- keenly distressing to the mind or feelings; "poignant anxiety"
- 心を筋さぶられる,通ましい;感動させる / 刺すように鋭い,しんらつな
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English Journal
- Dose dependent cytotoxicity of pranoprofen in cultured human corneal endothelial cells by inducing apoptosis.
- Li YH1, Wen Q, Fan TJ, Ge Y, Yu MM, Sun LX, Zhao Y.
- Drug and chemical toxicology.Drug Chem Toxicol.2014 Mar 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract Pranoprofen (PPF), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), is often used in keratitis treatment in clinic. Several studies have assessed in vitro the cytotoxicity of topical NSAIDs to corneal epithelial cells due to its importance for predicting human corneal toxicity. Damage by c
- PMID 24641202
- Carl Djerassi: in his own words.
- Seeman JI.
- Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English).Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.2014 Mar 17;53(12):3268-79. doi: 10.1002/anie.201308367. Epub 2014 Mar 11.
- In honor of the 90th birthday of Professor Carl Djerassi, J. I. Seeman has assembled a collection of poignant quotes and excerpts from Djerassi's writings which embody his remarkable life experiences, his philosophies of life, and his unique personality. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGa
- PMID 24616255
- Cross-linked structure of network evolution.
- Bassett DS1, Wymbs NF2, Porter MA3, Mucha PJ4, Grafton ST2.
- Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.).Chaos.2014 Mar;24(1):013112. doi: 10.1063/1.4858457.
- We study the temporal co-variation of network co-evolution via the cross-link structure of networks, for which we take advantage of the formalism of hypergraphs to map cross-link structures back to network nodes. We investigate two sets of temporal network data in detail. In a network of coupled non
- PMID 24697374
Japanese Journal
- 2人のモダニストによるアラブ狩猟詩 : アブド・アルワッハーブ・アルバヤーティーとアフマド・アブド・アルムゥティー・ヒジャージーのタルディイヤ
- ステケヴィチ ヤロスラヴ
- 日本中東学会年報 (29-2), 145-169, 2014-01-15
- 20世紀のアラブモダニズムと何世紀にもわたる古典アラブ詩の伝統との複雑な関係を提示する試みの1つとして、本研究は2人のモダニスト詩人による、同一の表題タルディイヤ(狩猟詩)を持つアラブ詩を考察する。2人とは、アラブ自由詩の草分けともいえる、イラク人のアブド・アルワッハーブ・アルバヤーティー(1926-1999)とエジプト人のアフマド・アブド・アルムゥティー・ヒジャージー(1935-)である。両詩人 …
- NAID 110009805430
- 感染源としての同性愛者 : オスカー・ワイルドと大英帝国の社会浄化運動(関東英文学研究)
- 塚田 雄一
- 英文学研究. 支部統合号 3, 185-202, 2011-01-20
- … In this environment, Oscar Wilde was regarded as a poignant symbol of homosexuality, as he was significantly brought to trial and found guilty of gross indecency. …
- NAID 110009822330
- <Book Review>When the sadness of the world exceeds personal pain
- OZAKI Hiroko
- Inter Faculty 1, 2010
- … From cameo observations of solitude and nature to war and daily life, both anthologies portray poignant themes of contemporary life through the medium of classical Japanese poetry.ここで論評されている2冊の歌集、梅内美華子著『夏羽』と矢部雅之著『友達ニ出会フノハ良イ事』は、現代社会に対する非常に近代的なまなざしを有しています。 …
- NAID 120002696101
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