- an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence; "he did not even try to confirm his preconceptions" (同)prepossession, parti pris, preconceived opinion, preconceived idea, preconceived notion
- 予想,予断
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English Journal
- Suppression of placental metallothionein 1 and zinc transporter 1 mRNA expressions contributes to fetal heart malformations caused by maternal zinc deficiency.
- Liu C1, He X, Hong X, Kang F, Chen S, Wang Q, Chen X, Hu D, Sun Q.
- Cardiovascular toxicology.Cardiovasc Toxicol.2014 Dec;14(4):329-38. doi: 10.1007/s12012-014-9256-0.
- Zinc has been implicated to have a protective role against heart malformations during fetal development. Metallothionein 1 (MT-1) and zinc transporter 1 (ZnT-1) are two major metabolic factors that are associated with zinc metabolism. The present work aimed to investigate the association of placenta
- PMID 24807795
- Folic acid supplementation, dietary folate intake during pregnancy and risk for spontaneous preterm delivery: a prospective observational cohort study.
- Sengpiel V, Bacelis J, Myhre R, Myking S, Devold Pay A, Haugen M, Brantsæter AL, Meltzer H, Miodini Nilsen R, Magnus P, Vollset S, Nilsson S, Jacobsson B.
- BMC pregnancy and childbirth.BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.2014 Nov 2;14(1):375. [Epub ahead of print]
- BackgroundHealth authorities in numerous countries recommend periconceptional folic acid supplementation to prevent neural tube defects. The objective of this study was to examine the association of dietary folate intake and folic acid supplementation during different periods of pregnancy with the r
- PMID 25361626
- Maternal supplementation with folic Acid and other vitamins and risk of leukemia in offspring: a childhood leukemia international consortium study.
- Metayer C1, Milne E, Dockerty JD, Clavel J, Pombo-de-Oliveira MS, Wesseling C, Spector LG, Schüz J, Petridou E, Ezzat S, Armstrong BK, Rudant J, Koifman S, Kaatsch P, Moschovi M, Rashed WM, Selvin S, McCauley K, Hung RJ, Kang AY, Infante-Rivard C.
- Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.).Epidemiology.2014 Nov;25(6):811-22. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000141.
- BACKGROUND: Maternal prenatal supplementation with folic acid and other vitamins has been inconsistently associated with a reduced risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Little is known regarding the association with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a rarer subtype.METHODS: We obtained o
- PMID 25207954
- Preconception metabolic indicators predict gestational diabetes and offspring birthweight.
- Harville EW1, Juonala M, Viikari JS, Raitakari OT.
- Gynecological endocrinology : the official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Endocrinology.Gynecol Endocrinol.2014 Nov;30(11):840-4. doi: 10.3109/09513590.2014.937336. Epub 2014 Jul 9.
- Abstract Pregnancy conditions such as gestational diabetes (GDM) and macrosomia lead to an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the offspring, perpetuating a cycle of poor health. We hypothesized that (1) pre-pregnancy indicators of metabolism would be associated with GDM and bir
- PMID 25007009
Japanese Journal
- 岡野 員人,飯沼 一浩
- 国際医療福祉大学紀要 16(1/2), 14-23, 2011-08-31
- 本研究では,空間解像度とコントラストの総合的な視覚評価ができる新しいX線CT用バーガーファントム(BP)を提案し,その基本特性を明らかにした。新しいBPは,直径200mm,厚さ20mmの円形のアクリル板に直径1mm〜10mmの8種類の孔を開け,そこにアクリル板とCT値が異なる種々の濃度の塩化ナトリウム(NaCl)水溶液を封入したものである。NaCl水溶液とアクリルのCT値差を5〜110まで11種類 …
- NAID 110008609643
- 金子 篤彦,椎塚 久雄
- 工学院大学研究報告 (110), 85-90, 2011-04-30
- … Application to the KANSEI marketing activity including cognitive biases (preconception and prejudice, etc.) are included in the anchoring effect. …
- NAID 110008430573
- 特集 シンポジウム 支配的地位の濫用行為に関する包括的検討
- C2-02 子どもの持つ電気のイメージに関する報告 : 小学生の電気概念を中心として(セッションC2,日本理科教育学会第48回関東支部大会)
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