- 関
- peptic ulcer perforation
- relating to or promoting digestion; "peptic juices"
- a circumscribed inflammatory and often suppurating lesion on the skin or an internal mucous surface resulting in necrosis of tissue (同)ulceration
- having a number or series of holes; "a perforated steel plate"; "perforated cancellation"; "perforated stamp"
- …‘に'穴をあける,‘を'突き通す / 〈紙など〉‘に'ミシン目を入れる,(穴で)切り取り線をつける / (…に)穴をあける,(…を)貫通する《+『into(through)』+『名』》
- 消化を助ける,消化力のある / ペプシンの,消化液が引き起こす / 消化剤;《複数形で》消化器官
- 潰瘍
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/10/22 20:09:02」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A perforated ulcer, is a very serious condition where an untreated ulcer can burn through the wall of the stomach (or other areas of the gastrointestinal tract), allowing digestive juices and food to leech into the abdominal cavity. Treatment generally requires immediate surgery.[1] The ulcer is known initially as a peptic ulcer before the ulcer burns through the full thickness of the stomach or duodenal wall. A diagnosis is made by taking an erect abdominal/chest X-ray (seeking air under the diaphragm). This is in fact one of the very few occasions in modern times where surgery is undertaken to treat an ulcer.[2] Many of the perforated ulcers have been attributed to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.[3] The incidence of perforated ulcer is steadily declining, though there are still incidents where it occurs.[4] Causes include smoking and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).[4] A perforated ulcer can be grouped into a Stercoral perforation which involves a number of different things that causes perforation of the intestine wall.
Notable victims
- Rudolph Valentino (1895–1926, aged 31) suffered from a perforated ulcer and died on August 23, 1926.
- Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936) died of perforated duodenal ulcer on 18 January 1936.
- J. R. R. Tolkien (1892–1973, aged 81) suffered from a perforated ulcer and died on September 2, 1973.
- Albert Blithe (1923–1967, aged 44) suffered from a perforated ulcer and died on December 17, 1967.
- Philip Agee (1935–2008, aged 72) suffered from a perforated ulcer and died on January 7, 2008.
- James Joyce (1882–1941, aged 58) suffered from a perforated ulcer and died on January 13, 1941, in Zürich.
- Doug Hepburn (1926–2000, aged 74) suffered from a perforated ulcer and died on November 22, 2000.
- Charlie Parker (1920–1955, aged 35) suffered from a perforated ulcer, and died on March 12, 1955.
- Ichiro Suzuki, the baseball player, was diagnosed in 2009 with a bleeding ulcer, placing him on the disabled list for the first time in his career.[5]
- Barbara Bush (born 1925) was treated for a perforated ulcer in November 2008.[6]
- Peter Jackson (born 1961) underwent surgery for a perforated ulcer in January 2011.[7]
- Richard Pankhurst (1834–1897) Suffered and died from a perforated ulcer 1897.
- Thomas Preston (1860–1900) Suffered and died from a perforated ulcer 1900.[8]
- ^ Stomach ulcer - Better Health Channel
- ^ "Peptic ulcers - treatment". http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/pepticulcertreatment.htm. Retrieved 2008-01-21.
- ^ Surgical-tutor.org.uk - a free online surgical resource
- ^ a b Svanes C (2000). "Trends in perforated peptic ulcer: incidence, etiology, treatment, and prognosis". World J Surg 24 (3): 277–83. doi:10.1007/s002689910045. PMID 10658061.
- ^ "MLB.com - "Ichiro placed on DL with bleeding ulcer"". http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20090403&content_id=4117570&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb.
