- seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing (同)foresight, farsightedness, prospicience
- a prophetic vision (as in a dream)
- 〈U〉(…の)予知,事前の知識《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)予感,虫の知らせ《+『of』+『名』》
English Journal
- Event-Tree Analysis with Imprecise Probabilities.
- You X, Tonon F.AbstractNovel methods are proposed for dealing with event-tree analysis under imprecise probabilities, where one could measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities and express available evidence as upper and lower previsions (or expectations) of gambles (or bounded real functions). Sets of upper and lower previsions generate a convex set of probability distributions (or measures). Any probability distribution in this convex set should be considered in the event-tree analysis. This article focuses on the calculation of upper and lower bounds of the prevision (or the probability) of some outcome at the bottom of the event-tree. Three cases of given information/judgments on probabilities of outcomes are considered: (1) probabilities conditional to the occurrence of the event at the upper level; (2) total probabilities of occurrences, that is, not conditional to other events; (3) the combination of the previous two cases. Corresponding algorithms with imprecise probabilities under the three cases are explained and illustrated by simple examples.
- Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.Risk Anal.2011 Nov 6. doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2011.01721.x. [Epub ahead of print]
- Novel methods are proposed for dealing with event-tree analysis under imprecise probabilities, where one could measure chance or uncertainty without sharp numerical probabilities and express available evidence as upper and lower previsions (or expectations) of gambles (or bounded real functions). Se
- PMID 22053780
- An assessment of the Acute Kidney Injury Network creatinine-based criteria in patients submitted to mechanical ventilation.
- Lombardi R, Nin N, Lorente JA, Frutos-Vivar F, Ferguson ND, Hurtado J, Apezteguia C, Desmery P, Raymondos K, Tomicic V, Cakar N, González M, Elizalde J, Nightingale P, Abroug F, Jibaja M, Arabi Y, Moreno R, Matamis D, Anzueto A, Esteban A; VENTILA Group.Collaborators (483)Apezteguia C, Desmery P, Sarasino A, Ceraso D, Pezzola D, Villarejo F, Cozzani C, Torres Boden M, Santos C, Capparelli E, Tavella M, Irrazabal C, Cardonnet L, Diez A, Giannelli A, Vargas L, Bustamante M, Turchetto E, Teves J, Elefante O, Sola C, Mele J, Sciuto V, Grana P, Jannello G, Valentini R, Ilutovich S, Huespe Gardel L, Scapellato J, Orsini E, Aguero G, Sanchez A, Fernandez R, Villalobos Castaneda L, Gonzalez F, Estenssoro E, Lasdica S, Gómez A, Scapellato J, Pratesi P, Blasco M, Villarejo F, Olarte G, Bevilacqua C, Quinteros M, Ripoll P, Filippus S, Guzman Diaz F, Deheza M, Garcia E, Arrieta J, Pardo P, Neira J, Nunez J, Pálizas F, Ciccolini A, Murias G, Vazquez W, Grilli M, Chertcoff F, Soloaga E, Vargas D, Beron J, Maceira A, Schoon P, Pina D, Sobrino E, Raimondi A, De Vito E, Malbrain M, Lora FS, Lavandez A, Alfaro C, Guerra J, Ferguson ND, Meade MO, Granton JT, Lapinsky SE, Meyer J, Scales DC, Fowler RA, Kashin B, Cook DJ, Tomicic V, Soto L, Romero C, Caballero MT, Chiang L, Poch E, Canteros Gatica J, Ugarte H, Calvo