- oriented toward the inside of the cheek; "the buccal aspect of the gum"
- lying within the mouth; "a buccal gland"
- of or relating to or toward the cheek
- happening or done after a surgical operation; "postoperative complications"; "postoperative care"
- a closed sac that develops abnormally in some body structure
- of or relating to the upper jaw
- 外科手術後の
- 胞嚢(ほうのう)
- 顎骨,(特に)上顎骨
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English Journal
- Simultaneous radicular cyst and mucoepidermoid carcinoma in the maxilla: a diagnostic nightmare.
- Nabil S1, Lo RC, Choi WS.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2013 Jun 12;2013. pii: bcr2013010290. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-010290.
- We present a case of a 20-year-old woman presenting initially with an asymptomatic palatal swelling. Radiographic examination showed a cyst at the right maxilla with bucco-lingual expansion and perforation of palatal bone. Incisional biopsy was carried out via a buccal approach and the result reveal
- PMID 23761616
- Treatment of oroantral fistulas using bony press-fit technique.
- Er N1, Tuncer HY, Karaca C, Copuroğlu S.
- Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery : official journal of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2013 Apr;71(4):659-66. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2012.12.010.
- PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the bony press-fit technique in closing oroantral communications (OACs) and oroantral fistulas (OAFs) and in identifying potential intraoral donor sites.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ten patients, 4 with OACs and 6 with OAFs, were tr
- PMID 23507319
- Pedicled buccal fat pad in the management of oroantral fistula: a clinical study of 15 cases.
- Jain MK1, Ramesh C, Sankar K, Lokesh Babu KT.
- International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.2012 Aug;41(8):1025-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2012.02.014. Epub 2012 Mar 21.
- This study evaluated the long term effectiveness of pedicled buccal fat pad (BFP) with or without buccal advancement flap in the closure of oroantral fistula (OAF). A prospective clinical study involving 15 patients with chronic OAF was carried out. All cases were managed with pedicled BFP as the pr
- PMID 22440613
Japanese Journal
- A Case of a Dentigerous Cyst Associated with an Impacted Supernumerary Tooth in the Maxillary Anterior Region
- 伊藤 綾子,倉重 多栄,佐藤 夕紀,藤本 正幸,西平 守昭,松下 標,青山 有子,平 博彦,丹下 貴司,五十嵐 清治
- The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 44(4), 591-597, 2006
- … The dentigerous cyst is the second most common odontogenic cyst. … By definition, a dentigerous cyst is associated with the crown of an unerupted and impacted permanent tooth. … We report on a case of a dentigerous cyst associated with an impacted supernumerary tooth in the maxillary right anterior region which occured during an interruption, and which was discovered during periodic recall at our clinic. …
- NAID 130004635142
- 術後性上顎嚢胞の症状発現に関連する因子の臨床的検討
- 和田 卓也,中村 誠司,竹之下 康治,浜崎 修,二宮 史浩,篠原 正徳,荒木 和之,白砂 兼光
- 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 43(11), 825-833, 1997-11-20
- … In 169 patients with postoperative maxillary cysts who were operated on at our clinic, we examined the clinical course of disease, clinical symptoms, characteristics of the cysts, location and size of the cysts, location and size of the bone defects, and positional relationship between the cysts and teeth. … Cysts in a higher position were associated mainly with buccal symptoms. …
- NAID 10009466764
- Postoperative Long-Term Follow-Up of a Case of a Follicular Dental Cyst:-Treated by Fenestration-
- 星野 佐智子,渋井 尚武,大出 祥幸
- The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 34(5), 1287-1293, 1996
- … After stomatic examination, radiography and histopathological examination, a follicular dental cyst of the mandibular left second premolar tooth involvimg the dental germ was diagnosed. … In addition, orthopantomography revealed a follicular dental cyst of the maxillary left first premolar tooth involving the dental germ. …
- NAID 130004633378
Related Links
- Etiology of the cystic lesion appears to be derived from the infected sinus mucosa left after a sinus operation. Chief complaints of postoperative maxillary cysts are swelling or pain in the buccal region, discomfort of the maxilla or maxillary teeth ...
- [The post-operative maxillary cyst: report of 14 cases]. [Article in Korean]. Shik CK . The author observed 11 patients with buccal symptoms and history of surgical intervention for maxillary sinusitis who had come to KNUH during 3 years (1986.
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- 英
- postoperative maxillary mucocele(SOTO), postoperative maxillary cyst, postoperative cyst of the maxilla
- ラ
- cystoma maxillae postoperativum
- 同
- 術後性頬部嚢胞 postoperative maxillary buccal cyst
- 関
- 上顎嚢胞
- 初回の手術後に長期間を経て上顎道内に嚢胞が発生し、頬部腫脹や疼痛をきたす。副鼻腔嚢胞のなかで最も症例数が多い。副鼻腔が死腔化して嚢胞が発生する。嚢胞内容の貯留に従って圧排税に拡大していく。単純X線写真上(ウォーターズ法)、副鼻腔一側性陰影、周囲骨圧迫破壊像が見られる。
- 関
- postoperatively, postprocedure, postsurgical
- 関
- maxilla、upper jaw