- ^ http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_barbara_bush_hospitalized
- ^ http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Dustin03Comics/news/?a=28827
- ^ [1]
Further reading
- http://healthgate.partners.org/browsing/browseContent.asp?fileName=11628.xml&title=Peptic%20Ulcer
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- 1. 消化性潰瘍の合併症の外科的マネージメント surgical management of complications of peptic ulcer disease
- 2. 消化性潰瘍の合併症の概要 overview of the complications of peptic ulcer disease
- 3. 消化性潰瘍の臨床症状 clinical manifestations of peptic ulcer disease
- 4. 救急外来における成人の腹痛の評価 evaluation of the adult with abdominal pain in the emergency department
- 5. 特発性細菌性腹膜炎の診断 diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
English Journal
- A Randomized Trial of Monopolar Soft-mode Coagulation Versus Heater Probe Thermocoagulation for Peptic Ulcer Bleeding.
- Nunoue T1, Takenaka R, Hori K, Okazaki N, Hamada K, Baba Y, Yamasaki Y, Kono Y, Seki H, Inokuchi T, Takemoto K, Taira A, Tsugeno H, Fujiki S, Kawahara Y, Okada H.
- Journal of clinical gastroenterology.J Clin Gastroenterol.2015 Jul;49(6):472-6. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000190.
- BACKGROUND AND AIM: Endoscopic therapy has been demonstrated to be effective in achieving hemostasis for bleeding peptic ulcers. Thermal coagulation is one of the most commonly used methods, with a high success rate. Recently, endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric carcinoma was develope
- PMID 25083773
- Sepsis drives the cost in perforated peptic ulcer.
- Søreide K1.
- Surgery.Surgery.2015 Jul;158(1):312-3. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2014.12.019. Epub 2015 Mar 5.
- PMID 25749022
- Reply to "Sepsis drives the cost in perforated peptic ulcer".
- Wright GP1.
- Surgery.Surgery.2015 Jul;158(1):313. doi: 10.1016/j.surg.2015.01.004. Epub 2015 Feb 20.
- PMID 25704414
Japanese Journal
- Incidence and Short-term Mortality From Perforated Peptic Ulcer in Korea : A Population-Based Study
- BAE SeungJin,SHIM Ki-Nam,KIM Nayoung,KANG Jung Mook,KIM Dong-Sook,KIM Kyoung-Min,CHO Yu Kyung,JUNG Sung Woo
- Journal of epidemiology 22(6), 508-516, 2012-11-01
- … Background: Perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) is associated with serious health and economic outcomes. …
- NAID 10031126933
- 二次救急医療機関における急性腹症対応と問題点 : 肝硬変合併消化性潰瘍穿孔の2例への対応
- 藤崎 滋,富田 凉一,高階 幹,高山 忠利
- 日本腹部救急医学会雑誌 = Journal of abdominal emergency medicine 32(1), 91-95, 2012-01-31
- NAID 10030722816
- ESD後49日目に遅発性穿孔を来たした早期胃癌の1例
- 加藤 邦洋,富永 和作,永見 康明,町田 浩久,岡崎 博俊,谷川 徹也,渡辺 俊雄,藤原 靖弘,大澤 政彦,荒川 哲男
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 53(10), 3280-3285, 2011-10-20
- 症例は64歳,男性.胃潰瘍治療後の経過観察中,胃体下部前壁に早期胃癌を指摘されESDを施行した.粘膜下層には線維化が認められたが,筋層に切り込むことなく切除し得た.ESD後にproton pump inhibitor(PPI)を3週間処方し症状なく経過していたが,PPI中断後28日目(ESD後49日目)に消化管穿孔を起こし緊急手術となった.病理組織標本では修復機転の所見があるにもかかわらず,ESD …
- NAID 10030292517
Related Links
- Presentation Patients with perforated peptic ulcer disease (PUD) usually present with a sudden onset of severe, sharp abdominal pain. Most patients describe generalized pain; few present with severe epigastric pain. As even slight ...
- 50 years ago perforated peptic ulcer was a disease of young men Today it is a problem seen mainly in elderly women Overall incidence for admission with peptic ulceration is falling The number of perforated ulcers remains unchanged
- 英
- perforated peptic ulcer、peptic ulcer perforation
- 関
- perforated peptic ulcer
- ~に穴をあける。うがつ。(紙など)にミシン目を入れる
- 関
- perforation
- 関
- digestibility、digestive