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- 1. ツェンカー憩室 zenkers diverticulum
- 2. 口臭 bad breath
English Journal
- Injection of botulinum toxin for the treatment of post-laryngectomy pharyngoesophageal spasm-related disorders.
- Lightbody KA1, Wilkie MD1,2, Kinshuck AJ1, Gilmartin E1, Lewis-Jones H1, Jones TM1,2, Lancaster J1.
- Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.Ann R Coll Surg Engl.2015 Oct;97(7):508-12. doi: 10.1308/rcsann.2015.0011.
- Introduction Pharyngoesophageal spasm (PES) can cause dysphagia, central valve leak (CVL), and dypshonia in post-laryngectomy patients. Botulinum toxin has been used effectively for the treatment of PES, but data regarding patient-reported outcomes and efficacy for CVL are limited. We evaluated the
- PMID 26414361
- Functional Outcome Analysis After Anterolateral Thigh Flap Reconstruction of Pharyngoesophageal Defect.
- Huang TC1, Hsu YC, Chen HC, Chang SC, Chen HH.
- Annals of plastic surgery.Ann Plast Surg.2015 Aug;75(2):174-9. doi: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000000073.
- BACKGROUND: Pharyngoesophageal defects are traditionally reconstructed with jejunal or radial forearm flaps. Recently, anterolateral thigh flaps have served for pharyngoesophageal reconstruction. We tell of our experience with anterolateral thigh flap for the reconstruction of pharyngoesophageal def
- PMID 24374393
- The Effect of Stroke on Pharyngeal Laterality During Swallowing.
- Yang S1, Choi KH1, Son YR1.
- Annals of rehabilitation medicine.Ann Rehabil Med.2015 Aug;39(4):509-16. doi: 10.5535/arm.2015.39.4.509. Epub 2015 Aug 25.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether patterns of dysphagia and swallowing laterality differ according to the location of brain lesions in patients with stroke.METHODS: Patients with stroke >20 years of age were enrolled in this study. A videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) including the anterio
- PMID 26361586
Japanese Journal
- 鈴木 智文,徳田 留衣,花城 亜子,小橋川 晃代,上川 務恵
- 日本臨床麻酔学会誌 = The Journal of Japan Society for Clinical Anesthesia 32(5), 786-790, 2012-09-15
- NAID 10031074259
- 症例 リドカイン局注療法が著効した咽頭収縮筋過緊張によるシャント発声不能例
- 下咽頭・頸部食道再建後の合併症対策 (特集 下咽頭・頸部食道再建の標準化に向けて)
Related Links
- Definition of pharyngoesophageal from Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary with examples and pronunciations.
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