- 《話》政治家
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For the Soviet Union steamship, see SS Polus.
Polus (Greek: Πῶλος, "colt"; fl. c. 5th century BCE) was an Ancient Greek Athenian philosophical figure best remembered for his depiction in the writing of Plato. He was a pupil of the famous orator Gorgias, and teacher of oratory from the city of Acragas, Sicily.
All that is known of Polus derives from the Socratic dialogues of Plato, which suggests he was an associate of Socrates. He features heavily in the Gorgias, a dialogue on the nature of rhetoric. Polus also appears in the Phaedrus and Theages dialogues, and book 1 of Aristotle's Metaphysics.
Other uses[edit]
Polus is also the Roman name for the Greek Titan Coeus, as well as the name of a military satellite launched by the Soviet Union.
See also[edit]
- List of speakers in Plato's dialogues
External links[edit]
- Plato (1871). Gorgias. Trans. Benjamin Jowett. Wikisource. 461b
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English Journal
- Bevacizumab plus chemotherapy continued beyond first progression in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer previously treated with bevacizumab plus chemotherapy: ML18147 study KRAS subgroup findings.
- Kubicka S, Greil R, André T, Bennouna J, Sastre J, Van Cutsem E, von Moos R, Osterlund P, Reyes-Rivera I, Müller T, Makrutzki M, Arnold D; ML18147 study investigators including AIO, GERCOR, FFCD, UNICANCER GI, TTD, BGDO, GEMCAD, and AGMT groups.Collaborators (237)Andel J, Balcke P, Benedicic B, Eisterer W, Fridrik M, Jagdt B, Keil F, Kretschmer A, Krippl P, Oexle H, Pecherstorfer M, Samonigg H, Schmid M, Thaler J, Tinchon C, Weiss H, Arts J, De Man M, Demolin G, Janssens J, Polus M, Benczikova B, Melichar B, Prausova J, Vitek P, Andersen F, Jensen B, Keldsen N, Osterlind K, Vistisen K, Elme A, Magi A, Ojamaa K, Ristamäki R, Salminen T, Ben Abdelghani M, Bouche O, Borg C, Bouhier-Leporrier K, Breysacher G, Chone L, Clavero Fabri MC, Deplanque G, Desseigne F, Dourthe LM, Ezenfis J, Faroux R, François E, Garnier C, Gaspard MH, Hebbar M, Illory J, Kaminsky MC, Lecomte T, Legoux JL, Levache B, Lobry C, Lotz JP, Mabro M, Manet-Lacombe S, Manfredi S, Matysiak Budnik T, Miglianico L, Mineur L, Moullet I, Naman H, Nouyrigat P, Oziel-Taieb S, Perrier H, Pezet D, Philip J, Pottier V, Porneuf M, Ramdani M, Re D, Rinaldi Y, Spaeth D, Taieb J, Terrebonne E, Texereau P, Thirot Bidault A, Tournigand C, Tubiana-Mathieu N, Vantelon JM, Viret F, Ychou M, Bangerter M, Bertram M, Bohnsteen B, Brinkmann L, Caca K, Constantin C, Cordes HJ, Dietrich G, Eggert J, Engel E, Fahlke J, Fensterer H, Florschütz A, Folprecht G, Forstbauer H, Freier W, Freund M, Frickhofen N, Gäbele E, Geißler M, Gieseler F, Göhler T, Graeven U, Groschek M, Grundeis M, Hacker U, Hagen V, Hebart H, Hegewisch-Becker S, Heike M, Herrmann T, Hildebrandt B, Höffkes HG, Hübner G, Hübner J, Kettner E, Kneba M, Kohnke J, Kojouharoff G, König C, Kretzschmar A, Kröning H, Kürner K, Lammert F, Lerchenmüller C, Lück A, Meiler J, Mergenthaler HG, Müller L, Müller-Naendrup C, Nusch A, Papke J, Porschen R, Rädle J, Reddemann C, Ridwelski K, Riera-Knorrenschild J, Rudi J, Schmalenberger A, Schimanski CC, Schlegel F, Schlichting C, Schmidt P, Schmiegel W, Schmitz S, Schulze-Bergkamen H, Schwaner I, Schwarzer A, Schwerdtfeger M, Selbach J, Sieber M, Siebler J, Staib P, Stauch M, Steffens CC, Stübs