写真の)印画,陽画(positive) / 〈C〉版画
- 『文学』 / 文献 / 文筆業,著述業 / 《話》(特に広告,宣伝の)印刷物《+『on』(『of』)+『名』》
- (コンピューター・テレタイプなどから出てくる)印刷情報
- 〈C〉『印刷』;印刷術;印刷業 / 〈C〉印刷物 / 〈C〉(1回分の)印刷部数, / 〈U〉(手書きの)活字体
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Look up print in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Print may refer to:
- Printing, mostly using a printing press, but a process which may also refer to other methods of printmaking
- Printing press, printing with moveable metal type, see also letterpress printing
- Publishing, the distribution of printed works or other information
- Print run, one batch of printing, that is, the number of copies printed by one set-up of a printing press
- Textile printing
- 'In print', currently being published; compare out of print
- "Writing in print", printing, printscript or print-writing: a handwriting method using block letters, instead of cursive letters
- Engraved letters, such as initials, on other materials, such as printed glass
- Printmaking, various processes for producing multiple copies of works of art by printing
- Old master print, a product of printmaking, such as an engraving, etching or woodcut, in the European tradition, instead of others (e.g., Asian), especially if made before 1830
- Lithograph, mirror-image print taken from stone or metal "plate"
- Photographic print, i.e. photograph or photo
- The print medium, forms of paper (or sometimes other materials) upon which letters or graphics have been died or engraved, such as books, pamphlets, scrolls and files
- Print output, computer output on a screen or on paper
- Printer (computing), a device to put ink on paper
- Print screen, the name of a keyboard key for copying the contents of the screen to somewhere
- PRINT (command), a shell command of DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows
- PRINT, a BASIC programming language command that generates text in text modes, derived from the text printing process on teleprinter terminals before refreshing displays
- Print (filmmaking), e.g. distribution print
- Print (magazine), a bimonthly magazine about visual culture and design
- Prints (album), a 2002 album by Fred Frith
- Printing, allowing a concealed weapon (firearm particularly) to be visible through clothing
See also
- Handprint
- Fingerprint (disambiguation)
- Footprint (disambiguation)
- Imprint (disambiguation)
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- 関
- bibliographic、bibliography、literal、print
- 英
- print、literature
- 関
- 文献、印刷、プリント
- 英
- print、print
- 関
- 印刷物、プリント
- 英
- print
- 関
- 印刷、印刷物
- 関
- imprinting
- 関
- blue print
- 関
- blueprint