- infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages) (同)TB, T.B.
- 結核({略}TB,T.B.) / 肺結核
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- 1. 小児における結核 tuberculosis disease in children
- 2. 骨格系結核 skeletal tuberculosis
- 3. 結核と眼 tuberculosis and the eye
- 4. 肺外結核および粟粒結核の疫学および病理 epidemiology and pathology of extrapulmonary and miliary tuberculosis
- 5. 結核の皮膚症状 cutaneous manifestations of tuberculosis
English Journal
- [A case of rapidly ruptured pericostal tuberculosis from calcified pleural mass].
- Akata K, Yatera K, Kawanami T, Chojin Y, Hanaka M, Noguchi S, Yamasaki K, Ishimoto H, Mukae H.
- Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis].Kekkaku.2014 Jun;89(6):607-11.
- A 25-year-old Chinese man with no medical history of pulmonary tuberculosis visited to a hospital for an evaluation of chest X-ray abnormal findings of routine health checkup. Chest computed tomography (CT) demonstrated chest wall mass surrounded by calcified walls in the right anterior chest wall.
- PMID 25095646
- [A case of pericostal tuberculosis occurred in a long period after thoracoplasty].
- Kawasaki T1, Sasaki Y, Bekku R, Fujikawa A, Mizuno S, Shimura R, Yamagishi F.
- Kekkaku : [Tuberculosis].Kekkaku.2009 Jul;84(7):535-9.
- A 79-year-old man with past history of thoracoplasty due to pulmonary tuberculosis visited a general clinic complaining of left back pain and left axillary tumor. As the pus of tumor aspirated was positive for PCR-TB, the patient was diagnosed as pericostal tuberculosis and introduced to our hospita
- PMID 19670801
- Pericostal tuberculosis diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy: report of a case with a review of the literature.
- Abe H1, Kumamoto K, Hoshino M, Utsumi Y, Takenoshita S, Kaneko F.
- The Journal of dermatology.J Dermatol.2005 Jan;32(1):52-7.
- We present an 81-year-old woman with pericostal tuberculosis, a rare disease recently, without a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculous pleurisy. She developed a subcutaneous nodule on her right chest. She was suspected of skin tuberculosis after the confirmation of acid-fast bacilli
- PMID 15841663
Japanese Journal
- 潜在性膿胸の石灰化病変の破綻により急速に進展した胸囲結核の1例
- 胸郭成形術後, 長期間を経て発症した胸囲結核の1例
- 川崎 剛,佐々木 結花,別宮 玲 [他],藤川 文子,水野 里子,志村 龍飛,山岸 文雄
- 結核 84(7), 535-539, 2009-07-15
- NAID 10029057446
- 小貫 琢哉,竹本 暁,井口 けさ人,稲垣 雅春
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 23(5), 767-771, 2009-07-15
- 症例は47歳男性,呼吸困難と左前胸壁の皮下腫瘤を主訴に来院した.胸部X線,CTで左前胸壁の膿瘍と左胸水を認めた.左第6肋骨は膿瘍に接し,病的骨折を認めた.左胸腔ドレナージと膿瘍直上の十字皮膚切開を施行した.膿瘍内容物の結核菌PCRが陽性であったため,胸囲結核と診断した.結核化学療法を開始し,膿瘍の縮小と左胸水の消失を認めた.しかし膿瘍のドレナージは不良で,治療開始2週後に膿瘍摘出術を行った.第6肋 …
- NAID 10025953661
Related Links
- CRP. (mg/dl). 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0. 11/20. 1/20. 3/20. 5/20. 7/20. 9/20. 11/20. H19. H20. Fig. 4 Clinical course. INH: isoniazid RFP: rifampicin EB: ethambutol PZA: pyrazinamide. LVFX: levofloxacin MINO: minomycin. Pericostal TB/T.Kawasaki et al.
- 英
- pericostal tuberculosis
- 同
- 肋骨カリエス costal caries、肋骨周囲結核
- 関
- 胸壁冷膿瘍、結核