- 鋭さ;しんらつさ
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English Journal
- A 'new normal': Exploring the disruption of a poor prognostic cancer diagnosis using interviews and participant-produced photographs.
- Balmer C1, Griffiths F2, Dunn J2.
- Health (London, England : 1997).Health (London).2015 Sep;19(5):451-72. doi: 10.1177/1363459314554319. Epub 2014 Oct 15.
- Cancer survival is increasing, and many people are living years after cancer treatment. For example, it is predicted that 46 per cent of men and 56 per cent of women diagnosed in 2007 in England and Wales will survive their cancer for 5 years or more. However, 'survivors' may be living with si
- PMID 25323052
- Klein and Lacan meet 21st century schizoid man: fairy stories for the modern era.
- Charles M.
- American journal of psychoanalysis.Am J Psychoanal.2014 Sep;74(3):215-32. doi: 10.1057/ajp.2014.13.
- Melanie Klein invited us into the phenomenology of the schizoid dilemma through her depictions of the paranoid-schizoid position. By inserting his recursive arrows, Bion extended this conceptualization, showing us the folly of believing that we can ever entirely move beyond the frightening fantasies
- PMID 25117781
- Evaluation of the psychoneurotic tendencies risk using the woodworth mathews personality inventory in non-institutionalized persons.
- Pîrlog MC1, Rada C2, Prejbeanu I3, Cara ML4.
- Current health sciences journal.Curr Health Sci J.2014 Jul-Sep;40(3):177-83. doi: 10.12865/CHSJ.40.03.04. Epub 2014 Aug 4.
- INTRODUCTION: Multiple factors of vulnerability may lead to development of abnormal social behaviour and to important psychiatric diseases. The psychopathological characteristics present at individual level can lead to a pattern of population groups that are subject to developing mental illness risk
- PMID 25729602
Japanese Journal
- バイロン考 : 詩人バイロンの体質をめぐって(下)
- 橋爪 茂子
- 英米文学評論 20(1), 79-116, 19720000-00-00
- … (This seems to anticipate Byron's narrative method in Don Juan, where he tells about the fate of Juan, chattering as a highly individual narrator.) The same triumph of Byron's mobility and versatility is to appear in a more mature form in Don Juan, where Byron's characteristic mental structure and language, which sometimes worked negatively in other forms, successfully enhance the charm and poignancy of the panorama of life he unrolls before us. …
- NAID 120005483682
- バイロン考 : 詩人バイロンの体質をめぐって(下)
- 橋爪 茂子
- 英米文学評論 20(1), 79-116, 1972
- … (This seems to anticipate Byron's narrative method in Don Juan, where he tells about the fate of Juan, chattering as a highly individual narrator.) The same triumph of Byron's mobility and versatility is to appear in a more mature form in Don Juan, where Byron's characteristic mental structure and language, which sometimes worked negatively in other forms, successfully enhance the charm and poignancy of the panorama of life he unrolls before us. …
- NAID 110006608751
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