P, Tischendorf J, Trarbach T, Tummes D, Valdix AR, Vogel A, Von Wichert G, Walther M, Welslau W, Wilhelm G, Wobster H, Wolf T, Zeigenhagen N, Zomorodbaksch B, Batman E, Bloemendal H, Kehrer D, Guren T, Indrebø G, Kersten C, Soerbye H, Fragoso M, Fragoso R, Mellidez J, Sa A, Aljobran A, Darwish T, Alonso-Orduna V, Aparicio J, Aranda E, Bosch C, Galan-Brotons A, Busquier Hernandez I, Camara J, Campos Cervera J, Carlos Garcia Giron C, Del Prado P, Donnay O, Escudero P, Falco E, Gallego Plazas J, Garcia Alfonso P, Gonzalez Flores E, Gravalos C, Guardeno R, Juárez A, Lopez Ladron A, Losa Gaspa F, M Vicent Vergé J, Marcuello Gaspar E, Massuti Sureda B, Molina J, Montero I, Muñoa A, Naranjo M, Oruezabal Moreno M, Pachón Olmos V, Pericay C, Reina Zoilo J, Rivera F, Ruiz Casado A, Safont M, Salud Salvia A, Tobena M, Toral J, Valenti V, Valladares Ayerbes M, Vieitez J, Vera R, Vieitez J, Berglund A, Fernebro E, Hess-Umbricht V, Pless M, Popescu R, Winterhalder R.
- Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO.Ann Oncol.2013 Sep;24(9):2342-9. doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdt231. Epub 2013 Jul 12.
- BACKGROUND: ML18147 evaluated continued bevacizumab with second-line chemotherapy for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) progressing after the standard first-line bevacizumab-containing therapy.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Evaluating outcomes according to tumor Kirsten rat sarcoma virus onco
- PMID 23852309
- Third harmonic frequency generation by type-I critically phase-matched LiB3O5 crystal by means of optically active quartz crystal.
- Gapontsev VP, Tyrtyshnyy VA, Vershinin OI, Davydov BL, Oulianov DA.SourceNTO «IRE-Polus», Vvedensky Sq.1, Fryazino Moscow 141190, Russia.
- Optics express.Opt Express.2013 Feb 11;21(3):3715-20. doi: 10.1364/OE.21.003715.
- We present a method of third harmonic generation at 355 nm by frequency mixing of fundamental and second harmonic radiation of an ytterbium nanosecond pulsed all-fiber laser in a type-I phase-matched LiB(3)O(5) (LBO) crystal where originally orthogonal polarization planes of the fundamental and seco
- PMID 23481827
- Extending ICPC-2 PLUS terminology to develop a classification system specific for the study of chiropractic encounters.
- Charity MJ, French SD, Forsdike K, Britt H, Polus B, Gunn J.SourceGeneral Practice and Primary Health Care Academic Centre, University of Melbourne, 200 Berkeley St, Carlton, VIC 3010, Australia. s.french@unimelb.edu.au.
- Chiropractic & manual therapies.Chiropr Man Therap.2013 Jan 14;21(1):4. doi: 10.1186/2045-709X-21-4.
- BACKGROUND: Typically a large amount of information is collected during healthcare research and this information needs to be organised in a way that will make it manageable and to facilitate clear reporting. The Chiropractic Observation and Analysis STudy (COAST) was a cross sectional observational
- PMID 23311664
Japanese Journal
- 41140 木造住宅の小屋裏温湿度形成に関する実験的検討 : その5 熱水分同時移動シミュレーション解析による各部除加湿量の計算(外皮と湿気,環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)
- 10003 常時滞水型調節池の水域利用に関する研究 : 水上レクリエーションのできる3か所の比較を通じて(水域利用,海洋建築,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)
- 41095 京町家における地中熱ヒートポンプを用いた冬季の温熱環境改善 : その2 井戸水の温度の測定結果と解析モデル(室内温熱環境(1),環境工学II,2014年度日本建築学会大会(近畿)学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)
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