- tell a relatively insignificant lie; "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you dont call it lying"
- a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?" (同)story, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle
- a slender and greatly elongated substance capable of being spun into yarn (同)fibre
- a leatherlike material made by compressing layers of paper or cloth (同)fibre, vulcanized fiber
- any of several elongated, threadlike cells (especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber) (同)fibre
- of or relating to the parasympathetic nervous system
- beyond or distal to a ganglion (referring especially to the unmyelinated fibers that originate from cells in autonomic ganglia)
- (ささいな,罪のない)うそ / 軽いうそをつく
- 副交感神経の / 副交感神経
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English Journal
- Intrapancreatic ganglia neurons receive projection fibers from melanocortin-4 receptor-expressing neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve of the mouse.
- Tsumori T, Oka T, Yokota S, Niu JG, Yasui Y.SourceDepartment of Anatomy and Morphological Neuroscience, Shimane University School of Medicine, Izumo 693-8501, Japan.
- Brain research.Brain Res.2013 Nov 6;1537:132-42. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2013.09.002. Epub 2013 Sep 9.
- Melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R)-expressing neurons are widely distributed in the central nervous system and play a crucial role in a variety of physiological functions including energy and glucose/insulin homeostasis. However, their neural pathways remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we ex
- PMID 24028856
- Neuronal and nonneuronal cholinergic structures in the mouse gastrointestinal tract and spleen.
- Gautron L, Rutkowski JM, Burton MD, Wei W, Wan Y, Elmquist JK.SourceDepartment of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, 75235; Division of Hypothalamic Research, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, 75235.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2013 Nov;521(16):3741-67. doi: 10.1002/cne.23376.
- Accumulating evidence demonstrates that acetylcholine can directly modulate immune function in peripheral tissues including the spleen and gastrointestinal tract. However, the anatomical relationships between the peripheral cholinergic system and immune cells located in these lymphoid tissues remain
- PMID 23749724
- Non-quantal release of acetylcholine in rat atrial myocardium is inhibited by noradrenaline.
- Borodinova AA, Abramochkin DV, Sukhova GS.Source1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation;
- Experimental physiology.Exp Physiol.2013 Sep 27. [Epub ahead of print]
- In mammalian myocardium acetylcholine (ACh), which represents the main neurotransmitter of cardiac parasympathetic postganglionic fibers, can be released both via quantal (vesicular) and non-quantal (non-vesicular) mechanism of secretion. Non-quantal release is continuous, independent on vagus activ
- PMID 23975902
Japanese Journal
- An Experimental Study on the Site Dependency and Mechanism of Vagal Denervation Following Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Supraventricular Arrhythmias Including Atrial Fibrillation
- Kameda Shinsuke,Kawamura Yuichiro,Iida Yasuhito,Sato Nobuyuki,Hasebe Naoyuki
- International Heart Journal 49(4), 493-506, 2008
- … Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) for supraventricular arrhythmias results in parasympathetic nervous damage. … In another 7 animals, the vagal ganglia located in the fat pads that innervate the sinoatrial (SA) node were also stimulated (ESFP), testing the degree of postganglionic damage. … The major type of damage was partial postganglionic fiber damage. …
- NAID 130000069082
- 血液透析患者の自律神経機能の検討 起立性低血圧の成因とその看護:起立性低血圧の成因とその看護
- 平原 浩,中山 千尋,山崎 孝,松田 しずく,藤田 悦子,真島 英子,木下 正信,相楽 達男,田村 展一,長澤 龍司,御手洗 哲也,磯田 和雄
- 日本透析療法学会雑誌 24(8), 1098-1104, 1991
- 著者らは, 血液透析患者に認められる起立性低血圧の成因が, 交感神経, 副交感神経のいずれの自律神経障害に起因するかを明確にする目的で種々の自律神経機能検査を施行し, その検査成績をもとに起立性低血圧を有する患者の看護についても検討を加えた.対象は12症例 (男4例, 女8例) で, 年齢は25歳から75歳, 平均54.1±14.0歳である. 透析歴は平均39.4±49.7か月で, 原因疾患は慢性 …
- NAID 130003874325
- 眼圧調節中枢に関する薬理学的研究 : 諸種薬物のガマ視床下部漏斗室内注入の眼圧並びに血圧に及ぼす影響について
- 内藤 慶兼
- 千葉医学会雑誌 34(4), 859-867, 1958-11-28
- … When the action of choline in the parasympathetic nerve ending (postganglionic fiber) in the eye was counteracted by injecting atropine into the vitreous humor, intraocular pressure rose at the initial stage, subsequently falling below the initial level, while the blood pressure showed no marked changes in most toads, though it slightly rose in some toads. …
- NAID 110007345671
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- Der Begriff Parasympathetic fibers, postganglionic ist im englisch-sprachigen Wikipedia aufgeführt. Dort heißt es dazu: In the autonomic nervous system, fibers from the ganglion to the effector organ are called postganglionic fibers. ...