- 《あもに文》幻の,空想の
- 幻影;幻想 / 亡霊,幽霊
English Journal
- [Motivations of oocytes donors].
- Cauvin P.Author information CECOS, hôpital l'Archet II, 151, route de Saint-Antoine-de-Ginestière, 06200 Nice, France. drcauvin@free.frAbstractOocyte donation is a complex situation that requires the applicant couple to deal with the presence of the donor in the history of the child conception. Accepting the eggs is not the same thing than accepting the donor. Her place in the child's life depends on how his parents will accept her phantasmal reality beyond her real person. Paying attention to the story told by the donors on their motivations may help parents internalize this conception to three. We show from two clinical observations, that the generosity of donors is connected to personal issues that do not relate to unborn child or its parents. If there are two mothers in oocyte donation, they are not really in competition because there are also two children: the child conceived through donation is that of the project of the couple, the child to which the donor thinks, is and will remain in phantasmal domain, i.e. linked to the personal history of the donor. We also show that the psychological interview fully responds to the donor expectations when it seeks to highlight her motives.
- Gynécologie, obstétrique & fertilité.Gynecol Obstet Fertil.2009 Nov-Dec;37(11-12):934-41. doi: 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2009.09.003. Epub 2009 Oct 12.
- Oocyte donation is a complex situation that requires the applicant couple to deal with the presence of the donor in the history of the child conception. Accepting the eggs is not the same thing than accepting the donor. Her place in the child's life depends on how his parents will accept her phantas
- PMID 19819747
- The fate of the unconscious in future psychotherapy.
- Grotstein JS.Author information Department of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine, USA.AbstractIt is important in these changing times to reconsider the psychoanalytic conception of the unconscious and the phantasmal mental life that occupies it--so that we can recalibrate our clinical work with it. It is the foundation of all our endeavors. Recent developments in neurobiology, combined with a more pragmatic intersubjective approach in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, have marginalized the status of the unconscious in the eyes of many mental health professionals. Moreover, considerations of realistic childhood traumata and neglect are being more and more counterposed to the traditional concept of the infantile neurosis. What is at stake is a dismissal of a concept that is still of enormous importance, yet one that has been too little understood. What is required is a dual-track conception in which an interplay can be seen to be taking place between the unconscious, neurobiology, and trauma in the intrasubjective as well as in the intersubjective matrix.
- American journal of psychotherapy.Am J Psychother.1999 Winter;53(1):52-9.
- It is important in these changing times to reconsider the psychoanalytic conception of the unconscious and the phantasmal mental life that occupies it--so that we can recalibrate our clinical work with it. It is the foundation of all our endeavors. Recent developments in neurobiology, combined with
- PMID 10207586
Japanese Journal
- Not Being Kumiko : The Displaced Feminine Subject in Murakami Haruki's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
- Seats Michael
- NUCB journal of language culture and communication 6(2), 25-41, 2004-11
- … Their subjectivities have frequently been rendered in terms of absence, negation, anonymity - and sexual relations with the protagonist have often been represented in highly simulacral or phantasmal ways: telephone sex, wet dreams, the virtual intimacy of computer mediated dialogue. …
- NAID 110003473902
- 3p-ZG-2 大型分子の逃げ水のような電子配置の追跡
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