- 〈神・運命が〉…‘を'あらかじめ定める
English Journal
- [Final agreement to throw aside autoreferentiality and promote culture of outcome].
- [No authors listed]Abstract"Castelbrando 3" takes place in a very important period for hygiene and public health (preordain of new essential assistance levels, Parliament discussion of important health reform laws, public health simplification procedures and activities, etcetera). Underlinings and recommendations emerged: 1) to confirm the biennal organization of the scientific event "Castelbrando", to be a thinking laboratory for big issues in prevention and following operativeness of prevention departments in local health units, and also to be a chance to continuously throw again SItI Triveneta and National propositional force; 2) to further implement thinking and professional developing following efficacy proofs criteria; 3) to develop SItI role of institutional representative of Regions as regard to the important decisions about hygiene, public health and promotion; 4) to promote Regions role, and more precisely the interregional table role, in the policy trend orientation on field; 5) to revive Prevention Department to be the institution joining preventive policies regarding human health, veterinary and food safety, enhancing all its internal components, particularly most young services i.e. Food hygiene and Nutrition Service; 6) to ensure appropriate financial, human and formative resources to Prevention Departments; 7) to facilitate ways to task hygiene, preventive medicine and health promotion issues, being oriented toward "alliance" with productive field, social forces and citizens' associations, getting trasparent relationships, balance and simplification in practices.
- Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunità.Ann Ig.2008 May-Jun;20(3 Suppl 1):75-7.
- "Castelbrando 3" takes place in a very important period for hygiene and public health (preordain of new essential assistance levels, Parliament discussion of important health reform laws, public health simplification procedures and activities, etcetera). Underlinings and recommendations emerged: 1)
- PMID 18773609
- Direct interception of mutagens and carcinogens by biomolecules.
- Hartman PE, Hartman Z.Author information Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21218.AbstractFive points are emphasized: 1. Chemical interception and mere physical exclusion of mutagens and carcinogens constitute the major means by which mutations in cellular DNA are prevented. DNA repair processes comprise critical, but relatively minor, modes of genetic protection. 2. Disruption of a mutagen-interception defense mechanism can lead to substantial increases in mutagenesis and can preordain sites to eventual tumor formation. 3. Quantitation of the relative contributions of various blocking molecules is often simplified by the fact that protection can be calculated merely through knowledge of the measured concentration of the antimutagen and its rate of reaction with specific mutagens as measured in straightforward in vitro tests. 4. Two recently recognized defensive molecules, carnosine and ergothioneine, are put ++forward as examples of interesting chemical interceptor molecules. 5. Essentially all antimutagens are in fact "double-edged swords." Situations can be artificially constructed that can lead to generation of toxic species from molecules that are normally antimutagens; in isolated cases some of these interactions can be pictured as having deleterious consequences in vivo. This may be one reason why a number of important antimutagens are often sequestered, either in different tissues or by binding to dispensable macromolecules.
- Basic life sciences.Basic Life Sci.1993;61:351-66.
- Five points are emphasized: 1. Chemical interception and mere physical exclusion of mutagens and carcinogens constitute the major means by which mutations in cellular DNA are prevented. DNA repair processes comprise critical, but relatively minor, modes of genetic protection. 2. Disruption of a muta
- PMID 8304946
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