M, Vargas C, Yacsich M, Tobar E, Urra JG, Gonzalez MA, Guerra A, Cadavid C, Panesso R, Granados M, Duenas C, Molina F, Camargo R, Ortiz G, Gomez M, Jibaja M, Paredes G, Bazantes E, Jimenez P, Vergara J, González L, Brochard L, Thille A, Mallet L, Andrivet P, Peyrouset O, Mohammedi I, Guerot E, Deye N, Monsel S, Bouvet F, Darmon M, Fartoukh M, Harb A, Anguel N, Raymondos K, Nowak A, Pahlitzsch T, Rothe KR, Ragaller M, Koch T, Sterzel G, Wittich R, Rudolph K, Raumanns J, Grueneisen U, Stupacher F, Bromber H, Leonhardt G, Soukup J, Wuttke C, Holler M, Haberkorn J, Jehle P, Albrecht B, Klut, Hartung HJ, Gerlach H, Henneberg T, Weber-Carstens S, Haid K, Melzer-Gartzke C, Oppert M, Reffenberg M, Werel Ch, Kopietz A, Nippraschk T, Hoffmeister D, Schneider M, Vagts DA, Noeldge-Schomburg G, Savinski G, Kloess T, Frenkel C, Yakisan D, Schroeder H, Daniels C, Sedemund-Adib B, Krueper S, Ahrens J, Molitoris U, Johanning K, Korth D, Seitz W, Kleideiter J, Palomino P, Lunkeit A, Schlechtweg, Quintel M, Schild, Criée CP, Bund M, Schulze U, Kolle J, Offensand J, Youssef S, Juvana JP, Seyde W, Luecke T, Gruener A, Calzia E, Heine J, Borth M, von Leitner U, Hoffmann M, Brandt W, Keller A, Scieszka S, Schroeder E, Deres FL, Burrichter M, Bernhardt T, Wilhelm W, Beiderlinden M, Steiniger H, Weisskopf V, Militzer H, Eicker K, Hinder F, Weilbach C, Raab M, Ragaymutu, Moellhoff T, Tsompanidis K, Henzler D, Kuhlen R, Wrigge H, Putensen C, Dumoulin FL, Foedisch M, Busch J, Theelen W, Deller A, Baier W, Eller, Schwarke K, Buettner, Wresch KP, Steidel K, Meyer JF, Layer M, Meinhardt G, Fritschi J, Zaar P, Stegbauer HP, Tumbass, Hahn S, Mende H, Fischer M, Martin J, Assmann A, Schoeffel V, van Deyk K, Seyboth S, Kerger H, Ernst, Ginz HF, Brettner F, Karg O, Glaser M, Zucker TP, Jahn J, Schneider A, Burkert M, Kuenzig H, Bein T, Speicher A, Brederlau J, Kaufmann E, Schuster F, Soellmann C, Frenzel S, Pfeiffer L, Weber-Carstens S, Haid K, Melzer-Gartzke C, von Heymann V, Temmesfeld B, Matamis D, Mouloudi H, Pelosi P, Pesenti A, Rossi N, Chiumello D, Gattinoni L, Severgnini P, Fumagalli R, Nikiforov A, Grasso S, Elizalde J, Cerda P, Mercado R, Albe J, Kuiper M, Egbers PH, Koopmans M, Montanez Mendoza AM, Contardo M, Cerna J, Roldan R, Zevallos J, Alcabes S, Salcedo C, Bruzone D, Quinones J, Suarez Lazo M, Cifuentes A, Mayorga M, Moreno R, Casanova P, Matos R, Jardim AL, Godinho A, Povoa P, Coutinho P, Reis L, Arabi Y, Abouchala N, Hameed F, Nin N, Tejerina E, Gordo F, Fernandez R, Ibanez J, Fernandez Mondejar E, del Nogal F, Garcia Jimenez A, Cabre L, Morillas J, Macias S, de Celis R, Anon JM, Ugarte P, Mut T, Diarte J, Sagredo V, Valledor M, Gonzalez G, Rodriguez L, Parra V, Gomez E, Quiroga JM, Arnaiz L, Ayensa A, Suarez Sippman F, Carrizosa F, Rodriguez Sarria JA, Homs C, Diaz Lamas A, Allegue J, Ruano M, Abroug F, Besbes M, Ben Khelil J, Belkhouja K, BenRomdhane K, Ben Lakhal S, Abdellatif S, Bousselmi K, Amamou M, Thabet H, Besbes L, Nciri N, Bouaziz M, Kallel H, Bahloul M, El Atrous S, Merghli S, Feki Hassen S, Cakar N, Iscimen R, Kyzylkaya M, Yelken B, Kati I, Guldem T, Koca U, Cicek M, Nightingale P, Hunter J, Hunter J, Mousdale S, Harper J, Conn A, Higgins D, Jayson D, Hawkins D, Anzueto A, Arroliga AC, Gajic O, Ost D, Fein A, Kyprianou A, Shulman L, Chang S, Steingrub JS, Tidswell MA, Kozikowski K, Piquette CA, Morrow L, Scheinberg P, Green J, Penogreen L, Kannady K, Moss M, Mealer M, Restrepo RD, Fessler HE, Brower R, Hager D, Scully A, Beamis J, Craven DE, Miner W, Blosser S, Miller K, Cornman L, Breidinger J, Huggins JT, Strange Ch, Hill NS, Lawler L, Rembert M, Donnelly HK, D'Amico JD, Wunderink RG, Queseda N, Topin J, Kinasewitz GT, Lee GL, Walls J, Zimmer V, Freire AX, Steven C, Caskey L, Dhand R, Despins LA, Hyzy R, Dechert RE, Haas C, Fickle D, Marks D, Benslimane S, Cardenas VJ Jr, Wing MJ, Krumpe P, Truwit J, Marshall M, Herr DL, Hite RD, McShane PJ, Olivier KN, Presberg KW, Hurtado J, Borde M, Echavarría E, Gomez S, Beron M, Villalba F, Porras I, Cardinal P, Surraco C, Navarrete V, Rodriguez F, Alzugaray P, Gonzalez D, Machado M, Torres F, Mareque S, Korintan M, Mora F, Altieri E, Gianoni E, Fregosi C, Crossi A, Larrarte G, Pereira O, Baraibar J, Soler A, Rodriguez Verde M, Diaz M, Martinez Ramos J, Iturralde I, Gonzalez W, Cubas E, Cataldo A, Rocha O, Deicas A, D'Empaire G, Zerpa R, Narvez M, Perez F, Espana J.
- Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.2011 Jul;6(7):1547-55. Epub 2011 Jun 23.
- BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to assess the new diagnostic criteria of acute kidney injury (AKI) proposed by the Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) in a large cohort of mechanically ventilated patients.DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: This is a prospective
- PMID 21700822
- A new view on congenital heart disease: clinical burden prevision of changing patients.
- Daliento L, Cecchetto A, Bagato F, Dal Bianco L.SourceCardiology Department, University of Padua, Padua, Italy. luciano.daliento@unipd.it
- Journal of cardiovascular medicine (Hagerstown, Md.).J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown).2011 Jul;12(7):487-92.
- The introduction and diffusion of cross-sectional echocardiography at the end of 1970s significantly improved case ascertainment and allowed the identification of congenital heart defects with a significant increase of mild forms. However, the prevalence of severe congenital heart disease (CHD), whi
- PMID 21597383
Japanese Journal
- 大規模イベント「ジャパン・カウントダウン2001」の高密度群集滞留の予見と危機の回避が出来なかった要因に関する事例分析
- Prevision of Cutting Burr at Face Milling of Stainless Steels Using Laser Heat Treatment
- 田中 隆太郎,鬼頭 昂志,細川 晃,古本 達明,上田 隆司
- 日本機械学会論文集C編 77(783), 4318-4323, 2011
- This paper deals with the method to prevent cutting burr at face milling of stainless steels. Without laser heat treatment for workpiece, SUS304 caused largest burr height in three type stainless stee …
- NAID 130001433510
- 出雲平野の築地松の西日遮蔽効果に関する実測および幾何学的評価
- 長野 和雄,小松 充典
- 日本生気象学会雑誌 46(4), 109-119, 2009-12-01
- 本研究の目的は出雲築地松の西日遮蔽性能を実測により確かめ,幾何学的評価により定量的に捉えることである.45 軒の築地松形態を実測し,代表値や分布範囲を明らかにした.屋敷周りの屋外照度を築地松を有する 15 点,雑木を有する 11 点,いずれも有さない 20 点の別に測定したが,昼光率・昼光遮蔽率に築地松と雑木の間で明確な差は認められなかった.住宅西側に築地松を有する 1 軒,有さない 1 軒につい …
- NAID 10026429771
- 雲南市吉田町における伝統的町並みの室内・集落気候と住まい方に関する調査研究
- 長野 和雄,高柴 日香,小松 充典,兼子 朋也,堀越 哲美
- 日本生気象学会雑誌 45(4), 141-164, 2009-01-01
- 島根県吉田町の 2 集落を対象に,集落気候と室内気候の実測,住まい方や生活実感に対する住民へのアンケート調査を行い,伝統的住宅自身が備える,あるいは住まい方の中に隠れた,地域気候に対する適応の技術を検証した.集落気候の空間的分布と経時的な変化を体感指標 ETV で評価した.これにより,山間部の起伏に富んだ地形によって大きく変化する日射量や風速の影響,時間や季節による放射や着衣の影響を詳細に捉えた. …
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